Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 386 Dean’s Square

Why did the emperor want war?

For the sake of expanding territory?

On the one hand, only by occupying more and larger territories can we have enough arable land, rivers and grassland resources, ensure the supply of food, and support the huge government agencies and troops. With sufficient food supply, we can ensure the long-term peace and stability of the empire. As the territory becomes larger, the food, grass and population resources will be richer, the economic foundation will be stronger, the national strength will be further enhanced, and there will be more room for maneuver when encountering invasion by foreign enemies.

Conquering cities and towns in the south and in the north can not only open up territory and expand territory, but it is also an important channel for a monarch to express his prestige. Every famous wise king in history has established a vast territory for his people by attacking everywhere. Territory establishes prestige.

At the same time, soldiers also need to gain fame in territorial expansion, and fighting is undoubtedly a brand new channel for advancement.

On the other hand, only by opening up and expanding territory can one be remembered in history and become a famous king in history.

If a king expands his territory, his achievements will be recorded in history, and there will be more and more legends about him.

Otherwise, no matter how well you do, it will only be called the 'King of ZTE', such as 'The so-and-so dynasty will become more prosperous under his leadership'. But if you are a king who expands territory, there will be many things. , even with honorific titles.

For example, Emperor Qin and Emperor Wu of Han...

Of course, there are also those who do it for the sake of great success.

The two can be said to be the same pursuit, the difference lies in success or failure.

If you succeed, it means you have opened up new territory and expanded your territory. If you don't succeed, you are a man who enjoys great achievements.

Ancient kings pursued martial arts in order to leave a name in history, so they resorted to militarism and conquered all directions regardless of the country's strength. Although some achieved good results in expanding their territory, the country's financial resources and people's resources were also emptied. If they continue to attack, the final result will inevitably be The people are divided and chaos breaks out!

The martial arts of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty are comparable to those of the former King of Qin who conquered Liuhe, conquered the southwestern Yi, Nanping Nanyue and Dongou, conquered Wei's Korea, appointed Wei and Huo to regain the Hetao, opened up the Hexi Corridor, sealed the wolves in Xu, and made the Xiongnu dare not flee to Mobei. Facing the Central Plains squarely is a great achievement!

However, in his later years, the Dayuan Kingdom did not send good horses, so the Second Division General Li Guangli made two expeditions to Dayuan. He spent countless national resources on just a few bloody horses. In order to attack the Xiongnu partial army, he even led a large army to conquer Mobei. The Huns After hearing the news and escaping, Emperor Wu actually led his troops to Mount Tai to enshrine Zen. More than 100,000 soldiers spent money and food but had no merit but had to enshrine Zen to record their merits. It is not unreasonable to say that it is ironic. All in all, it can be said that it is a militancy!

Fortunately, in his later years, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty came to his senses after the prince took advantage of the witchcraft disaster. He resigned from Luntai and punished himself, and instead focused on farming and economic development. The national strength was restored. On his deathbed, he entrusted the lonely prince Fuling to Huo Guang, which finally ushered in the Zhaoxuan era. , realized the resurgence of the Han Dynasty!

Another person did not have such good luck. Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty was very happy with his achievements and made many conquests in his life.

Defeat Tuyuhun

In the fourth year of Daye, Sui minister Pei Ju ordered Gaoche to attack Tuyuhun, and Tuyuhun requested reinforcements from the Sui Dynasty. Yang Guang took the opportunity to send troops and destroyed Tuyuhun the following year, and Bu Sa Bo Khan fled. Later, Tuyuhun returned to his hometown and attacked the Sui Dynasty on the right side of the river. The Sui Dynasty was unable to defend itself. With this expedition, all the counties in Chang'an and the northwest counties of the Sui Dynasty had to transfer hundreds of millions of dollars to the outside of the Great Wall every year. The journey was dangerous and they were plundered by bandits. All those who did not arrive were killed by people and animals. Their homes will be destroyed. As a result, people are unemployed.

In order to capture the city, Yang Guang ordered Liu Fang to capture the city in the first year of Daye (605). After reorganizing the army, the king of the city, Shang Bovarman, returned to his hometown in the three counties of Bijing, Haiyin and Linyi. Four or five out of ten Sui troops died in this battle, and their commander Liu Fang also died of illness on the way to the army.


