Elusa stood up and patted Lucy.

"Believe in the moon companion, this is also the necessary spirit of the fairy tail.

Lucy nodded heartily.

"Then let's find a way to get out quickly..."

"I remember that Iron Forest has a disarming magician, and he should be able to disarm the storm wall!".

With that, Elusa ran into the station with Lucy and Harpy.

(Gray in the station a few minutes ago)

Damn, where the hell is the control room?!".

Gray ran down the hallway, room by room.

Click, after Gray's search was fruitless, he returned to his place and saw an iron door twice as large as a normal door, with the words "Control Room" written on it.

"Why did it suddenly appear!?" Gray exclaimed,

"Could it be... Is there a fraud?".

Gray cautiously pushed open the door and stepped inside, a flash of silver light, and a massive blade fell, "Ice Make! Shield!".

In an instant, an ice shield was created to block the attack and retreated.


Gray freezes the floor, causing the ambushers to fall to the ground.

"lce make!sledgehammer!".

An ice sledgehammer fell from the sky and smashed on the man's head.

"Stop, stop, stop, I admit defeat!"

The man sat on the ground with a big bag on his head, and Gray asked,

"You're not Elligor, where is the real control room?!".

"Big Brother Elgaor isn't here for a long time! And this is the real control room! You idiot!".

Gray lifted the man's collar.

"You try scolding again?! ... Isn't his target the inhabitants of this neighborhood?"

The man slowly raised his knife and smiled

, "Of course not! Big brother, his target is the presidents of your flock of flies!"

Ka Gama hurriedly dodged, and the room directly opened a large hole for Natsu.


Ka Chema manipulates the Shadow to stab Natsu.

"Dragon's Wing Strike!".

Natsu waved her arms and raised flames, burning the Shadows into flames. Ka Gama manipulated the shadow again, condensing a double candle to it.

"Die, flies of light!".


" Natsu looked up in the air "


A dragon's breath of fire erupted from Natsu's mouth with a thud. Ka Gama flew upside down, and Natsu raised his fist to Ka Gama, "Good job! Natsu


Elusa rushed forward with her iron sword in hand.

"Wow, I'm sorry, I don't know why, but I'm sorry!".

Natsu crouched down with her head covered.

Whoa! Elusa stabbed her iron sword into the wall beside Ka Gama

, "Hey, you're the Magician, aren't you?!".

Natsu sat on the ground in fright, looking at Elusa.


"Ah~!Natsu is okay?".

Harpy flew to Natsu's side and pulled Natsu up.

"Natsu, that Elligor guy's target is the old man!".

Gray shook Natsu and shouted.

Now it's sealed off by Elgor, and now Igo is chasing Elligor alone!".

Natsu grabbed Gray's hand.

"I see!

Elusa picked up Ka Gamma and went outside, pointing to the Storm Wall,

"Hurry up and unravel this!".

Ka Gama looked at Elusa in horror.


Just as Ka Gama hesitated, a throwing knife flew over and stabbed Ka Gama in the stomach. "Hmm... Yes, I'm sorry!".

A round-bellied man stood in the corner, shivering.


Elusa catches Ka Gama, who is injured and unconscious.

"You bastard!".

Natsu lunged up to the man and slammed a flaming punch into the man's stomach, sending him flying.

"Aren't you guys a guild buddy?!".

Gray stepped forward to inspect Cagama's injuries and used ice to stop the bleeding.

"Damn... There's no way around it now!".

Harpy scratched the ground with his claws,

"If only I could dig a hole in the ground to the outside..."

Lucy was stunned for a moment,

"That's right!".

Several people looked at Lucy and asked in unison,

"Do you have a solution??"

Lucy pulled out a golden key.

"I don't really want to summon it, though... But it can't be helped!Open, Virgo's Gate!".

A magic array flashed, and a petite pink-haired maid emerged from the ground.

"Are you going to punish me? princess.

Lucy blinked in disbelief, "Huh?!" Did you make a substitution?" Balug shook her head.

"No, the Virgo star spirit can change its appearance according to the holder's request, does the princess need me to change back to what I was not long ago?".

Lucy shook her head repeatedly

, "No,

no... Anyway, hurry up and make a hole in the ground and get outside! Is it a punishment, princess?".

Ballugo jumped up slightly, and drilled down, digging a hole in the ground.

"Not really!".

Lucy shouted and jumped into the hole. Several others jumped in the footsteps. After a while, a few people were out of the wind wall, and Gray brought Ka Gama out. "

Coming out!?" Gray

exclaimed, pointing to the magic 4WD not far away.

"Hurry up and catch up!".

Elusa patted Lucy hard.

"I'm glad I brought you and Igo with me!!"

"Hey, hey, it's gone~"

Lucy touched her head and laughed.

"That's right, go find Igo!".

"Yes, run over there!".

Natsu ran out in high spirits.

"Give me a ride back!".

Gray roared.

Igo let go of his steps, ran as fast as he could, desperately chasing after Erigor, and finally saw Erigor in the sky on a bridge.

Igo lifted the boulder from the ground and threw it with all his might.

"Get the hell out of here!".

Igo yelled.


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