Anemone wood is actually not easy to die. If it is really unable to move, it will be difficult to save it.

"Hey, casualties in battle are inevitable. After returning, the first thing to do is to discuss with Dean Wu the condolences to the teachers and students who died in the battle." Lu Xiuning sighed.

Han Ning was silent. It had been a while since he traveled back in time. Everyone relied on the anemone tree for survival. The death of their companions who lived with them day and night was a big blow to the beast masters.

But in order to protect our homeland, we have to do this.

"We'll talk about these things when we get back. First, clean up the scene quickly and return to the academy as soon as possible. There are still three living bugmen waiting to be interrogated."

In order to obtain more information about the bugs, Han Ning specifically told Egg Pan not to kill the three bugs and prepared to take them back for torture.

He thought about it carefully, and the reason why the insect men discovered their traces in the first place was probably because Teacher Liu Yueming and his party entered the strange ruins.

Maybe he encountered some mechanism that triggered the insect-man's senses.

Another possibility is that he attracted the attention of the insect man when he played the insect flute.

But the probability of this happening is very small, because basically he was playing the insect flute one minute, and the next minute, the insect man was running behind them.

At the speed at which the insect swarm moves, unless they can teleport, it is impossible for them to move so fast.

Therefore... the probability of attracting the insect people by playing the insect flute is very small. At most... the insect people know their whereabouts, and the sound of the flute just attracts the attention of the insect swarm.

In general, since the bugs have the means to locate them, they must be interrogated clearly. Anyway, large-scale battles have taken place. If there are other bugs, they may have discovered their location, and if the other bugs do not If you know it, you can take precautions in advance.

Interrogating the buggers and obtaining relevant information about them is very important.

Each anemone tree turned into a ruthless tow truck, wrapping the insect corpses with vines and dragging them back to the academy.

Dean Wu, some old teachers, injured students, and support staff who were not proficient in combat stood outside the east gate of the dormitory area, pacing back and forth anxiously.

The little hair he had left looked a little messy in the breeze.

The owner of the hair seemed to have no intention of taking care of it, letting a few stubborn black strands fly freely.

"Dean Wu, the battlefield has been cleared and we are on our way back."

It wasn't until Dean Wu heard Lu Xiuning's simple report coming from the intercom that his anxious face showed a trace of relaxation.

After returning to the academy, everyone did not immediately interrogate the insect man, but instead became concerned about the physical condition of Liu Yueming and Liu Yueming.

In the conference room of Building A.

"Dean, how are Teacher Liu and the others doing?" Han Ning and others asked hurriedly after taking a sip of tea.

"Hey, it's not good. He's completely in a coma. Doctor Sumarokov and the others are helpless." Dean Wu sighed.

"Sumarokov is Blue Star's doctor. He traveled to another world and is quite helpless to deal with the injuries in this other world."

Han Ning frowned. He glanced at the three huge 2-meter-high clay balls at the door. Suddenly his eyes lit up. He pointed at the three comatose insect men with their heads tilted and said,

"You can call Liena over and ask them how to solve the problems faced by Teacher Liu and others."

Lin Tianhe whispered: "What if the insect man lied?"

"Interrogate the three of them separately to see what's going on." Teacher Zhou on the side suddenly added.

"Lena should understand some behaviors, language and movements, so who knows more about interrogation?" Dean Wu raised his head and looked at the people sitting in front.

"Let me do it. I've watched a few police and gangster movies. Although I haven't practiced it myself, I can give it a try." Lu Xiuning raised his hand.

"Okay, do any of you want to attend?" Dean Wu continued to ask.

"I'll forget it. I've exhausted too much mental energy just now. I have to go back and rest for a while. I'll listen to your news when I wake up."

Han Ning rubbed his eyebrows and sounded tired.

Dean Wu nodded and showed a gentle smile: "Well, thank you for your hard work. Go back and rest first. If anything happens, I will ask someone to find you."

"Come on, everyone." Han Ning stood up.

He was not good at interrogation. He was heavily guarded by anemone trees, and he was not worried about the sudden escape of the three insect men.

