From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 95, the three-way army and Xiaochun who wants to steal food (monthly ticket adds 830)

Three expeditionary armies will be formed.

Among them, the army in charge of Long Claw will be the first to complete the deployment, and after expelling the sadistic wild boars in the lush forest, they will march towards the west.

In the westernmost part of the lush forest, the wild boar capital and most of the territory they control are hidden.

Originally, this task would be led by the great warlord Rat Zhan, but after being taken over by Long Paw during the dispute, it was Long Paw who took over the task.

Compared to the Wetland Kingdom, which had been attacked many times, the Wild Boars were a more unknown opponent and more difficult to deal with.

But no one doubted Long Claw taking on such a task.

Compared to the other temple priests, the little-known Long Claw wanted to secure his position.

Undoubtedly, there is a greater need for some substantial achievements, or in other words, a display of strength.

And what better way to show yourself than to take charge of the most difficult direction in a war?

In the discussions at that meeting, in the regulations that were drawn up.

The introduction of long claws is just the first step.

Later, two equally large armies of ratmen will set off from the outpost.

One group is responsible for the east and is responsible for carrying out a thorough encirclement and suppression of the Wetland Kingdom, the old rival of the rat people.

The command of this unit was undoubtedly given by Rat Zhan, and he and the lizard man were obviously old enemies.

The last force is marching towards the north. In addition to undertaking the task of sweeping the area, this army will also choose to support the Eastern Expeditionary Force and the Western Expeditionary Force as the situation changes.

A well-known senior ratman priest serves as the commander.

This huge war will be dominated by three forces: the Eastern Expeditionary Force, the Western Expeditionary Force, and the Northern Expeditionary Force.

The remaining nine thirteen ratmen who did not directly participate in the war will stand behind Long Claw, Rat War, and the senior ratman priest, making selective bets.

And provide logistical support for this huge war.

All intelligent races in this area of ​​the world will be tested by the incoming rats.

Under the witness of God.

The Skaven are about to launch a holy crusade.

Then the third divine war!


In the lush forest.

The node city was left in a mess after being breached.

Now with the arrival of groups of wild boar people, it has become lively again.

The large number of lost slaves of various kinds cannot be replaced for the time being, so the wild boar civilians recruited from the forest are also excellent labor forces.

The destroyed node city poured cold water on the arrogant wild boar people who ran wantonly in the lush forest.

Especially after the discovery of the Skaven tunnels all over the forest.

It completely disrupted the original plan.

But the construction of the city has accelerated.

More manpower was transferred from the rear, and huge ravines were dug out to form most of the defense line.

The rivers in the forest were dug and diverted and poured into ravines. In this way, the wild boars tried to completely cut off the underground tunnels inside and outside the defense line.

The running wild boar knights were recalled and began to swim back and forth between nodes.

The huge quilboar army ended its sweep of other intelligent races in the lush forests ahead of time, and instead began to station itself in the huge cities that had been built.

The wild boar commander who first discovered the Skaven underground tunnel network was promoted, but he did not use this promotion to move himself to some safe or well-defended place.

Instead, he chose a location that worried him the most and rushed to garrison the node city that had just restarted construction and was in a mess.


The east of the forest.

The combined army of the Wetland Kingdom broke into the lush forest easily.

Not attacked by ratmen.

Nor did he encounter the wild boar man advancing in the forest.

Everything went very smoothly.

In a barren land raised high in the lush forest, as the kobolds dug, traces of a rich mineral vein were soon revealed.

But this success did not make Huo relax his vigilance. Under his urging, many actions were sped up.

A huge blast furnace was cast first, and the creeping flames falling from the sky served as the energy source of the blast furnace.

If you get closer to this twisted furnace, you might even be able to hear the faint wail of the creeping flames inside.

A large amount of ore is put into the blast furnace, and a steady stream of molten iron flows out slowly.

The hot slag was used as material to build the gray-black depressing city.

Everything is moving quickly.


The deepest part of the barren mountains.

In that abyss.

The metal heart is still beating regularly, but there are more and more rat faces on the distorted flesh.

This is not a good thing.

Those twisted rat faces prevent the craftsman's heart from reaching perfection, even as the flesh and blood that is constantly being filled into it increases the power contained within it.

If it weren't for the obscure peek that has gradually become more substantial, then even the accumulation of distortions would be nothing more than a small matter to the craftsman's heart.

Over long timescales, everything will be slowly washed away.

But not now.

Some fine lines have unconsciously spread onto the blue metal shell of the Craftsman's Heart. If you observe carefully, this makes the Craftsman's Heart instinctively feel dangerous.

But it is not perfect. Even if it is completed, the twisted faces contained in the flesh and blood are preventing the birth of that perfect thing.

Empty has power and authority, but it cannot give birth to wisdom.

It's like a delicious meal, especially since there are dense guide lines engraved around this delicious meal.

As an elder-level existence entrenched on the divine pillar, Xiaochun himself appears in the Ratman Kingdom as a pattern on the divine pillar.

The rat people didn't know that the complex patterns they fanatically carved and thought represented their gods might not necessarily point to their gods, but should point to Xiaochun.

Just outline the lines that Xiaochun transformed into.

But most of the time, Xiaochun has no interest in these chattering mice.

As the first divine card that was inspired by Du Yuan, even Xiaochun's initial essence was far inferior to those of his colleagues who appeared later.

But the growth in wisdom far surpassed the two guys who were enlightened later and were still in the mentally retarded stage.

But now, in this dark abyss, Xiaochun had the idea of ​​eating secretly.

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