I asked you to evaluate a kitchen knife. Would you use it to chop an engineer shovel?

Chapter 259 Agree with Zhao Feng to start a live broadcast of cooking utensils

"Brother Feng tells you some breaking news. It's Miss Dai who helps you clarify the truth!"

"What the hell!"

Zhao Feng was so surprised that he almost dropped the garlic-flavored sausage in his hand.

"This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Zhao Feng gritted his teeth and refused to believe that this stupid girl would help him for no reason. He usually regarded himself as his mortal enemy.

"If you want to say that it was Zhang Wu, Wang Er, and Sun Liu who helped me, I can believe it, but only this stupid little girl helped me, I don't believe it!"

Zhao Feng's entire expression was full of uncertainty. He looked like netizens were joking with him. Usually netizens would get really anxious after seeing this.

"Brother Feng, you are not such a silly girl. There are traces to help you clarify the truth. You can go to her new account to find out!"

"This is impossible, this is impossible!"

Zhao Feng was still waving his hands, not believing it, and even showed a mocking expression.

"Everyone here, please stop joking with me, okay!"

"Brother Feng, if you don't believe it, you can call me directly and ask what he said!"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, if she is really your benefactor, you should also thank her."

This sentence reminded netizens that Zhao Feng was also wondering who posted the eldest sister's confession of her mistake in front of the traffic police comrades on the Internet.

With this video, netizens knew the truth of the matter and stopped scolding themselves one-sidedly.

Zhao Feng also wanted to find an opportunity to thank this netizen who helped him a lot, but now he has no idea who this netizen is.

"Brother Feng, you must listen to us and connect with the little girl. She is the one who will help you!"

At the request of fans, Zhao Feng prepared to connect with Dai Xiaomei. Under the expectation of millions of netizens, Dai Xiaomei's side has been in a state of no connection.

Now that netizens see this, they are even more suspicious that Dai Xiaomei is a pearl among netizens.

"Zhao Feng needless to say, the little girl must be embarrassed, so she is not connected!"

"Yes, Brother Feng, I just investigated and found out that the ID account of the netizen named Yi Zhenzhu and Dai Xiaomei are the same ID account, so they must be the same person!"

Netizens have already identified Dai Xiaomei as the person who helped Zhao Feng a lot, and at this time Zhao Feng also began to be dubious.

"Is it possible that the person who helped me is really a stupid girl?"

"But why would he do this!"

Zhao Feng was very confused, and some netizens started to raise their voices on the live broadcast platform.

"Brother Feng, needless to say, the little girl must have taken a liking to you!"

Being liked by someone is a very exciting thing, but now that Zhao Feng heard that the silly little girl liked him, he became furious.

"How is this possible? We are not in the same hexagram at all. Even if she likes me, I can't like her!"

Zhao Feng was so determined that he even threw the garlic-flavored sausage in his hand to the ground in front of all the netizens.

At this time, the stupid girl had changed another account and sneaked into Zhao Feng's live broadcast room. When she saw Zhao Feng throw the garlic-flavored sausage in his hand to the ground, she clenched her molars in anger.

"Zhao Feng, who do you think you are? I don't like you. I just saw you being bullied by the elder sister. I felt that you were helpless and I felt pity for you so I helped you!"

I don't know why, but the little girl started to hate Zhao Feng more and more. She turned off her phone and threw it on the sofa nearby.

On this side, Zhao Feng suddenly received a call during the live broadcast. It was the host Li Jing who invited Zhao Feng to do a live broadcast of cooking utensils.

Zhao Feng had dealt with Li Jing before, and the last Emperor Cui was also introduced by Li Jing. Now that he received a call from Li Jing, Zhao Feng instinctively became more vigilant.

"What brand of cookware do you want to introduce to me? I'm not interested in these!"

"Brother Feng, my spatula happened to be broken. If you bring the goods, I will place an order directly in your live broadcast room!"

"Brother Feng, I just wanted to buy a pan recently. If you have one, I won't go to other anchors!"

"Brother Feng, my rice cooker doesn't work very well. Do you sell rice cookers there?"

Netizens have very sharp ears. As soon as they hear the word cookware, they send all kinds of products they want to the public screen.

Zhao Feng was a little sad by Boss Cui Dahuang. Zhao Feng did not want to get involved in the cookware industry.

"Sorry, Sister Li Jing, I have made it clear to Boss Cui Dahuang that I will not carry goods for him!"

"Zhao Feng, why are you so stubborn? Boss Cui Dahuang said this time that he will increase your commission!"

"Brother Feng, are gas stoves also a type of cooking utensils? If you have one, help me choose a reasonably priced gas stove."

Zhao Feng was disgusted with CEO Cui Dahuang, but thinking that he could increase his commission, Zhao Feng hesitated.

At this time, Li Jing on the other end of the phone kept talking.

"Zhao Feng, who do you think we have trouble with? We can't have trouble with money. You are a little unhappy with Mr. Cui, but the past will eventually pass!"

What Li Jing said is true. People always have to look forward. Besides, CEO Cui Dahuang didn't do anything to Zhao Feng.

There is no need for Zhao Feng to hold on to this matter. Since CEO Cui Dahuang is willing to increase his commission, what reason does Li Zhao Feng have to refuse?

Perhaps in response to the fans' request, Zhao Feng turned his attention to the live broadcast room.

"Fans here, do you have any ideas about me hosting a live broadcast about cooking utensils?"

"Brother Feng, I express my strong support!"

"Brother Feng, I agree with both hands!"

"Brother Feng, my spatula is no longer usable. Can you start broadcasting now? If so, I will place an order immediately!"

Everyone here is an old person in Zhao Feng's live broadcast room. Everyone knows what kind of format Zhao Feng's live broadcast will be.

The quality of the products is excellent, and they also believe in Zhao Feng’s character, so there are some products that do not need Zhao Feng’s introduction. As soon as they click on the link, they will rush to grab them.

Although Zhao Feng has agreed to do a live broadcast of cooking utensils for fans, he has no preparations. Even the specific products, planning and operation personnel are not in place, so there is no way for him to start this live broadcast.

Thinking about this, Zhao Feng looked at his calendar and set the cooking utensil live broadcast time on the 31st of this month.

"Let's do this, my unfair fans here, we will meet you in the live broadcast room on the 31st of this month, and I will hold a live broadcast for everyone!"

"Whenever you need anything, you can place an order in my live broadcast room!"

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