Yes, scientists are not doing it for fame or profit, everything is for the progress of mankind.

"Haha, at such a young age, he sees things more clearly than all of us. I’m afraid I’ve lived like a dog in the past few decades."

"Once I wake up, what is my original intention?"

"Money, fame and fortune are like floating clouds to me. Ning Cheng has really taught us all a lesson!"

At this moment, everyone looked at Ning Cheng differently. There was admiration, gratitude, and complexity...

Silently, everyone present, headed by Jiang Jianguo, regardless of status or age, spontaneously looked at Ning Cheng. Bowed.

Everything was silent!

But at this moment, everyone put aside their contempt for Ning Cheng and respected this young man from the bottom of their hearts!

"Thank you for everything you have done for the Yanhuang scientific community, but the country will not treat you badly like this!"

Jiang Jianguo shook hands with Ning Cheng.

Ning Cheng smiled:"As a descendant of Yan and Huang, it is my duty to do so!"

"Haha, well said!"

Yanhuang people should be like this. Everyone present recognized this twelve-year-old boy from the bottom of their hearts.

Son of Yanhuang!

This is their title for Ning

Cheng. Until they left Ning Cheng's home, everyone still felt I feel like crying.

It is a blessing for the country to have such a talented person from Yanhuang Kingdom!

Sitting in the car, Professor Chen felt a little emotional and asked his old friends in the car with a smile:"You guys Do you think Ning Cheng will continue to expand his territory on the path of science?"

Several old friends were silent for a while.

"I definitely didn’t believe it before, but now, I somewhat believe it"

"He can think ahead of all of us, so what else is impossible? Look at the invention of life-extending medicine."

"That's right, haha, I'm afraid this guy will shock everyone's attention from now on!"

Professor Chen nodded and suddenly thought of something:"Remember, we must publicize every word we say tonight to let everyone know that we Yanhuang have produced a genius life scientist."

"Don't worry, this matter can't be hidden."

Now, they finally understood why Ning Cheng refused their solicitation, and Re chose to continue to use his remaining enthusiasm in the show.

Perhaps because of their thinking, they have restricted Ning Cheng's Development, and the program is broadcast to everyone. It can make everyone pay attention to science, feel science, and fundamentally change themselves.

Perhaps in the future, it can trigger an upsurge in scientific research among the people.


Everyone else left.

But Jiang Jianguo did not leave. He stayed at Ning Cheng's home for a while and said to Ning Cheng happily:

"No matter what you choose in the future, you are still a scientist of Yanhuang. You have contributed a lot to the research of life-extending medicine, which has put Yanhuang at the forefront of the world. But at the same time, your talents will also be coveted by other countries, and they will come to win over you. If they fail to win over you, they may even choose to assassinate you. This is not a movie, this is reality."

"So starting from today, I will leave a special force to protect you and your family. Don’t worry, they are hiding in the dark and will not affect your life. Can you accept it?

Ning Cheng smiled:"Of course you can.""

"If you feel that the place you live in is inappropriate, the state will arrange a suitable place for you.……"

Before Jiang Jianguo finished speaking, Ning Cheng interrupted him with a smile:"No, I will discuss with my parents and buy a villa later."

Jiang Jianguo:"……"

After being speechless for a moment, Jiang Jianguo smiled bitterly:"Okay, if you have any needs, tell the country and let the country arrange it for you."

Ning Cheng laughed loudly:"No need, there are a lot of procedures waiting for you to arrange. I Just go and buy it yourself"

"Uh, where did you get the money?"

"I am a scientist, how can I be short of money??"


The matter was finally settled, and Ning Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. All the troops had evacuated the community. The night seemed very quiet, as if nothing had happened here.

Ning Cheng looked out the window and muttered in his heart:"It seems that the special forces are different. Forget it. Never mind. Have a good rest today and buy an apartment for your parents tomorrow."

Nowadays, the community is indeed not suitable for Ning Cheng's family. Safety is not what Ning Cheng is worried about, but it is not convenient for him to conduct experiments here.

Ning Cheng's parents had tears in their eyes and said with a smile:"Ning Cheng, you are awesome, your parents are proud of you.""

"Hey, it’s gold, it will shine wherever it is, it’s just weird, you made me such a genius!

Ning Fei smiled proudly:"Haha, I said it's my genes!""

"Go away, what's the matter with you? It's obviously my education that's good!"


Ning Cheng was lying on the bed, but his thoughts were already immersed in his mind.

"System: Congratulations to the host for unlocking the title, Son of Yanhuang, keep up the good work of the host!"

Title: [Son of Yanhuang]

Effect: When worn, everyone in the Yanhuang Kingdom will have a sense of identity +100%, respect +100%, and program effect +10%


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