I’m Being Held Captive by Demons

Chapter 30 Family Harmony

On the marriage bed, Kong Ning was lying under the sheets, panting slightly.

Although it is not the first time that I have slept with a monster, but tonight is particularly tiring. He vaguely felt that some kind of breath in his body was sucked away by this witch.

Make him exhausted.

Probably the so-called Yuanyang essence?

It seems that every time this demon girl takes the initiative to have intercourse, it is profitable. It's just that she was very restrained in smoking before, so Kong Ning couldn't detect it, and thought that the witch was just greedy for his beauty.

But this time, the demon girl absorbed too much Yuanyang essence, which made Kong Ning feel a little dizzy.

He knew that it was the witch who was warning him.

The other party noticed that there was a woman's aura on his wrist, but the Yuanyang essence in Kong Ning's body was not damaged, so the witch gave up and didn't plan to find out which woman wanted to take food from the scorpion's mouth.

——It seems that this witch has been very busy recently?

Otherwise, with the temperament shown by the other party, if he is free, he will definitely ask the bottom line to the end before giving up.

Moreover, this demon girl went out earlier and later every night, and came back later and later, and the number of times she was injured was even more than before.

This is really... outrageous!

You can smell me when I have skin-to-skin contact with a woman, are you a dog?

It seems that when I meet Wan'er in the future, I have to remind this reckless little girl not to pounce on her again. It's easy for you to pounce on a man and a woman who don't know each other, but my life is in danger when I go home.

Lying on the marriage bed with limbs stretched out, Kong Ning exhaled a long breath, extremely exhausted.

Putting on her dress and tidying her hair, the demon girl has already left the house, and Kong Ning once again guards the empty room alone.

But in any case, this sudden crisis was finally barely over.

Under the night, Kong Ning gradually fell into a deep sleep.

The huge locust tree outside the yard casts a huge shadow under the moonlight. The cool night wind blows, rustling the leaves of locust trees.

The two old men sitting under the locust tree looked up at the same time, watching the woman in purple walking out of the yard and disappearing into the shadows of the night.

The kind mother with white hair sighed, Ning'er is suffering again.

The father on the side snorted coldly and continued to flip through the old yellowed book in his hand without saying a word.

Seeing such a reaction, my mother was a little displeased, and snatched the yellowed old book angrily, and said, Look at it, and you will know... Read it every day, can you see what kind of flower it is? Ning My son has been tortured like this by monsters, so you are indifferent!

The book was taken away, the middle-aged man with a cold face suddenly sat up straight, staring at the woman in front of him.

Give me!

The voice of the middle-aged man was sullen and vicious, his eyes were fierce and penetrating.

However, the middle-aged woman opposite him stared back at him fearlessly, clutching the old book, refusing to budge.

Under the moonlight, the huge locust tree seemed to be swept by the strong wind, and the treetops shook violently. However, there was obviously no wind near Huaishu Lane.

It took a full quarter of an hour before the huge locust tree regained its calm and stopped shaking.

The middle-aged man under the tree looked coldly at his wife in front of him, and said, He sings every night, and there is a scorpion with three hundred years of practice to help him ecstasy and spend a good night together... What is this suffering? In Shanlan County, there is no other man who has a better life than him.

After finishing speaking, the father added angrily: Give me back the book!

The mother looked at him coldly, and after a long silence, she threw the yellowed torn book over.

Seeing her father pick up the book and continue to read it, she looked in the direction of the yard distressedly, and said, No, I can't watch Ning'er suffer anymore.

The white-haired mother stood up and said, I want to help him!

With that said, she walked towards the yard.

But at this moment, the huge pagoda tree above her head rattled, and dropped pieces of green leaves, which just landed in front of her.

The middle-aged man behind her had put down his book and stood up with a manic face.

you dare!

Pieces of green locust tree leaves danced at the gate of the courtyard, exuding a gloomy and cold atmosphere.

The man with a gloomy face said coldly: Go one step further and try!

There are more and more pagoda leaves fluttering in the night wind.

The air is also getting colder.

Even though it was midsummer in July, the water surface of the small river ditch not far away actually started to freeze.

The mother who stopped at the gate of the courtyard turned her head and looked at the father behind her.

The kind and kind mother, the sinister and manic father, the two looked at each other, but they refused to give in to each other.

More and more locust tree leaves fell from the top of the head. The gloomy father's breath became colder and colder.

Seeing such a scene, the mother slowly sat back on her stone bench and said.

I just want to help Ning'er, and I don't have any bad intentions. Why are you so excited? The kind mother said with a smile all over her face, Be careful that you will lose your temper.

The father snorted coldly, and slowly sat back on his stone bench, continuing to read the old book in his hand, ignoring the woman in front of him.

It was my mother's soft and gentle voice that sounded from under the locust tree.

I know you have concerns, but you care about Ning'er, why don't I care about him?

Besides, the Ghost Festival is coming soon, and the city is becoming more and more chaotic. What can you do if you sit here every day?

Our daughter-in-law is not a good stubble, she seems to have a big background.

It's really not a good thing that Ning'er provoked her. I think we should let go of other things first and help Ning'er out of danger before we can think about it later.

What do you think?

The mother's voice is gentle and kind, full of peace of mind.

However, the father opposite her had an indifferent face and didn't raise his head. He completely ignored her existence and continued to read the yellowed old book.

Seeing such a scene, the mother couldn't help but sighed and said.

You are really a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard...

Sitting here every day, doing nothing, what can change?

The Hungry Ghost Festival is coming, but this year is different from previous years. With such an annoying daughter-in-law coming to make trouble in the city, the situation has already gotten out of control. It is impossible for you to get away with it easily this year.

Even if you survive the Ghost Festival, can you survive the Double Ninth Festival?

You know very well that if you don't make changes, we will all end well.

Under the locust tree, the mother's voice gently advised, making one unable to resist the desire to follow her advice.

However, the father who was flipping through the old books looked sullen and unmoved.

He just said coldly: If you dare to touch Kong Ning, I will break your hand!

Father's eyes were cold.

Mother was taken aback for a moment, then laughed.

You're so funny. You make it sound like you care about Ning'er...It really makes me sick.

You disgust me too!

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