
Jerome raised his palm as if he heard some joke.

There is a terrible scar left by a steel nail in the palm of the hand.

“After Jesus was crucified on the cross, he took on all the sins of the world and ascended to heaven.”


As he spoke, a fierce and dazzling electric current was emitted from his palm, making the workers' eyes widen and their hair stand on end.

"Seventeen years later, I returned to the world. God gave me this ability just to wash away your sins!"

"Since you like games so much.

Now, let's play another game! "

Jerome walked up step by step, as if death was approaching.


Electric light illuminated the windows, accompanied by screams.

Ten minutes passed when a thin figure put on his hood and left coldly.

In the car repair shop, a body that had been tortured and turned into coke was lying quietly on the ground, no longer showy or contemptuous, curled up in a ball, as if returning to the state of a baby.


Jonathan opened the barn door.

The smell of old rotten rice mixed with damp rice comes from the ground.

Classic plot, David already knows what is going to happen.

"Clark is about to learn about his origins."

He rarely restrained his casual expression and looked at the confused Clark next to him, with a trace of worry in his heart, not sure whether he could accept the truth.

Because of David's existence, especially since he was just born, Jonathan and Martha had no good reason to adopt another child.

The couple secretly adopted Clark and claimed that they were brothers.

"What are you talking about, Father?"

Inexplicable panic gripped Clark's heart, and he began to regret that he should not have lost his temper with his parents just now.

His father and mother also wanted to protect him.

He knew everything, why didn't he control it just now, Clark?

"This is what your parents left you, Clark."

Jonathan took out something from an inconspicuous old box, with a heavy expression and a hint of sadness, and a dull voice before turning to hand it to Clark.

Something like a long stone seal, dark in color, with an S embossed on its head.


Clark couldn't believe what he heard. His face turned pale. He looked at the long black thing and didn't dare to reach out to touch it. It was like facing a fragile bubble and he was afraid that it would burst as soon as he stretched out his hand. There was something It's no longer possible to recover.

"Father, this joke is not funny."

Why, why didn't his heart beat faster even though his father was clearly lying?

"The key to the Fortress of Solitude?"

David frowned and looked away from the key.

Looking at Clark's reaction, I was worried that he would be overwhelmed by the sudden news.

For ordinary people, it is enough to be unbearable to suddenly learn within one day that the parents who love them are not their biological parents and are not related by blood.

"If I learn that I am an alien again..."

David suddenly remembered the words of a crazy man with pale skin.

All you need to drive a man crazy is give him a bad day - a clown.

"That shouldn't happen, right?" His eyelids twitched.

If a clown superman were to develop, it would really be a fatal joke.


Opening the cellar again, Jonathan led his two sons down and lifted something covered by a canvas.

After the dust flew, a small spaceship appeared in the sight of the three people. It had a streamlined shape and was the size of a cradle. It seemed that it could only carry a baby.


Looking at the spaceship that should not have appeared in the farm at all, Clark took two steps back as if he was struck by lightning.

"Father, don't do this to me."

His expression was stiff, almost pleading, and he looked at Jonathan like a child about to be abandoned.

"Clark, you are actually the adopted son of Martha and I."

Seeing his son's reaction, he felt very uncomfortable, but after what he had said, Jonathan could not stop anymore. The long-term pain was worse than the short-term pain, so he gritted his teeth and told the truth.

"You are from an alien planet. We picked you up in the meteorite rain more than ten years ago."

Clark felt like he was stepping on clouds, his head felt dizzy, and he felt like everything in front of him was about to leave him.

"What about David?"

Suddenly he saw David, as if grasping a life-saving straw, he asked hurriedly.

Don't tell him...

"David...is my and Martha's biological son."

Seeing that there was not much shock on David's face, Jonathan was puzzled, thinking that he still thought it was all fake, but at this time he didn't care about David, hesitated, and told the cruel and hurtful truth. .

"no no!"

"This is all false and I will never accept it."

Gritting his teeth and roaring like a wounded beast, Clark's eyes were red and he turned around and ran away like crazy.

He wanted to escape from this lie, from this heart-wrenching reality.


At a speed far exceeding the speed of sound, Clark left the cellar and disappeared as if running for his life.


Jonathan wanted to catch up anxiously, but as a mortal father, how could he catch up with the son of the son of Krypton? He had no choice but to stop at the cellar door and look at the empty barn, just like in his heart.

"Clark will figure it out, Father."

Seeing his father's devastated look, David couldn't help but be touched. He had never seen the stubborn and stubborn Jonathan with such an expression.

He stepped forward to support his father and comforted him.

"I don't believe he would abandon our family."

"David, why aren't you surprised at all?"

Jonathan looked back tiredly.

"We only have a few houses in our family, and Clark is so unusual..."

In fact, David didn't know why Clark hadn't discovered the spaceship in the cellar for more than ten years, especially when he was a child who loved curious exploration and climbing up and down.

He had sneaked in here to check it out when he was a few years old.

"It's a real spaceship after all."

"I understand." Jonathan looked as if he had aged a few years. He doubted whether what he had just done was correct. He was helped to sit down on the steps and unexpectedly patted his son on the shoulder.

"David, my son, you did a great job."

His voice was hoarse, and his eyes looked with relief at his son, who had been exceptionally sensible since he was a child and didn't show any strange looks because of it.

"It doesn't matter where Clark comes from or whether he is an alien. What matters is that he is our family and the brother who grew up with you."

"Don't blame him for reacting so violently, he just couldn't accept it for the moment..."

"I'll go get him back." Seeing his father talking in a trance like this, David frowned and stood up to leave.

"If, I mean if..." Jonathan paused and warned: "If Clark doesn't want to come back for the time being, don't force it."

He learned two pieces of bad news one after another in one day, and his past life based on being the son of Kent was denied. He could imagine the impact this had on his eldest son.

"I will."

David nodded to his father.

But he didn't think so in his heart, and said secretly.

"If you can't convince Clark.

In the current situation, he had no choice but to give Clark a face-breaking correction punch to calm him down. "

We have signed a contract. From today on, Zishu will be updated twice a day. Thank you all readers for your support.

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