Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 27 Merlin's Secret

It's from my father...it used to be my father's.

Harry felt this invisibility cloak slipping through his fingers like running water. It was more delicate and light than silk, and it hardly felt heavy.

Use it well - remember that's what the note said.

He couldn't help but slid out of bed, and put this invisibility cloak, which was as light as nothing, on his body. When he looked down, he could only see wisps of moonlight falling on the ground in the darkness.

Use it well? Harry couldn't help thinking again.

Yes, exactly! All of a sudden, Harry's mind was so clear - wearing it, the whole of Hogwarts was completely open to him!

He stood in the dark, surrounded by silence, and suddenly felt a surge of excitement in his heart.

Wearing this invisibility cloak, he can go anywhere, anywhere! Filch would never find him.

Ron on the next bed muttered something in his sleep, and Harry turned to look at him. Shall I wake him up? No, this was the invisibility cloak left by his father - he felt that at least for the first time, he should use it alone.

He wanted to experience, had his father wrapped himself in this invisibility cloak and explored around the huge Hogwarts castle?

Thinking of this, Harry couldn't help but put his hand on the hood of the invisibility cloak. He tiptoed out of the dormitory, down the stairs, across the common room, and through the portrait hole.

Who is it? The fat woman in the painting asked in a daze.

Harry said nothing, he walked quickly down the corridor, trying not to make any noise.

Hogwarts in the middle of the night is completely different from the daytime, with a unique sense of mystery in the depths, which makes Harry, who grew up in the Muggle world, feel as if he has walked into a castle in a magical story.

Thinking about him, he couldn't help laughing, isn't this just a magic castle? Although it was not the first time he walked in the corridors of Hogwarts at night, when he was wearing the invisibility cloak, he found that it was a completely different feeling from before.

He could calmly observe all the details within sight, without fear of being discovered by Filch who was watching the night.

Where should I go to see? He stopped, thinking, until his heart was beating wildly.

Suddenly, he remembered - the restricted section of the library! There he could read to his heart's content until he figured out exactly who Flamel was.

Harry wrapped the Invisibility Cloak tightly around his body again before walking forward.

The library was pitch black, and it was almost impossible to see anything clearly. It was even more eerie than during the day.

Harry had to back out to make sure Filch wasn't outside before lighting a lamp and carrying it across the rows of bookshelves. The lamp seemed to be suspended in mid-air, and even though Harry felt himself holding it, the sight still horrified the author.

The Restricted Section is the deepest part of the library. Carefully stepping over the isolation rope halfway up his waist, Harry held up the lamp to look at the titles.

However, he couldn't get any clue from the title of the book.

The peeling, faded gilt letters spelled out words Harry couldn't understand. And some books don't even have titles at all.

There was a dark blot on one of the books. It looked a lot like blood, and it struck Harry as terribly frightening.

Standing between the bookshelves, Harry felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He felt that there were faint whispers coming from those books, as if those books knew that someone who shouldn't be standing here was looking at them secretly.

This may be his hallucination, but it seems not.

Harry felt he had to start somewhere, and he couldn't just do it in a daze.

So he carefully placed the lamp on the floor,

Looking along the bottom of the bookshelf, looking for a book that looks interesting.

He suddenly saw a striking silver-gray book tightly clamped next to a large book with a dark green spine. The book wasn't very heavy, and Harry held it open from the cover.

Suddenly, a blue and green light flashed slightly on the pages of the book, and they flipped by themselves.

Harry quickly pressed them down so that they would not make any more noise. But the next moment, he saw several lines of words written on the edge of the page. He was familiar with the fonts—they were almost identical to the writing style in the Occlumency notebook Maca had given him.

This is Maca's handwriting! He's been here too, and he's made notes on it.

This is a restricted area! How did Maca get in here? Does he also have a way to hide? Judging others by himself, Harry guessed the correct answer by coincidence almost instantly.

He tried to understand through the notes left by Maca, what Maca came here for.

