Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 86 Sudden Prophecy

Beside Ron, Harry yawned.

The recent training is indeed a bit tired, he really wants to go to sleep directly, but his horoscope chart has not been completed yet.

He pulled his bag over, took out the parchment, ink, and quill, and set to work.

You can copy mine if you want, said Ron, marking the last star on his horoscope with a single stroke, and shoving the horoscope over to Harry.

Hermione didn't approve of plagiarism, she couldn't help but pouted, but said nothing.

Still watching Ron without blinking, Crookshanks flicked the tip of his hairy tail. Then, without a word, it rushed forward and made a surprise attack.

Oh! Ron yelled, snatching his schoolbag - he saw that Crookshanks' four claws had firmly grasped the schoolbag, and began to bite ferociously.

Let go, you stupid bastard!

Ron tried to wrest the bag back from under Crookshanks' claws, but it held on tight enough to froth at the corners of its mouth.

Ron, don't hurt it! screamed Hermione, as the whole lounge watched.

Ron took the schoolbag and spun around quickly, but Crookshanks still couldn't let go.

Suddenly, Banban jumped out from the top of the schoolbag.

Get that cat! Ron yelled.

At this moment, Crookshanks let go of his schoolbag, jumped on the table, and chased the terrified mouse Scabbers.

George Weasley rushed to grab Crookshanks, but missed; Scabbers scuttled around in the common room, all at once under a large locker.

Crookshanks suddenly stopped, crouched low, furiously reached under the cabinet with his front paws and pulled it out vigorously.

Ron and Hermione hurried over. Hermione grabbed Crookshanks by the waist, and with great difficulty lifted it to another place; while Ron was lying on the ground, and with great difficulty, he grabbed Scabbers' tail and wrenched it out.

Look! He shook Scabbers in front of her a few times, and shouted at Hermione angrily, It's so skinny! Don't let that cat get close to it!

Crookshanks didn't know it was wrong! Hermione's voice trembled. All cats catch mice, Ron—

This beast is really weird! Ron said loudly as he tried his best to get Banban, who was struggling frantically, back into his schoolbag, It heard me say that Banban is in my schoolbag!

Oh, that's nonsense, retorted Hermione, Crookshanks will smell it, Ron, do you think it will—

The people around couldn't help but started laughing.

That cat just keeps staring at Scabbers! Ron ignored the laughter, and he interrupted Hermione again, Scabber was here first, and he's sick!

After Ron finished speaking, he strode across the common room and upstairs to the boys' dormitory.

The next morning, it was herbalism class for Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. But in class, Ron was still mad at Hermione.

At this moment they were shelling the pods, and putting the shiny beans into a barrel.

How's Scabbers? Hermione asked cautiously.

Whatever the reason, Crookshanks' desire to capture Scabbers did happen. And that dirty mouse was Ron's pet after all.

Hermione was sorry about that too.

It's hiding under my bed, shaking, said Ron angrily.

His hand trembled, but he missed the barrel and dropped the beans on the greenhouse floor.

Beware, Weasley, beware! shouted Professor Sprout.

In the blink of an eye, turquoise vines spread all over the floor. In a short while, the floor of the greenhouse was covered with bright lilac flowers,

In the meantime, there are still wisps of cold air wafting out of the stamens.

Not far away, Maca bent down and looked carefully at the flowers on the ground.

Professor Sprout, are these crampon vines a new species? After a while, he straightened up and asked Sprout.

Oh, yes—it's my improved one, and it's beautiful, isn't it?

Professor Sprout, who was cleaning up the greenhouse with his wand, took the time to turn around and smile when he heard this.

It's really beautiful. Maca nodded.

While Maca was looking around at the flowers, Harry suddenly leaned over.

Wood has been wanting me to ask you - oh, the captain of our team - he wants to know, are you really not going to play in the Quidditch Cup this year? Harry asked quietly.

Huh? Yes, I won't participate. Maca shook her head. There are too many things to do, but—

But what? Harry asked hastily.

I just want to say, I will go cheer you up. Maca patted Harry on the shoulder and said, You fly very well, no worse than Cedric from our academy...Of course, Cedric is also very strong , I’m telling the truth.”

