The spine is divided into five segments from top to bottom: cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, sacral vertebrae, and coccygeal vertebrae.

When practicing, it is important to "work in one go", requiring practitioners to use their inner breath to practice all five sections every day.

Because all tissues and organs of the human body follow the natural law of "use it or lose it".

Without exercise and refinement, functions will naturally fade away.

Therefore, if you want to practice, you have to put the whole root together, at least once a day, and continue for about half a month before you can advance to [blood transfusion]

This is a great test for practitioners, who must have a strong body and generate enough inner breath.

You also have to be careful enough to walk on a single-plank bridge across an abyss with your eyes closed.

A person who has the strength of 50,000 to 60,000 kilograms in the Blood Exchange Realm can bear rifle bullets. This strength must be exchanged for his life.

At this moment, Xia Weini absorbed and refined the Qi in 5 minutes, but he stood straight on the spot and did not dare to move, for fear of disturbing Lu Li in the slightest.

I'm still complaining a little bit about my little brother, why did he start the whole thing directly? Why don't you refer to it more?

Little did she know that the difficulty for Lu Li in refining his spine was not as great as she imagined.

It is true that after using too many external objects, Lu Li's physique could only be considered adequate, and the internal energy generated was just enough.

But by looking inside, he could clearly see everything on his spine!

Vertebral foramina, vertebral bodies, neural grooves... everything is clearly visible under the complex "eye of the sky" vision.

It can be seen directly, which is easier than using any other device!

Lu Li controlled his inner breath, stroking his eyeballs, stimulating and refining his spinal cord as gently as possible.

Some of the problems were quickly eliminated by Xia Weiyun's reference comparison. Overall, it was a bit of a surprise but not dangerous.

Tail, sacrum, waist, chest, neck... About 2 hours later, the entire spine was trained, and Lu Li also opened his eyes.

As soon as Xia Weixin saw the other party's bright eyes, he knew it was:

"Congratulations, little brother Lu! What happens once is familiar again. This first time is the hardest, but it will be easier after you get over it!"

Lu Li cupped his fists and said, "Thanks to Sister Xia for letting me refer to it."

Hearing this, Xia Weixin's face turned red, and he coughed and changed the subject:

"You're exhausted too, take a rest."

Lu Li muttered: "It's not bad... I plan to do it again at night."

“Twice in the morning and once in the evening works best.”

Xia Weini said: "I have nothing to do today, so I will just take care of you."

"Thank you, Sister Xia."

Lu Li smiled and thanked, and Xiao Cha and Wan Qing came out of the room.

Just now, they were afraid of disturbing Lu Li, so they didn't dare to move.


Lu Li won the first battle, Wan Qing and Xiao Cha were naturally very happy.

Together they cooked and prepared a sumptuous banquet to entertain Xia Weiyun.

The four of them are all in a state of mind, and Wan Qing’s cooking skills are excellent, so the food tastes so good that not even a bone is spit out.

During the dinner, Lu Li took the initiative to ask: "I wonder how things are going with the Jiu Shan Sect?"

There was no one else present, so Xia Weiyun said directly:

"Didn't the Hatoyama sect send someone to serve as the director of the Shenxin Association? His name is...Fan Shiji. I sent this person a mountain worship message this morning. I will get a reply soon."

The name sounded familiar to Xiaocha, and he immediately remembered that he had seen the other party's zombies on the day Uncle Chen took office.

"This provocation is very arrogant, sending blood-changing zombies into the Tongxuan Yamen to establish authority!"

"The Hatoyama sect is used to being domineering. I'm afraid they will suffer disaster this time."

Xia Weiyun sneered and said to Lu Li:

"You know, little brother, the one who is going to worship the mountain this time is Qiu Yan!"

Lu Li frowned: "The governor's daughter's master..."

"That's right! President Nan reported the matter to the Governor as usual, and this woman volunteered to follow him."

