
Time seemed to slow down.

For a moment, the water rippled in the school bus, the hair of the girl who was unsteady was flying, the saliva spewed out of the boy's mouth when he shouted in fear, and the water glass floated on the water. Everything seemed to have slowed down a hundred times.

David observed the situation and slowly broke the glass next to him.

He moved his arms and arrived in front of the school bus as fast as a torpedo.

The front of the school bus was very high, and a person in the car was so frightened and confused that no one noticed him.

In the water, David did not hold his breath and looked relaxed.

"The Thanos Eternals' physique is no problem even if they don't eat, drink, or even breathe. They can survive in the vacuum of the universe at more than 200 degrees below zero."

Not to mention just underwater.

David pressed the front of the car with his knuckled palms, and pushed with one hand as if he were pushing away the person in front of him.

In the turbulent river, the school bus, which weighed more than ten tons and was comparable to a medium-sized bus, flew backwards like a cannonball fired by explosive force, breaking through the water surface and flying towards the shore with a sudden explosion of water.


On the river, an arc of more than ten meters was drawn, and the school bus landed heavily on the grassy river bank. The heavy rubber tires splashed mud everywhere, and the impact of the landing shook the whole car.

The glass window was shattered and debris flew everywhere.


Everyone in the school bus was caught off guard and fell forward and backward, covering their heads in fear.

"what happened?"

After waiting for a while, the glass fragments fell to the ground. Everyone was stunned. They stood up in disbelief and looked outside.

Just a moment ago, I was at the bottom of the dark and turbulent river, with my life in danger. In the blink of an eye, I arrived on the sunny shore, and I heard the singing of birds in the forest, so vivid and beautiful.

"I...are we dreaming?" They were dumbfounded and looked at each other.

"Oh, God!"

The school bus driver, who believed in God, took off his hat and looked shocked. He looked into the river as if trying to find some angels.

"It's okay, Chloe."

A voice came from beside him, and Chloe, who was surviving the disaster, turned pale and turned to look.

David was as wet as she was, but his expression was calm, and there was no trace of fear on his deep-featured face.

Do all the Kents have big hearts?

"No...it's okay."

After having a close encounter with death, Chloe was still unable to recover from the miraculous scene, and said in a daze.

"I thought that the next time I came into contact with the light and the air, it would be the heartbroken people who found a crane to fish out the school bus full of our bodies from the bottom of the river."

"In the end what happened?"

This is the common question in the minds of everyone in the school bus except David, "Who saved them? Did God hear their call?"

"Let's get off the bus and get out of here." The school bus driver, who had regained consciousness slightly, shouted.

The bank is slippery. If the school bus slips into the river again, it will be a fatal joke.


The clothes on his body were wet. David twisted the clothes on his body and calmly left the school bus that almost turned into their coffin with the others who were still in shock.

"It seems like something knocked us out of the river?!"

Looking at the flat front of the bus in surprise, which looked like the mark of being hit head-on by an Asian elephant, the burly school bus driver opened his mouth and could not close it for a long time.

"Are there any monsters in the river?"

A group of students were filled with lingering fears, discussions, and constant surprises.

"Our school bus hit it on the head and it threw us out?"

Looking at the raging river, it feels like there is a huge monster lurking there.

Glancing at the traces he left, David looked away casually.

Thanos, a mutant of the Eternal race, has unimaginable strength and endurance, as well as recovery ability and agility far beyond ordinary people. His skin is almost indestructible, especially against cold, heat, electricity, radiation, poison, aging and time of illness.

Its body is stronger than vibranium, and its terrifying strength is enough to kill gods.

"Although only more than 80% of the templates are integrated now."

But he doesn't know where the upper limit of his power is.

Pickups, boulders... everything feels light when lifted.

According to David's estimation, it would be easy for him to catch a falling airplane like an adult Superman, pull a thousands-ton steel warship, and lift a dozen-story residential building.

"It's just that there is no omnipotent biological position, and those things will probably disintegrate."

The school bus driver was just joking when he said something knocked the bus out of the river.

When he was at the bottom of the river, David didn't even dare to push too hard, fearing that these people would be spared the pain of suffocation and go to see God early.

Everyone stayed away from the river bank and sat aside, waiting for rescuers and parents to arrive.

The school bus rushed down the river and was thrown ashore. There was a violent shock. Many people fell to their bodies and suffered broken bones and heads...