Three campaigns against Goguryeo. After Yang Guang came to the throne, he launched three major attacks on Goguryeo. In the eighth year of Daye (612), Emperor Sui Yang attacked Goguryeo for the first time. Emperor Yang ordered to recruit more than 1.13 million soldiers. The army was concentrated in Zhuojun and the navy was concentrated in Donglai. Another two million civilians were mobilized to transport clothing, armor, food, etc. Although the Sui army once attacked near Pyongyang, they were defeated and returned. In the ninth year of Daye, he attacked Goguryeo for the second time. When the two sides were at a stalemate, Yang Xuangan, the Minister of Rites, rebelled against the Sui Dynasty, and Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty withdrew his troops in a hurry. In the tenth year of the great cause, he attacked Goguryeo for the third time. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty did not dare to fight for a long time because the domestic peasant uprising had become a prairie fire. Goguryeo was also tired of the war and sent an envoy to ask for surrender. Yang Guang withdrew his troops.

The war to attack Goguryeo involved millions of manpower and countless property requisitions. A large number of soldiers and civilians died on the battlefield and in labor. Due to the extreme lack of labor and livestock in the countryside, a large amount of land was barren, the social economy was severely damaged, and it was difficult for the people to live. , triggering a large-scale peasant uprising in the late Sui Dynasty. In the end, Yang Guang was killed in Jiangdu by his general Yu Wenhuaji, and the Sui Dynasty was actually destroyed.

Any use of military force will inevitably consume national power. If military force is used, national power will inevitably be exhausted and the country will weaken.

For this reason, although it seems like a good thing to expand territory and fight foreign wars, many people are not willing to do so.

For example, those families who now occupy the upper levels of the pyramid in the Daqian Empire are at the top of the pyramid. As long as the world is peaceful, they can enjoy prosperity without doing anything.

Naturally, they don't want to fight.

In addition, the people do not want to go to war, because their daily life is hard enough, and once a war breaks out, it is likely that they will not be able to survive.

And where did the soldiers for the war come from?

Of course they are from the common people, maybe they are princes and nobles.

Not only do they need to pay more food for the war, but they also have to send their heirs to the battlefield. It is said that the prosperity of the people is painful and the death of the people is quick, so the people are naturally unwilling to fight.

Other than that, the big soldiers just don’t want to fight.

For generals and people from aristocratic families, fighting is an opportunity for promotion.

But for the big soldiers... that is a fatal matter, and of course they are not willing to fight.

Why don't you just hang out in the military camp? Why are you risking your life?

Only those warriors and generals who are eager to be promoted and make great achievements are eager for the coming of war.

Because of this, even though the emperor's intentions were so obvious, there were still people who pretended to be confused and were unwilling to use force.

No one knows whether the current emperor of Daqian can successfully open up new territories and expand his territory, or whether he is happy with his achievements.

However, what Li Ming must know is that with the advent of war, the situation in various places has become more chaotic after all, and more emphasis has been placed on force thinking.

Similarly, the price of money, rice, oil and salt will inevitably be higher.

Therefore, before the situation breaks out completely, let the people in your hometown quickly gather some food, food, food, and train more local brave guards to form an offensive private army. Whoever comes to Linshan Town wants to If you touch the Li family, you have to weigh it carefully.

At the same time, for Qingsong Temple, if all the disciples are scattered outside in troubled times, then these disciples will easily be coerced by the war, participate in the war, and even lose their lives in this coercion, which is undoubtedly very dangerous. not good.

Another point is that after these disciples leave the mountain gate, the power inside the mountain gate will be weak. If something happens, an accident is likely to occur, so the best way to deal with it now is to let the disciples who have been scattered and sent to various places come back quickly.

At the same time, accumulate food, repair weapons, and reserve strength to deal with possible crises.

Of course, under such circumstances, the intelligence network is particularly important. Those disciples at home must naturally maintain it better in order to deliver key information.

After all, the war didn't happen, and it's hard to explain this kind of thing clearly. Otherwise, it would be a mistake to predict the emperor's will at the most, to manipulate the emperor's mind, and to leak information. At the most, it would be a sin of gaffe, so he could only keep it secret. reminder in the letter.

Fortunately, he has always been prudent in his work. Neither the Qingsong Sect nor his father would turn a deaf ear to such a special and sudden letter from him.

"There's going to be a war."

In the room, the food was finished unconsciously. After listening to Li Ming's analysis, Liu Qingshi wiped his mouth and narrowed his eyes: "Do you want to double the martial arts training starting today?"

Martial arts training doubled...

"That's a good thing."

Li Ming nodded, of course.

"I know that you yearn for immortality. In fact, there are immortal cultivators in this imperial city. However, they are either in the palace or in the homes of the three prime ministers. Ordinary people and ordinary officials have no chance to contact them. of."