Professional matters were left to professional people. After saying goodbye to everyone, he returned to the dormitory.

His two soul beasts also experienced a fierce battle, and his brain was very tired. He simply took Yinyi and Egg Pancake into the soul beast space and rested together.

When a soul beast stays in the soul beast space, its physical strength and spiritual energy will recover faster than in the outside world. It is like a deep sleep cabin, which can help them rest better.

"Yinyi, egg cake, sweet dreams~"

"Ling~" "Chiji!" Yinyi and Egg Pancake, who were in the soul beast space, responded at the same time, curled up and closed their eyes obediently.

Just after lying on the bed, Han Ning fell into sleep within 5 seconds.

He has never been so tired since he came to this world...

When I woke up, it was pitch dark outside.

Han Ning rubbed his head and felt that the mental energy in his brain had recovered by about one-fifth after deep sleep.

My spirits lifted a little.

His energy stirred, and the air in front of him rippled slightly.

Silver Ripples and Egg Pancake emerged from the ripples with a swish.


Egg Pancake climbed onto the bed familiarly, curled up and lay down next to Han Ning.

Now the egg cake's body is more than one meter long. Lying on the bed, it takes up a lot of space. It is no longer as small as before.

"Are you hungry? Come on, let's have some snacks first." Han Ning rummaged around the bed, took three canned meats from the box, opened them and placed them in front of the egg cake.

"Chiji!" Omelet happily rubbed its owner's arm, opened its mouth, stuck out its tongue like sucking jelly, and rolled it into the meat can.

In just two seconds, three meat cans were emptied instantly.

"Ji~" Omelette retracted her tongue without saying anything, and looked at Han Ning helplessly.

This little guy... his appetite is really getting bigger and bigger. If he grows up a little bit, it won't be easy to feed him without enough flesh and blood.

Yin Yi can absorb spiritual energy from the air and never feels hungry.

But the egg pancakes are greedy, just like a strong young man of sixteen or seventeen years old who is in adolescence. After eating a full meal at noon, he is hungry in the afternoon.

"……there is none left."

He patted Omelette's head, jumped out of bed, took out his tablet, and found a children's cartoon to show to the two little guys.

I just went through a fight, it’s good to relax and purify my mind.

eight pm.

After briefly washing up, Han Ning took two slices of bread, two boxes of pure milk, Yinyi and egg cakes, and came to the conference room in Building A.

The temporarily converted conference room was still brightly lit.

When Han Ning came in, there were already more than a dozen people gathered inside, including Liena and other new members of the Bear Kingdom.

They were surrounding the three insect men in the middle and were talking about something.

At this time, the three insect men had shed the heavy mud on their bodies and were tied up layer by layer with anemone whips. They sat powerlessly on three chairs and scanned the humans in front of them with horrified eyes.

"Oh? Han Ning is here, sit down."

When everyone saw Han Ning's arrival, they immediately stopped talking and forced a smile on their faces.

As soon as he entered the room, Han Ning felt that the atmosphere in the conference room was wrong.

Not to mention smiles, there was no calm expression on everyone's faces. Most people had frowns on their faces, as if there was a haze hanging over them.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Han Ning's heart tightened, and he asked cautiously: "What happened?"

"You sit here first."

Lu Xiuning, who was sitting in the front, gave up his seat and moved a chair to sit down.

After experiencing many lives and deaths and fighting together many times, Han Ning stopped being polite and reserved. He just nodded, thanked Lu Xiuning, sat on the chair, and asked straight to the point, "What's going on?"

"Let's talk about it one by one."

Dean Wu coughed lightly and told Han Ning what they had discovered in the afternoon in as calm a tone as possible.

"After our interrogation, we learned from the mouths of the three insect men how to save Yue Ming and the others."

He took out a small ceramic bottle and shook it. This porcelain bottle was exactly what the first insect man left behind last time.

"Didn't I share a third of the supplies with you last time for research? The small black pill in this bottle is the key antidote to force the black bug out of Yue Ming's body."