The school bus fell into the river and was inexplicably hit by an unknown creature. This is undoubtedly an extremely bizarre thing, enough to make some biologists and scientists scratch their heads and not understand.

"But in this small town, it cannot be said to be ordinary, and it is far from the point where people's worldview is shattered."

Since the meteorite rain more than ten years ago, strange things have happened frequently in this small town.

A vegetative person who has not woken up for many years suddenly wakes up and disappears. A giant wolf larger than a tiger is seen in the dark woods at night. A little girl carrying a stuffed bear is found in a quiet and deserted cemetery in the middle of the night. She turns around and disappears...

Monsters with strange speeds and immense strength roared and carved mountains in the middle of the night...


After hearing that something had happened to the child and that he almost died at the bottom of the river, everyone's parents hurried over worriedly.

When he saw his mother, Martha, driving her car and parked on the side of the road, David approached her with some confusion.

"David, are you okay?" Martha was anxious, her face full of worry and she ran over, looking over and over David's body to see if he was injured.

"Does your leg hurt? What about your chest? Are you choking?"

"I'm fine, mother."

After patiently showing that there was nothing wrong with him several times, David reluctantly comforted his mother. David grabbed his mother's hand, which was colder than his, and smiled: "Why are you here, father?"

He had actually thought about showing his ability to his parents for a long time.

But unlike Clark, his skin turned purple when he used power, and stripes appeared on his chin. It looked like a genetic mutation, and he looked more like an alien than a Kryptonian, which worried Jonathan and Martha.

"The police just called. Your brother had a car accident on another section of the bridge and fell into the river. Your father went to see him."

Martha looked worried and strange.

Strangely enough, both of her sons had accidents at noon on the same day. One school bus skidded and fell into the river, and the other was hit by a car.

"A car accident? He crashed someone else's car?"

David wondered.

"Is the driver okay? He won't have to pay for it, right?"

The school bus fell into the river. This plot seemed familiar. Why did Clark still fall into the river after escaping? Is this the power of fate?

"David, Clark is your brother."

Hearing what her youngest son said, Martha, who was originally worried, said helplessly.

"I know.

But his body couldn't be broken by a truck, right? "

David spread his hands.

Even if it is smashed, as long as it is not dead, just put it in the sun and dry it.

"See you this afternoon, Chloe."

After chatting with their mother, they said goodbye to Chloe. The mother and son turned and walked to the car, got into the old pickup truck that had served the Kent family for more than ten years, and drove away.

After David left, Chloe, who was wrapped in a blanket by the rescuers, was shivering from the cold.

Suddenly I saw a footprint not far away. Under the footprint was a piece of trampled bright green waterweed.


Confusion appeared in Chloe's eyes and she looked around.

Whose footprints are these? The school bus landed on the shore before anyone could break the window and escape. Why are there aquatic plants?

Except for a few injured students, and a few students who thought this was a good opportunity and pretended to be injured and took time off to play at home.

Classes continued that afternoon and the next day, and nothing was delayed.

David had to lament the roughness and adaptability of the residents of this small town.

"It's different to be baptized by meteorite rain."

The next day, dusk.

David and Clark came home from school.

In the farm, at the entrance of the small courtyard, a brand new red pickup truck was parked there quietly. The shiny paint reflected the afterglow of the sunset, and there was a firework wrapped on it, like a gift.

"Whose car is this?"

Seeing his mother who had just come out of the barn, Clark stepped forward and asked with a smile.

"Mom, is our family finally going to change cars?"

"This is your car, Clark."


"You saved Lex and he gave you the car."

Martha frowned and took out a letter of thanks and handed it to Clark.

David heard yesterday that Clark was knocked off the bridge by a runaway silver car. As a result, nothing happened to him, but the owner of the car almost died in the river.

Clark fished him out of the river and saved the man's life. The man was amazed at his body.

"Dear Clark: Drive carefully, don't be like me..."

Upon hearing this, Clark couldn't wait to open the letter and read softly and excitedly, "I can't thank you enough for yesterday - Lex Luthor."

He has already figured out how to drive this beautiful pickup truck to school, which will definitely attract more attention to him.

David, who originally didn't care much about this matter, heard the name, looked at the thank you letter, raised his brows, and his expression became strange.

"Wait a minute, Clark, you saved Lex Luthor?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" The young Superman raised his head, wondering why his brother looked like this.

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