If the eastern half of Bright Light City is the bright and prosperous side, with royal palaces, aristocratic districts, major churches, and commercial districts all gathered in the eastern half, then the western half is where the middle and lower classes of Bright Light City are, with ordinary residential areas, workshop areas, and shabby areas. Neighborhoods are staggered.

Among them, Lange Street in the West District is one of the most dilapidated and neglected places in the West District. Even the patrol police usually don't bother to take a look at it. Naturally, it has become a place where gangsters and homeless people gather.

But today's Lange Street is a little different. The sound of "rolling" cars is heard, and a beautifully decorated four-wheel carriage pulled by two tall horses slowly drives into the street.

The low houses on the street looked particularly dilapidated at this time, and the dark doors and windows were tightly closed, seeming to express their unwelcomeness to outsiders.

Even the beggars on the roadside quickly shrank aside and did not dare to come forward, for fear of offending the nobleman sitting in the carriage.

The wheels rolled over gravel and muddy water. Bender glanced at the homeless man lying under the corner of the road with disgust, and shook the riding whip in his hand, but he felt a little sorry for the horses he had carefully taken care of and the splashes on the frame. A little muddy on top.

After a while, the carriage stopped next to a two-story cabin. Bender carefully got out of the carriage, took out the step stool and put it away before opening the door.

"Master Li Si, we are here, please be careful."

"Trouble, Bender."

Li Si got off the carriage and looked around at the dilapidated streets that were the same as in his memory. People who came here for the first time might not even recognize that this was only half a city away from the glamorous neighborhoods in the East District.

Li Si looked at the masonry hut and metal door in front of him that were obviously different from those around him. He smiled softly and knocked on the door with his habitual "dang-dang-dang" force.

After knocking for a long time but no one responded, Li Si frowned.

That's not right. If I had knocked on the door like this before, Old Jace would have come out and cursed. Why, after knocking for a long time, there was no sound this time.

At this time, the wooden window of the hut opposite quietly opened a crack, and a timid eye was revealed, whispering to Li Si:

"Well, if you guys are looking for Uncle Jace, he's gone out and won't be back for another month."

After saying "bang", he immediately closed the window, as if there was some wild beast outside.

Why do you seem so afraid of me?

Li Si felt that there were a few eyes secretly looking at him, and after a quick glance, they disappeared.

I looked down at my clothes and then suddenly realized.

In the previous game, I pursued maximizing profits and was careful about every penny (stingy). I was never like those entertainment players who spent a lot of money on clothes, so I didn't realize that my clothes and the accompanying carriage were in Lang Gai. Street means something.

It seems that next time I have to change into ordinary clothes, and I can't come here in a carriage again.

Li Si silently planned, even though old Jace was not here, it was not completely fruitless.

"It turns out that little Easter Egg lives across the street now!"


Ashley patted her chest. The courage she had finally mustered up after hesitating for a long time was exhausted after just one sentence. If Uncle Jess hadn't asked her to help inform those who came to him, she would not have had the courage at all. Talk to people who just look awesome.

After waiting for a while and hearing the sound of the carriage leaving, Ashley cautiously opened the window and saw that the carriage had staggered away, and then she felt relieved.

"Ashley, you're awesome. It's not that difficult for Uncle Jess to ask you to help!"

Is that person a noble?

It should be true. Only nobles can dress so beautifully and cleanly. I have never seen such a beautiful carriage. There is also a silver-white eagle spreading its wings on the carriage.

But that person doesn't seem to be as scary as Aunt Anna said. Does the noble really want to capture and eat a girl like him when he sees one?

Ashley's little head was filled with doubts and she closed the window again without much thought.

When Aunt Anna is not around, she will lock the doors and windows tightly. Although the room will be very dark, Ashley is not afraid at all. She even likes to stay alone in the shadows, and the darkness around her makes her feel better. Make yourself feel safe.


Kane family mansion.

As soon as Li Si got off the carriage, he saw the butler Joyce already waiting aside. He was wearing a meticulously dressed black and white tuxedo and gold-rimmed glasses. Even the angle of his bow was perfect. It was simply synonymous with elegance.

"Joyce, come to the study with me."

"Yes, Master." Joyce perfectly fulfilled the housekeeper's rule of asking few questions and speaking carefully, and followed Li Si to the second floor of the mansion.

Sitting down behind the desk, Li Si looked at Joyce standing sideways in front of him and said in the same tone as his predecessor:

"Joyce, what's the current situation of the family business?"

Yes, Lis was the only member of the Kane family, but his predecessor was addicted to magic and couldn't help himself. Even the family property was under the control of the butler Joyce. Whatever was needed, Joyce could directly prepare it.

However, Joyce is also worthy of Li Si's trust. The Kane family has only passed down the knighthood for three generations and belongs to the emerging aristocracy of the royal family. However, Joyce has been the chief steward of the Kane family since the second Viscount Kane and has never made any mistakes. It can be said that he knows the Kane family better than himself, the current Viscount Kane.

Joyce also raised his predecessor, whose parents both died when he was young, with his own hands, so Li Si naturally did not doubt Joyce's loyalty.

Although Li Si rarely cared about the family business before, Joyce didn't think much about it and replied after a little thought:

"Currently, the family's annual income is about 7,500 gold coins, including 5,000 gold coins from the royal family, about 2,000 gold coins from the three shops in Fes District, and about 500 gold coins from the two manors outside the city."

"Normal annual expenditures are about 4,800 gold coins, of which 1,000 gold coins are needed for the repair and maintenance of the mansion and manor every year, about 300 gold coins for servants' salaries, 1,000 gold coins for food and daily necessities, and about 2,000 gold coins for maintaining the Kane family's interactions with the royal family and other nobles. , other expenses are about 500 gold coins."

(Note: 1 gold = 10 silver = 200 copper. Common people’s annual income is about 10 gold. The most common meal of black bread and vegetable soup outside costs two coppers.)

Because the Kane family's title is Palace Viscount and there is no actual fiefdom, the main source of income is the annual support from the royal family.

Li Si clicked his tongue. As expected of a noble, this start was different. He still remembered that in his previous life, when he first entered the game to open up wasteland, he worked exhaustingly for several days to complete a task and was only rewarded with 1 gold coin.

However, high income also means high expenses, and most of the expenses are to maintain the aristocratic dignity of the family.

However, there is nothing that can be done about it, and it cannot be reduced. As a palace noble, if he lives like a commoner, it will be considered an insult to the Fes royal family, and he will be punished at least, or even deprived of his title.

The classes are clearly defined. The nobles are really extravagant and greedy for enjoyment!

Li Si took a delicious sip of the hot chocolate that Rossi had just brought in, and in his heart he severely condemned the luxurious life of the aristocrats.

"How much savings does the family have now?"

Li Si guessed that it had been passed down for three generations after all, so he should have a lot of wealth.

"Because you have purchased many precious materials for magic research in recent years, the family only has 500 gold left after excluding this year's necessary expenses."

"Cough~" Li Si was burned by the hot chocolate.

Good guy, the prodigal son is actually myselfΣ(°Д°;)!

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