"Oh? So that's did you ask?" Han Ning was very curious.

"Separate interrogation. At first, these three guys were quite tough-mouthed, but under the 'advanced' interrogation methods of our Xia ancestors, we had to resort to interrogation even if we didn't." Lu Xiuning took over the conversation, but his brows were always furrowed. .

Dean Wu continued:

"Although the pills forced the black bugs out of Yue Ming and Zou Yu's bodies and even put them into hibernation,... due to the delay, their body functions were seriously damaged, let alone walking. Speaking up is a serious problem.”

"This..." Han Ning opened his mouth, and his mood became melancholy.

After a while, he asked: "How did the insect people locate us?"

Lu Xiuning replied: "Through the black insects, they control the mother worm of the swarm. As long as the daughter worms wake up, the mother worm will feel it."

"Hey... being alive is considered a blessing among misfortunes. If Yue Ming and Zou Yu's anemone trees can become stronger, maybe their bodies will have a chance to recover."

Dean Wu shook his head,

"Yue Ming's matter is actually not the most important thing. After all, he is still alive, and there is at least hope of recovery. What I want to say next is related to the life and death of the more than 300 people in our entire college who survived."

As he spoke, Dean Wu's expression became very solemn.

Seeing the other party's serious expression, Han Ning's heart couldn't help but lift.

"In the afternoon, Lena got some very important information by communicating with the insect men's body language and observing their expressions."

"These insect-men that we fought hard to defeat are actually just slaves or slave-like existences in the insect-men group."



Lina took out a piece of paper, pushed it in front of Han Ning, pointed to the picture on the paper, and explained,

"I used the simplest simple drawings to briefly depict a social class diagram similar to the feudal slave era of mankind."

"Slaves are at the lowest level and have the least status." Lena pointed to the bottom row of simple figures crawling on the ground.

"The form of the bug people is similar to ours. They can understand the content of the picture. I took this picture and asked them to understand their basic social structure."

She looked at the insect man sitting in the middle,

"I pointed at him and then at the class diagram on the map. Unexpectedly... he was actually pointing to the slave class at the bottom."


This word appeared repeatedly in Han Ning's mind.

Just a slave, he can actually command a silver mantis with a combat power comparable to that of Yin Yi, and can control thousands of insect swarms to fight. many resources do the beings above slaves control?

Just hearing this word, Han Ning felt as if a hierarchical social class map appeared in front of him.

Lena didn't give him much time to think, she took out another piece of paper.

The content on this piece of paper appears to be much more abstract and scrawled.

"This is what the insect people drew, and it probably looks like the village they live in."

In the picture, there is a stone house surrounded by a grass and wood fence.

Some little people who look like insect men are walking among the stone houses.

Above the stone house, suspended in the sky, is an abstract humanoid creature.

He is like a god, standing in the sky.

"It can be seen that the social form of the insect people is similar to the early tribal era of mankind. Their social structure is quite special. They are said to be slaves, but in fact they are civilians. Above the civilians, there is a tribal leader who has absolute power of life and death. "

"When I asked the leader if there were more powerful beings who commanded several tribes, their bodies started to tremble."

"Although there is no answer, their behavior tells us that there is!"

"The mere mention of this creature made them tremble and have uncontrollable fear."

Hearing this, Han Ning could already understand why everyone was frowning.

Such a powerful enemy appeared. If it really attracted the opponent's attention, it would be difficult for more than 300 of them and a large group of spirit beasts to resist.

After a few seconds of silence, Dean Wu spoke:

"All of this is just a guess we made based on the insect-man's drawings. Maybe that's not the case..."

After saying this, even he himself didn't quite believe it. After a pause, he continued,

"There is still a lot of information about the three insect men that has not been discovered. For example, how they control the insect swarm, and whether we can learn from it and enhance our own strength."

"Do the insect people have a more advanced method of cultivating soul beasts that can help us speed up the cultivation of soul beasts?"

"And their medicines, the pungent and stimulating liquids that can help people improve their mental strength... are all things we need to dig deeper into."

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