It's a pity that Harry found that these few lines took each word apart, and he knew it; but when they were put together into sentences, they became completely unknown.

He turned a few pages back and forth, and finally had to put it back on the shelf with a disappointed look.

Suddenly, he accidentally rubbed the big and thick dark green book next to it—this book looked too huge, and it was forced to be clamped to the shelf by the book next to it.

Seeing that the book was about to fall, Harry was taken aback. If it falls to the ground, it may completely break the surrounding silence!

He frantically moved forward, trying to catch the heavy book in his hands——

Hmm. Harry murmured.

Fortunately, although the back of his hand felt dull pain from hitting the hard floor, at least there was no noticeable sound.

After reassuring for a while, Harry looked at the large book in his hand, which had a dark green rough cover and was surprisingly heavy. This made Harry very curious about it.

He carefully opened the cover, and found that every page of this book is actually made of a kind of compact and delicate bark!

The edges of the pages are slightly yellowed, but it can be seen that they should have been off-white. Some of the parts about the experimental records were so straightforward that even Harry could see what it was talking about.

Reformed human blood? The blood of various magical creatures?

Harry was frightened by the deformed human illustrations inside, he staggered back a few steps, and hastily shut the big book about weird magic.

On the dark green cover, its name - The Book of Druids is faintly engraved. In the lower right corner of the cover, the word Merlin is impressively written.

Speaking of Nicole Flamel, Harry might not be able to recall it for a while, but the name Merlin is a famous wizard that even ordinary Muggles know!

He once appeared in the Muggle world, supported King Arthur, the eternal king in Celtic legend, guided him to obtain the world-famous Sword of the Lake, and unified England that was in turmoil.

Today, the Merlin Order in the magic world was established by Merlin, and every wizard will be very excited to receive the medal awarded by him. Dumbledore has a Merlin First Class Medal.

For such a great wizard, why did he write such a frightening magic book? Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Harry turned the pages of the book again, and he wanted to continue to look back.

At this moment, he heard a regular sound of footsteps coming from outside the library. Is it Filch?

He hastily extinguished the lantern on the floor, and carefully tucked the book back into place, making sure it wouldn't fall out.

Nothing had been gained yet, but he knew he had to go.

When Filch trudged past him not far away, he felt like his heart was about to jump out. Harry realized he might still be seeing light or something, and was looking around frowning.

As Filch walked slowly inside, Harry quietly left the library. Before leaving, he glanced at the Restricted Section—he would come again.

You should have woken me up, said Ron angrily.

You can come tonight, I still want to read that book. Harry said, This is a big secret about Merlin, and I haven't found out who Nick Flamel is yet!

About that big secret, Ron said, sounds interesting, blood transformation? Maybe we can become as powerful as giants!

Have some bacon or something, why don't you eat anything?

Harry felt a little lost in his appetite. He didn't expect that there were so many secrets hidden in the restricted area!

What did Maca write in that book? Is Merlin really as respectable as rumored? Who is Nick Flamel? What is that big dog guarding? And why would Snape steal it?

More and more things puzzled him, which made him feel a little anxious.

When using the invisibility cloak for the second time, because Ron was also covered in it, it was very inconvenient to move, so they walked much slower.

It's really cold at night in winter! Ron complained softly, Why don't we stop looking and go back first?

No! Harry said in a deep voice, We must find out as soon as possible, who is Nico Flamel? Snape must have made up his mind!

It didn't take long for them to come to the restricted section of the library again. The two ignored the book of Merlin and began to search for traces of Nick Flamel.

After a while, they found a lot of terrifying content in those strange and dangerous forbidden books. For example, demons and temptations, or souls and death...

A lot of evil-sounding magic abounds here, but there is not even a word related to Nick Flamel.

It doesn't look like it's even in the Restricted Section! Ron said as he shivered, feeling his feet were going to freeze.

In desperation, Harry opened the big dark green book again - he wanted to at least clear up this question first.

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