I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 244 Poaching the Berlin Film Festival!

The red carpet at the Berlin International Film Festival is not long.

Only about ten meters away, it can be said to be the most low-key place among the three major film festivals.

In addition to the main creators of the opening film who walked on the red carpet as scheduled, local German stars accounted for nearly 80%, so the screams of the onlookers often baffled many foreign media.

The red carpet, which is about ten meters long, has an amazing allure for many celebrities from overseas.

Women who strive for beauty, go to great lengths to expose eye-catching skin, pose in various flirtatious poses, linger in the spotlight, and enjoy world-class vanity. Especially for third-tier artists, the red carpet is the headline. There was a direct train, so countless people stayed on the red carpet like crazy, eager for every media present to take their beautiful photos.

Tom rubbed himself everywhere on the red carpet.

But popularity...

Gradually it is not as hot as when I first came to Berlin.

Reluctantly, he walked around to the edge of the red carpet with various postures, eager to step onto the red carpet, and then waved his hands like many upper-class people.

But unfortunately...

He was not an invited guest, just a spectator who bought a ticket.

The audience has a special channel that allows you to enter the venue, but you cannot walk on the red carpet like many creative teams.

After a short stay...

Tom could only stand at the door of the Berlin Film Festival and let the photographer take a slightly authoritative photo of him and send it to China.

He stared at the door in the distance.

He looked at the hustle and bustle, the splendor and the spotlight, as if it had nothing to do with him.

He was in a corner where no one cared, his eyes were red.

My mind was filled with thoughts about what Zhang Sheng would do at this moment, how he would use this film festival to get something...

He found that his brain was very poor, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt as if his brain was blocked.

He found that he couldn't think of anything other than the low-level propaganda methods at the beginning.

The Berlin International Film Festival awards ceremony is getting closer and closer.

The creative team entered the venue one by one, and there were fewer movies on the red carpet.

However, there are still crowds of people at the door, but the excitement is vaguely less.

Tom finally saw Zhang Sheng's figure!

He stared at Zhang Sheng.

He discovered that Zhang Sheng did not go with Avery Tashi or "The Dog Over the Mountain".

He saw Zhang Sheng followed by a tall French girl who was too beautiful to take his eyes off.

He swallowed his saliva and felt his breathing become heavier.

Even in Berlin, where all the beauties are vying for beauty, that girl still shines brightly.

Then he also saw a familiar figure. His brief surprise turned into astonishment, and then he became gloomy.

That's Lacey!

He was a friend from Brazil!

Tom became angry and his hands were shaking. He seemed to see a betrayer.


I should have followed him!


But he chose to follow an outsider!

Jealousy arose spontaneously, making him gradually forget what he wanted to observe Zhang Sheng.

All he could think about was finding an opportunity to scold Lacey, the "traitor".


Zhang Sheng was walking in the bustling Berlin, looking at the diamond necklace around the neck of the female star...

Elaine next to her couldn't help but be envious...

She told Zhang Sheng that it was France's top brand [Louis], and one of their necklaces worn around the neck was worth tens of millions of yuan.

She introduced Zhang Sheng to the luxury brands she knew, and pointed to those sponsors participating in the Berlin International Film Festival...

She even said that when [Selu] stabilizes and makes money, she will buy a necklace. Of course, it will not cost tens of millions, but an entry-level necklace worth hundreds of thousands.

"Vanity is a weakness of human nature. Many brands exploit the weakness of human nature and then use desire marketing..."

"I know the truth, but people all over the world are pursuing them and know their value!"

Elaine watched the red carpet finish with excitement.

After listening to Zhang Sheng's words, she nodded, but she still couldn't restrain the longing and yearning in her heart.

Zhang Sheng did not respond, but squinted his eyes and looked at the luxury brand in the distance for a long time.

Six o'clock in the evening.

There is only an hour left before the awards ceremony.

There were finally not many people on the red carpet at the door.

Zhang Sheng took Yi Lian in.


Follow timid Lacey.

A few months ago, he thought the [Southern California International Film Awards] was the most prosperous award he had ever seen in his life.

But after arriving in Berlin, he realized that he was like a frog sitting at the bottom of a well.

He is currently learning Chinese and English.

Studying broadened his horizons and his cognition began to gradually change.

This time when he came to Berlin, he felt subverted again!

read more, walk more.

Human growth...

It means gradually accumulating knowledge, insights, and thinking, and then suddenly enlightening at a certain moment.

They entered the hall.

After Zhang Sheng arranged for Lacey to sit down, his eyes turned to Elaine.