Xia Weiyun analyzed:

"The governor should be interested in Ling Pulse. Of course, it would be great to kill an evil neighbor."

Lu Li's frown deepened.

He also fell in love with spiritual veins and even spent a lot of money to purchase heavy firepower. Of course, he didn't want to be intercepted.

At this moment, Lu Li's heart suddenly changed:

[Counting the days, when the rocket launchers and helicopters arrive, I will just be able to be promoted to "replacement"... time is tight]

Seeing that his younger brother was deep in thought and silent, Xia Weiyun's heart moved and he remembered the destruction of "Xuanzang Temple".

Normally speaking, Lu Li didn't have this ability, but after he had inquired about it, Xuanzang Temple was was hard not to make people suspicious.

Especially now that he was asking about the Hatoyama Sect, he looked like he was thinking about it.

Just as Xia Weiyun was about to speak, there were hurried footsteps outside the door, and soon the door was banged.

Xiaocha went up to open the door and took a look, but what came was a strange combination——

Tong Shao, and Chen Zhizhong who looked anxious?

"It's not good! Yi'an and Yiping were captured by the demon!"

The bronze whistle chirped like a little sparrow and told the story:

"After school, the three of us took a car and walked home. We met a Taoist priest on the way. The Taoist priest took a liking to Yi'an and Yiping and said he wanted to take them to cultivate immortality. Then he let the big zombie tear off the roof of the car and abduct them!"

Chen Zhizhong said in despair: "It was Fan Shiji of the Shenxinhui who took the brother and sister away..."

After hearing this, everyone already understood what happened.

Xiaocha was in disbelief: "Uncle Chen, you are a general judge! How dare he..."

Halfway through, the girl figured it out herself - "Dai" Tongsuan was still a middle-aged marrow cleanser and had no deterrent power at all.

Chen Zhizhong said sadly:

"I only hate that I was too timid back then and didn't dare to promote blood, so that today I don't even have the qualifications to fight..."

As he spoke, he immediately knelt down to Lu Li:

"Master Lu, I'm really desperate. Please save Yi'an and Yiping for the sake of past kindness! I beg you!"

Lu Li and Xiao Cha worked together to drag Chen Zhizhong up.

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen, I will definitely take care of this matter."

After giving the other party a reassurance first, Lu Li was already considering whether to go directly to the door and flatter the other party, or...

At this time, Xia Weiyun said sternly: "President Nan can go there and ask for the person to come out."

Hearing this, Chen Zhizhong was ecstatic and hurriedly thanked:

"Can the old president come forward!? That's great. Thank you very much, Director Xia!"

"You're welcome, Mr. Chen."

When Xia Weiyun saw that Chen Zhizhong had a close relationship with Lu Li's family, he gave him some respect and immediately went to the house to make a phone call.

Chen Zhizhong naturally knew where this face came from, and bowed to Lu Li repeatedly.

Not long after, Xia Weijun came out after making the call: "President Nan has personally gone to the Shenxin Association to ask for someone."

Hearing this, Chen Zhizhong breathed a long sigh of relief.

The old president is talented and has a wide range of contacts, so everyone will give him some face.

At this time, Xiaocha accompanied Uncle Chen and whispered comfort. Wanqing went to open a pot of spiritual tea to calm down the shock. Even Tongshao was nervously waiting for the news.

She and the Chen brothers and sisters are both classmates and friends, so they naturally pray for safety.

Xia Weiyun thought to himself: The Jiu Shan faction captured Tong Xuan’s children? Could it be that he was warning the Governor not to cross the border?

After a cup of tea, the sound of high-speed movement through the air suddenly came from the field.

A figure fell into the courtyard, and it was Nan Jinping.

The old man said solemnly: "Fan Shiji didn't even come back to his senses. He arrested the person and took him back to the mountain gate! He was flying away!"


Everyone exclaimed!

Xia Weijun overturned his guess: In such a hurry... he really took a fancy to the Chen brothers and sisters!

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