Fang Chuanzi had a hint of jealousy on his face.

He snorted coldly and sat there directly with his arms crossed, intending to find some loopholes in Sun Hang's next words.

Let's see if we can find more angles for ourselves.

Sun Hang turned his head and glanced at the whole series of films and television in front of him, and there were 4 minutes and 50 seconds left in the countdown

Then he sped up:

"In later generations, many compilers of historical books attacked Di Xin, and the main reason was that he made cannon branding and severely ...... criminal law."

"I don't bother to explain the lie of making cannon branding, because the torture tools needed for cannon branding require a delicate copper smelting process, and steel is best used to ...... it."

"And it just so happens that in the existing archaeological documents, the bronze smelting process of the Shang Dynasty is very low, and it is impossible to make such a torture instrument ......."

"If there is not even a torture instrument, how can the punishment of cannon branding be carried out?"

"As for Di Xin, when he was in the Shang Dynasty, he proposed a severe criminal law!".

"Is it true that the harsh criminal law is tyrannical to Emperor Sin?"

"It's a big mistake, and the severe criminal law is just another far-reaching achievement of Di Xin!"

During the Yin Shang Emperor Xin period, nobles who made mistakes were not punished, that is, the so-called "...... of the doctor".

"Only people of low status who commit crimes are punished ......


"Nobles who commit crimes can be exempted from punishment. "

"And Di Xin opened a precedent in history, dealing with the nobles who committed crimes for the first time, so that the people of Yin Shang, whether they were nobles or ordinary people, knew that no matter how high or low they were, as long as they made mistakes, they would be severely punished......."

"Emperor Xin saved the privileged classes from impunity, and he treated every subject fairly and justly, precisely because he set a historical precedent for these acts of benevolence. "

"In the end, in the subsequent feudal dynasty, everyone gradually awakened a consciousness, that is:

The Son of Heaven broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people!".

"Strictly speaking, Di Xin's strict punishment is actually the originator of Legalism, you must know that he proposed the concept that nobles and ordinary people should be punished for their crimes, which was more than 600 years earlier than Shang Ying's reforms......


It was Di Xin who opened the glorious days behind the Legalists. "

"Until thousands of years later, we modern people are still following this concept ...... pioneered by Dixin."

"Di Xin, the ancestor of the Legalists, deserves to be ......".

Hu Qinghe nodded in agreement when he heard this:

"Legislating for all people, the ancestor of the Legalists, is ...... of course."

When I saw it, another minute had passed today, and Sun Hang directly concluded:

"Di Xin's far-reaching influence on later generations mainly includes his severe punishment of the law, which led to the changes of the Shang Dynasty in later generations, and also the Legalists of later generations, and many of the ideas of Legalism have been inherited to this day, influencing the ...... of support."

"This is one of the merits of the Emperor ......".

"He tried to break slavery and reuse the people at the bottom, which was actually to break the rigidity of the hierarchy and allow people to gain status and wealth through their own efforts and talents. "

"In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is not exactly the military system of peasants advocated by Shang Ying in the Qin Dynasty, and you can get a knighthood ......if you have military merits."

"At the same time, Di Xin broke the solidification of the class, in fact, this is equivalent to the prototype of the imperial examination system of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty in later generations, so that the poor at the bottom can have a rising channel ......."

"After further evolution, the imperial examination system is actually our current examination system. "

"Therefore, everyone who realizes the counterattack in life through reading and hard study, and earns wealth and status with their own hands and wisdom through their own efforts should be grateful to the system pioneered by Di Xin thousands of years ago, and its influence has penetrated into the ...... of each of us


"Taken together, whether it is the merits of the current dynasty, the land area has more than tripled ......


"It is still the influence of later generations, the ancestor of the Legalists, the prototype of the imperial examination, any of these things are taken out, I think it is a great merit ......."

"Therefore, Yin Shang Emperor Xin, the emperor of the ancients, deserves ...... name


At this time, the demon king was standing by Sun Hang's side, and he was simply stupid.

Sun Hangli told about the merits of Emperor Xin, and put any one of them on the emperors of later generations.

can be called the Holy Monarch of the Ages.

And Di Xin alone took five or six of them.

What shocked her the most was that each one was a first.

If Sun Hang didn't say these exploits, the Demon King would want to break his head, and she wouldn't have thought of it.

The next moment, the entire studio burst into applause.

Hu Qinghe involuntarily stood up directly from his position.

He looked at Sun Hang, and a look of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he applauded directly.

The bureau also stood up and nodded and applauded.

Every achievement of Di Xin that Sun Hang just talked about.

Even in later generations, it is difficult for an emperor to do this.

Only Fang Chuanzi was sitting in the seat at this time, his face extremely ugly.

Although he thinks that Sun Hang's last blow of Di Xin has something to do with the Legalists, and it also has something to do with the current exam, this is a bit ridiculous.

But the key thing is that the logic is tight, so that he is invulnerable.

Any system is slowly developed after the precipitation of time.

At least Fang Chuanzi knew that he was in the position of the Shang Dynasty, and even if he was given 10,000 heads, he couldn't think of any first-of-its-kind system.

The entire Dragon Kingdom was also in an uproar.

The idea of a tyrant has long been diluted.

The words "the emperor of the ancients" slowly rose in everyone's hearts......

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