"Da da da da da..."

When Wang Chen thought of this, his eyes burned with anger.

A barrage of bullets passed by, and Lin Haonan, the ghost sword warrior, couldn't bear it at all.

The defensive talisman was directly highlighted.

Not only him, but also three other people who took action against Wang Chen.

All were eliminated, and all the points went to Wang Chen.

"You...how could you react so quickly!"

Lin Haonan looked in disbelief, completely unable to believe that his points had been cleared.

You know, he had made sufficient preparations before launching the sneak attack.

But he never thought that he would be killed by Wang Chen instead.

All my efforts, all my shortcomings and shortcomings...

Big exams also mean complete failure.

Wang Chen accepted all of the more than 20,000 points with a smile.

Who knew that Wang Chen didn't even look at him, but continued to return to the battle.

During the ten seconds or so that Wang Chen was out of the battle, fortunately, more candidates came over to join forces. Even those candidates from No. 3 Middle School who had not fought with Lin Haonan against Wang Chen consciously joined the battle against the elite boss.

This barely suppressed the advance of the elite BOSS.

When Wang Chen returned, the battle became much easier.

"Wang Chen, you return my points, otherwise I will make the Jihad Guild want you nationwide..."

Lin Haonan was trapped in the formation, but after losing all his points, he roared hysterically.

But no matter how loud he screams, it's just the wail of a loser.

Jingshui Prison has stabilized the situation, but the situation in the other three prisons is not so easy.

A large number of candidates were hit with defensive symbols by the elite BOSS. After being hit with the defensive symbols, there were still some candidates who were endlessly broken by the elite BOSS and eventually died.

Once the defensive talisman is played, death is just a matter of time.

For a time, the surroundings of the three prisons in Desolate Land seemed like the end of the world, and the candidates began their great escape career.

Twenty minutes later, General Qin and other non-commissioned officers were working hard to repair the cores of the four prison defense formations.

Some troops rode Noah's airship and landed near the prison, while others rushed in cars to rescue the candidates and kill the elite BOSS.

But there is one team that is different.

Most of the people sitting in the car were elderly people, and even the younger ones were in their forties.

The entire convoy is heading towards the core of Stillwater Prison.

Sitting in this motorcade were senior military officials and principals of major schools headed by Mr. Zhong.

"Something's wrong...why didn't any of the candidates notice it?"

"Shouldn't there be a lot of candidates running around? Could it be that the candidates didn't run out?"

"You'll know what's going on when you get near Jingshui Prison."


On a military bus, everyone was puzzled.

Even Mr. Zhong frowned.

Along the way, except for a few sporadic candidates, we saw less and less candidates as we went on.

Could it be that there was an accident? No one escaped?

Mr. Zhong couldn't figure it out. If there were large-scale casualties, he, General Qin, and the senior officials of the Ministry of Education would all be responsible.

Those principals will also be unable to explain to the parents of the candidates, and may even offend some powerful families.

These people stared at the journey with uneasiness.

I just hope there won't be any surprises.

No one can bear the consequences of a large number of candidates dying.

A convoy of vehicles moved at full speed.

"Mr. Zhong, look! What's going on?"

someone shouted.

Everyone also looked forward with wide eyes.

I saw a group of candidates standing in three rows, with the melee professionals in the first row ready to rush forward at any time.

The second row is for professions such as mages and warlocks.

The third row includes professions such as archers, priests, and paladins.

Under the fierce offensive, it actually blocked the advance of the elite bosses.

The most eye-catching thing is a gunner, every bullet caused horrific damage.

From time to time, grenades were thrown, causing widespread damage.

"These candidates are capable. They actually know how to save themselves, and they actually blocked the elite BOSS!"

"It seems that the main output is the gunnery master, the gunnery master, yes, it is Wang Chen!"

"Wang Chen is very powerful, and the other professionals seem to be his assistants!"


Many principals and senior officials felt relieved.

The hanging heart finally relaxed.

Mr. Zhong also breathed a long sigh of relief and glanced in the direction of Wang Chen.

"These children didn't suffer much damage. They're lucky among misfortunes!"

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Zhong took out a cannon from the storage space and put it on his shoulder.

"The children have persisted for such a long time, it's time for us old guys to do something!"

As he spoke, Mr. Zhong got out of the car and ran away with the cannon.

Others followed suit.

The other candidates finally felt relieved when they saw the reinforcements arriving.

Mr. Zhong deliberately stood beside Wang Chen and gave Wang Chen a meaningful look.

Wang Chen frowned and realized that this officer was actually a level 70 gunner, but he only had a first rank, not a second rank.

But just one turn and his level are enough to be terrifying.

Mr. Zhong was carrying the cannon with a solemn gaze.


Immediately afterwards, a large piece of bright light appeared on the cannon, and with the force of the cannon, it blasted out violently.

He fell directly into the elite BOSS group.

In an instant, it exploded, and the dazzling light directly covered a large area and advanced towards the entrance of the cave. No one dared to look directly at this area.

An unknown number of elite bosses were immediately blown to pieces.

With just one shot...all the elite bosses within more than 500 meters were eliminated.

"Is this the strength of the gunnery division in the later period?"

Wang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although these old men were not in the advanced stage yet, after all, he did not have a second turn, such terrifying strength fascinated Wang Chen.

Other principals and senior officials began to deal with the aftermath.

Some candidates collapsed directly to the ground.

"Fortunately Wang Chen is here, otherwise we would be dead!"

"Wang Chen is amazing. He saved all of us. If he hadn't been here, I'm afraid all of us would have died here."

"That Wang Chen seems to be a gunnery master as well. Who said that the gunnery master is a useless profession? If he is so powerful, can he still call him a useless profession?"

"I feel that by killing these elite bosses, Wang Chen is first gaining points and experience!"


Many candidates looked at Wang Chen with a feeling of admiration.

At this time, the defensive formation of Stillwater Prison was also repaired.

Mr. Zhong looked around and showed a pleased expression.

Then he patted Wang Chen and said, "Boy, you performed well!"

After saying that, he summoned other principals and senior officials and ordered: "Send the children back first to avoid any accidents!"

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