Oh—since you say so— Harry smiled, I'll do my best!

The next class for the little badgers is divination.

Speaking of which, Professor Trelawney, who is always talking about something and likes to predict some bad things, seems to have never paid attention to Maca since the first class.

But in this class, Maca somehow became her key prophecy object.

Oh, Mr. McLean, I have to say— Professor Trelawney said with his big eyes fixed on the crystal ball in front of him, looking at the white mist flowing inside, In the not-too-distant future, darkness will fall , the ominous will return...

She shivered suddenly, as if she was afraid of something.

She cried out, Oh! It's terrible! Someone's going to die! Someone—

Trelawney clung to the table sharply, her eyes widened, her hands trembling.

Maca was confused by what she said - to be honest, he didn't know whether to trust Trelawney, but just in case, he still asked.

Who's coming back? he said calmly. Voldemort?

Seeing Maca blurt out the name without any scruples, many little wizards from pure blood subconsciously covered their mouths.

But Trelawney shook her head vigorously, her slightly curly long hair was thrown to the side, and then tossed back.

No...Trust me, it's better not to say it...not to say it... She leaned on the edge of the table to prop herself up, and walked away.

Maca frowned and sat there thinking for a while, before finally shaking her head.

Anyway, it's never a bad thing to be prepared... he muttered under his breath, anytime, anywhere.

After a while, it's time for get out of class to end.

Everyone was exchanging the scary prophecy that Trelawney told Maca, and when they planned to go to the auditorium to enjoy today's lunch, Professor Sprout suddenly opened the door of the classroom and walked in.

I was busy dealing with the crampon vines on the ground just now, and I forgot to mention some things! She panted slightly, Remember to hand over the application form to me before Halloween—if you don't submit the form, you won't be able to go to Hogsmeade .So, hurry up!

Oh, yes, if you want to go to Hogsmeade, you have to submit a form... Maca blinked, I've gotten used to it a long time ago, and I really forgot about it.

This thought only stayed in Maca's mind for a maximum of two seconds before being thrown behind him again.

Where do you want him to get an autograph? Looking for Dumbledore to sign?

However, at this moment, in the Transfiguration classroom, Harry, who was in the same situation as Maca, was not as free and easy as him.

Although Harry has long decided to ask Professor McGonagall, he has been thinking about the time of a class, but he still hasn't made up his mind.

It wasn't until Professor McGonagall reminded everyone to submit the forms as soon as possible just now that he mustered up his courage under Ron's urging.

Go ask, Ron whispered to Harry.

Oh, but— Hermione clearly disagreed.

Go, Harry, Ron urged stubbornly.

Harry waited until everyone had left before slowly moving to Professor McGonagall's desk.

Well, Potter?

Harry took a deep breath.

Professor, my aunt and uncle... oh... they forgot to sign my application form. He said nervously.

Professor McGonagall looked at him over the glasses and said nothing.

So... oh... do you think it's okay... I mean, can I... if I go to Hogsmeade, will it be okay?

Professor McGonagall looked back and flipped through the papers on the table.

I'm afraid I can't, Potter, she said. You heard what I just said. Don't go without a form. That's the rule.

But, professor...my aunt and uncle...you know, they're all Muggles! They don't really understand...the forms and activities at Hogwarts. Harry struggled to think of the appropriate Vocabulary, If You Say I Can Go...

Ron nodded vigorously to encourage him.

But I wouldn't say that, said Professor McGonagall.

She stood up and put her papers neatly in the drawer.

The application clearly states that parental or guardian consent is required. She turned to look at him with a strange expression on her face, I'm sorry, Potter, but this is my final decision. You'd better hurry up Come on, or you'll miss lunch.

There was obviously no way to save it.

Ron scolded Professor McGonagall a lot of nasty things, which made Hermione very angry; she deliberately put on a look of it's finally over on her face, which made Ron even more angry.

And the students in the class talked happily and loudly. When they went to Hogsmeade, they would first do what to do.

Harry silently endured this with a simmering gloom.

There's always going to be a feast, said Ron, trying to cheer Harry up, patting Harry. You know, there's always a big Halloween dinner.

Yeah, said Harry gloomily, that's gotta be great.

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