Liu Qingshi looked at Li Ming and couldn't help but say: "I support what you said before. I'm afraid you intend to support the war according to the emperor's wishes. No one knows what will happen in the future, but there may be someone who will lead the troops in the war. of."

"Before this, practice all [Hunyuan Gong] and [Hunyuan Palm] to great perfection, and then practice [Qingsong Zhenqi] to give you more room for maneuver when facing a crisis."

Liu Qingshi looked solemn, and Li Ming naturally understood the reason, and smiled on his face: "Don't worry, uncle, I understand this in my heart, and I have this intention myself."

"Well, in that case, let's get started."

Liu Qingshi's lips curled up slightly: "Today, I will let your Uncle Hengliang teach you and give you practical experience."


Li Ming was stunned for a moment, and he wanted to ask if it was necessary to speak so quickly, but after thinking about it for a while, he didn't speak. Then he came to the yard and started practical training with his uncle.

"The purpose of actual combat training is to make your [Hunyuan Palm] perfect as soon as possible, so you can't use other methods to deal with my attacks except [Hunyuan Palm]."

When he came to the courtyard, Wang Hengliang spoke to Li Ming straight to the point. It was obvious that he wanted to speed up the progress of his [Hunyuan Gong] and [Hunyuan Palm].

It's just that [Hunyuan Gong] is an internal skill and cannot be rushed, but [Hunyuan Palm] is indeed a martial art, so it can naturally be trained faster.


Li Ming chuckled and nodded, then set up his formation to deal with Wang Hengliang, who was constantly attacking.

This is really a new experience for him.

Upon seeing this, Liu Qingshi nodded with satisfaction, then went to clean up the dishes and wash them.

After reading it again, Liu Qingshi went out with his hands behind his back.

It wasn't until the evening that Liu Qingshi came back with three roast chickens. He had noodles for dinner all night, and he ate the roast chicken, a bowl of noodles and a roast chicken each, happily.

Except that Li Ming, who had been beaten all afternoon, was not very happy.


After the imperial examination, many candidates felt relaxed and relaxed. The moment they walked out of the examination room, they always felt an inexplicable sense of relaxation and joy. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and the clouds are white, and it seems like the whole world is cheering.

It was as if they were freed from a heavy burden, and there was an unprecedented sense of freedom and liberation, because this meant that they no longer had to worry about the imperial examination and only had to wait for the results.

But along with this liberation and freedom, there is also an invisible pressure and anxiety. What will be the result of the palace examination? Can I get a satisfactory result after studying hard?

All kinds of pressure, combined with a sense of relaxation, in this summer, there is a kind of anger in the hearts of those who are flanked.

Therefore, the brothels in the capital and Jiaoshifang have become places they are happy to go to in the past two days.

When everyone gathers together, it will naturally lead others to see something new. Occasionally, it is a beautiful thing to have excellent poems and poems leaked out. It is also a rare pleasure for people in this era.

"The servants sent to monitor Li Ming were killed again by the middle-aged Taoist priest. This time, more than thirty people were knocked to the ground, including two third-rate masters!"

In the Dean's Square, a group of young men gathered. One of them couldn't help scratching his head and said in distress.

"Okay, there's no need to vent your anger anymore. It was our fault to monitor his whereabouts. Now that he's been beaten, we can only endure it."

A young man in the lead pursed his lips and said in a calm voice. If Li Ming were here, he would suddenly find that the other person was the same person who asked him in a roundabout way on the road why he supported the war.

"This is too irritating. Why don't we just ask the servants to keep an eye on their whereabouts so that they can be called to the priest's square to face the poems? How could he beat people? If it weren't for what you said, Brother Yang, I have to ask my father to invite Lin Qiang here to see how strong he is."

A young man snorted and said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, this is your usual habit of being domineering, and you are used to thinking like a master. But in fact, they are not your servants, so why should everything follow your rules?"

Zhao Yang shook his head: "I'm causing trouble for the brothers. In this way, the expenses for tonight will be charged to my account, and everyone can go and have fun."

After saying that, Zhao Yang stood up and took the initiative to walk to the side room. When he saw a tall and beautiful woman inside, she closed the door and rushed towards her with heat all over her body.

"Hmm~ Hate it, before I was sent to the Jiaofang Department, you were not so obsessed with the slave family."

"You were Lord Wang's beloved concubine at that time, how could I dare to have any thoughts on you."


After a burst of stimulating words, Zhao Yang got up from the bed, stood on the window and looked at the inner lake in the capital outside the window, feeling emotional in his heart.

"Tomorrow is the day when the results will be released... I hope there will be no chaos in this world."

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