In the next few days, the bear cubs in the village did not dare to come to trouble the Qin family again. Even if a few babies went out to play and met them, those bear cubs would take the initiative to avoid them, showing that they would not be provocative. It doesn't look close.

Mo Ruyue went to the market again and sold the packed venison, deer blood and antler to the Guanglai Building and the pharmacy, and earned dozens of taels of silver, which she exchanged for silver notes. After preparing to deal with the tigers in the space in a few days, I will renovate the current house.

Now that the vegetables in the space have been ripening one after another, Mo Ruyue also transplanted the vegetables in the space in the dead of night to replace the vegetables grown in the vegetable field outside.

She has tasted the green vegetables grown in the space, and the vegetables that are not poured with spring water taste better than those outside the space, while the ones that are poured with spring water taste better, and even after eating there is a feeling of coolness , as if with an aura.

After the vegetables in the space were transplanted, even the green vegetables in the whole vegetable field grew gratifyingly, it seemed that the spiritual energy in the space was also brought to the outside world, and at the same time it affected the vegetable field outside.

Babies also like the green vegetables produced in the space. They are even more popular than meat food every time they eat. The effect of such a balanced intake of nutrients is that the babies are almost the same every day. Whether it is height or complexion, it is visible to the naked eye. stand up.

In the tool room, Mo Ruyue improved the wooden trailer according to the drawings, and installed many convenient and simple small mechanisms by using the tenon and tenon technology, which not only expanded the capacity of the trailer, but also made the wooden trailer more convenient to use, saving more manpower.

Just after the wooden trailer was successfully refitted, Mo Ruyue brought a carload of vegetables into the city to sell. The verdant appearance immediately attracted the attention of the people in the city, and the carload of vegetables was sold out almost instantly.

This time it was Erbao who came with the car, and I was stunned to see this scene. Although the money earned was only a few hundred dollars, it couldn’t compare to selling game, but no matter how small a mosquito is, it’s still meat, and a few hundred dollars is worth it. A family of four can eat well for two or three months.

Mother, our food is so easy to sell. I think it's better than other people's food in the village. If someone else sells this car, I'm afraid it won't be sold out until the afternoon.

He looked at the empty trailer and looked at the sky, and said in disbelief.

It hasn't even been an hour since entering the city, and now all the dishes have been sold out. This speed is simply incredible.

What is this, as long as things are good enough, anything is possible.

When Mo Ruyue was cleaning up the remaining vegetable leaves in the car, some people who heard the news came forward to ask, and some even did not let go of the vegetable leaves, and collected all the vegetable leaves with only a few pennies. .

I said this lady, will you come to sell vegetables tomorrow? Leave me a few good ones, how about that?

That's right, when are you coming tomorrow, let's come over early in the morning and wait, don't come late again, we can't even receive a vegetable leaf.

They were talking nonsense, surrounding Mo Ruyue's mother and son and the wooden trailer, as if they could get a few handfuls of vegetables for themselves in advance.

Everyone, the vegetables in my vegetable field are limited. I will be here tomorrow at this time, but they will be sold out in two or three days at most. If you want to eat my vegetables, you have to wait for the next crop.

Mo Ruyue's words attracted a lot of disappointment and complaints, but no one knew that there were a lot of fast-growing green vegetables in Mo Ruyue's space, and they didn't take them out just to avoid attracting attention.

After the vegetables were sold, Mo Ruyue took Erbao for a walk around the city. This time, without Dabao's little butler by her side, she couldn't control her desire to go shopping.

It was almost evening when Mo Ruyue brought Er Bao home. Before entering the door, Da Bao stopped him at the door to see what was brought back in the trailer.

Big brother, I'll help you look after my mother, we'll bring some food back, and we won't buy anything else.

Erbao saw that his elder brother was unhappy, and immediately stood up and took the initiative to make a small report.

Hmph, I think I didn't bring enough money, so I didn't buy everything. Dabao said in a bad tone.

He kept the family's silver bills and pieces of silver in his hands, and Mo Ruyue took some scattered copper coins away for use in selling vegetables.

Even if that carload of vegetables can be sold for a few hundred cents, what she can spend is very limited.

I know, but I'm still asking, hurry up and pull the trailer in. I'm exhausted today. I'm going to take a break.

Mo Ruyue unceremoniously threw the car to Dabao and went straight into the house to rest, not caring about his run at all.

Brother, my mother buys almost everything for us. You can see that she didn't buy anything herself, so don't be so cruel to her. Er Bao came over and whispered.

Although mother is always cold now, but she gives them food, clothing and clothing, teaches them to protect themselves, and protects them well. Compared with the vicious woman who only beats, scolds and abuses them before, she is like a heaven and an earth, I don't know. How many times better.

Tangtang and Sibao can't wait to stick to their mother every day. They say that he and Sanbao can't help but want to get close to mother. He can also see that the big brother's defense against mother is also shaken, so it's better to believe it. Mother this time, can't we all get along well?

What do you know! Have you finished today's morning class practice? You almost didn't get up in the morning. Who said that you would never stop your homework, and after a few days, you couldn't hold on anymore.

Dabao glared at him and directly changed the topic.

Erbao stuck out his tongue and slipped back into the room, deciding that he could not

To touch the eldest brother's bad head, otherwise he won't suffer in the end.

The Qin family's small life was getting better day by day, and relying on Mo Ruyue to hunt and grow vegetables, they really accumulated a lot of money.

Now Dabao is no longer always concerned about the problem of Mo Ruyue spending money lavishly. After all, she is not spending money as fast as she can make money.

Just two days ago, Mo Ruyue went into the mountains to hunt again. This time, he actually hunted a big tiger and came back, but the whole village was shaken. Now almost everyone knows that the Qin family is really about to develop. That is a tiger, it is worth a lot of money!

All day, the babies' heads were held high, and their little breasts were firm, like proud little roosters.

Their mother had beaten a big tiger, and they had never heard of anyone whose mother could beat a tiger that big, not even the most powerful hunter in the village, Uncle!

When Mo Ruyue dragged the tiger home that day, someone came to congratulate her, and no one came to visit in the past day, but that day the threshold of the house was almost trampled.

It's just that everyone who celebrates has their own goals, thinking that maybe they can get a piece of the pie, not to mention some tiger's blood and tiger's meat, even if they get a bone or two to make wine, that is also the best tonic.

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