"What's wrong? Zhang Sheng? You are..."

Elaine watched blankly as Zhang Sheng took out a notebook from his arms and handed it to Elaine.

Under the light.

Elaine looked at the densely packed names and works written on the notebook.

Most of them are the creative teams of films participating in the Berlin International Film Festival.

"Please focus on memorizing the names of the following directors..."


"The party is over, you go and contact these directors!"

"I have contacted these directors, but they don't want to sell the copyright..."

"No, you go in contact again and I will help pave the way for you."

"All right!"

Elaine took Zhang Sheng's notebook and looked at the names highlighted by Zhang Sheng.


But he saw Zhang Sheng stood up.

"Zhang Sheng, where are you going?"

"I accumulate connections!"



The award ceremony started soon.

The stage is filled with noise and excitement.

Off the stage, Zhang Sheng did not return to his seat.

Elaine looked at the densely packed seats.

But I saw Zhang Sheng sitting next to the creative team of a movie called "The Believer", chatting with an American young man.

The American young man seemed wary of Zhang Sheng at first, but then, Elaine didn't know what Zhang Sheng said, so the young man invited Zhang Sheng to sit in the empty seat next to him.

on the stage……

A performance ends.

Then, Barabara said a series of things.

The first award has finally been announced.

The first prize is the Jury Silver Bear in the short film section.

The applause at the venue made Elaine's eardrums buzz.

After looking at the winners on the stage, Elaine looked at Zhang Sheng again.

Zhang Sheng was having a heated chat with the American young man. The conversation was so exciting that the director next to him seemed to frown.

Elaine was very curious about what Zhang Sheng and the American young man were talking about.

After the awards for the first short film unit were over, the Golden Bear Award for the short film unit followed.

The scene was more lively than before!

There were bursts of excited cheers from behind, and a young man who looked like a college student was holding the trophy, kissing it and waving it!

After looking at it for a while, Elaine turned to look at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng disappeared where he was just now...

After searching for a long time, Elaine found Zhang Sheng sitting in another corner with not many people.

That seemed like an also-ran, short film category contender spot.

He was chatting with a German girl...

They seemed to be familiar with each other before. The tall and thin girl had a somewhat depressed expression, but with Zhang Sheng's encouragement, she gradually began to smile.

What on earth is Zhang Sheng doing?

When Elian was at a loss, she saw Zhang Sheng walking over with the girl, and then...

"Hello, Miss Elaine, this is Miss Fendi, the director of the short film "Thriller Night"..."

"Hello, Miss Fundy?"

"Hello, Miss Elaine!"

After the two got to know each other, the tall, thin German female director naturally started chatting with Elaine.

"Miss Elaine, I heard Mr. Zhang Sheng say that our French [Selu] cinema has a short film screening room? Also, in China, we have our own video website, and it is profitable, right?"


Elaine looked at the freckles on Fendi's face and was briefly confused.

She's not good at lying.

But after seeing Zhang Sheng's eyes, she nodded subconsciously.

"That's great, can I play my "Frightening Night" at your place?"

"Yes, yes, but we are renovating..."

"We can wait... We heard that Mr. Zhang Sheng also has a cinema in Brazil. Is this true?"


Elaine had never been approached by a director for a short film.

It is really difficult to make a profit from short films, so these days, Elaine has never taken the initiative to find a short film unit.

And judging from Fendi's appearance, he is probably a recent college graduate who was lucky enough to be shortlisted for the Berlin Short Film Unit.

Then, as expected, he failed.

A series of things Director Fendi said made Elaine confused and didn't know how to deal with it. She finally looked at Zhang Sheng.


She found that Zhang Shengren had left.

He seemed to have gone to the other side of the documentary to chat.

This time, I pulled a dark-skinned Frenchman and chatted. The documentary was called "Poor People".

He doesn't seem to be the director...

Looks like a photographer?

Immediately afterwards...

He heard the awards being announced on stage.

The films awarded are documentary awards.

In a daze...

She heard the sound of Pauper being rejected.


She saw the tall Frenchman stand up.

Walk towards yourself.

Elaine looked at Fendi who was sitting next to him, looking at the awards ceremony, and then looked at the Frenchman who was walking over with his head lowered.

Zhang Sheng won’t let [Serlu] sign another documentary, right?

They [Salu] are cinemas...

This is not a place for documentaries!

She took a deep breath.


She saw the Frenchman smiling.

"Hello, Miss Elaine, I heard Mr. Zhang Sheng say that we are looking for an excellent world-class documentary?"


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