Bai Ye led the soldiers to the corpses of the wild dogs, and each step was on the scorched earth, making a dull echo. The air was filled with a rotten smell, mixed with the burnt smell left after burning, which was disgusting. However, Bai Ye seemed to be indifferent to it. His eyes were firm and deep, as if he was peeping through the ruins and peeping into a deeper world.

The soldiers followed him, some with frowns, some with pale faces, but without exception, their eyes were focused on the rotten wild dogs. These once ferocious beasts were now lying on the ground, motionless, covered with scars and signs of decay.

"It's terrible, these wild dogs must have been extremely cruel when they were alive." A soldier couldn't help but speak, with a tremor in his voice.

"Yes, but now they are just a pile of rotten meat." Another soldier said, with a hint of disdain in his tone.

Bai Ye stopped and stared down at a particularly large wild dog corpse. Most of its fur had fallen off, revealing the bloody skin underneath. Its eyes were open, as if still telling of its fear and despair in life.

"They were once the life on this land, but they were forced into this state by the environment and fate." Bai Ye said lightly, revealing a deep sympathy and helplessness in his voice.

The soldiers fell silent after hearing this. They began to re-examine the bodies of these wild dogs, as if trying to find more stories and revelations from them.

Bai Ye reached out and gently touched a wound on the body of the wild dog. His fingers were cold and firm, as if he could penetrate the body and touch its soul in life.

"Look at their wounds, some were bitten by their own kind, and some were scratched by sharp objects. They struggled to survive in this wasteland, but ultimately could not escape the fate of death." Bai Ye's voice was low and powerful, and every word seemed to hit the soldiers' hearts.

The soldiers nodded one after another, and a complex emotion flashed in their eyes. They began to understand that these wild dogs were not simply enemies or monsters, they were also victims of this wasteland, lives pushed into despair by fate and environment.

Bai Ye stood up and looked across the area full of wild dog corpses. An inexplicable emotion surged in his heart, both awe of life and helplessness towards this wasteland.

"Let's keep moving forward," he said, revealing a firmness and determination in his voice.

The soldiers followed Bai Ye and continued to move forward in this wasteland. Although their footsteps were heavy, their eyes became firm and bright. They knew that in this land full of unknowns and dangers, only by uniting as one can they overcome all difficulties and find hope for survival.

As they went deeper, the scene on the wasteland became more and more desolate. There were dilapidated buildings and withered vegetation everywhere, as if this land had lost all its vitality and vitality. However, Bai Ye and the soldiers did not retreat or fear at all. They knew that only by bravely facing this wasteland could they find their own path and future.

As night fell, the wind on the wasteland began to howl. The soldiers sat around a bonfire, while Bai Ye stood alone, looking into the distance. His figure looked lonely and firm in the firelight, as if he was a ray of light in this desolate world.

"General, don't you want to take a rest?" a soldier couldn't help asking.

Bai Ye looked back at him and smiled slightly: "I'm not tired, you can rest first."

Seeing this, the soldiers didn't say anything more and lay down to rest. They knew that Bai Ye was a strong and brave man, who had deeper thoughts and firmer beliefs than them.

As the night deepened, the wind on the wasteland became more and more biting. Bai Ye still stood by the bonfire, his eyes deep and bright, as if he was staring at the past and future of this wasteland.

He knew that although this land was desolate and cruel, it also bred life and hope. As long as they didn't give up and didn't stop, they would definitely find their own tomorrow.

In this way, Bai Ye led the soldiers to continue moving forward on this wasteland. Although their footsteps were heavy, their hearts were full of hope and faith. They knew that as long as they united as one, they could overcome all difficulties and meet the challenges of the future.

Time seemed to have stopped in this wasteland, and the journey of Bai Ye and the soldiers seemed endless. However, they did not feel tired and desperate because of this. On the contrary, their hearts were full of determination and courage, because they knew that only by moving forward could they find their own destination and future.

In this desolate wasteland, the figures of Bai Ye and the soldiers became farther and farther, but their faith and courage remained on this land forever. Their story will inspire future people and make them believe that in this land full of unknowns and dangers, as long as there is faith in their hearts, they can find their own path and future.

Bai Ye led the soldiers forward for another distance, and the wasteland under their feet seemed to become heavier, and every step seemed to be stepping on a muddy swamp. The silence around was broken by the whistling sound in the wind, and an indescribable sense of depression filled the air.

Suddenly, a commotion came from the wilderness, and the soldiers' nerves immediately tensed up. They held their weapons tightly and looked around vigilantly. Bai Ye also stopped, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes, as if it could penetrate the darkness and see everything clearly.

At this moment, a large number of decaying radioactive rats rushed out of the wilderness. Their bodies twist and deform, and their fur falls off, revealing the rotting flesh and bones underneath. Their eyes were red and emitted a strange light, as if they were monsters eroded by radiation.

The irradiated rats are no longer the small, agile rodents that people remember in this cursed wasteland. After countless years of radiation erosion and genetic mutation, they have evolved into disgusting monsters, each of them looking like a demon crawling out of hell.

These irradiated mice are extremely large, several times larger than ordinary mice, and can almost be compared with domestic cats. Their bodies are distorted and deformed. They are no longer streamlined and elegant, but become bloated and deformed. Their skin takes on a sickly gray-brown luster, covered with large and small tumors and ulcers, and flowing with yellow pus. liquid. The pus mixed with the radioactive material on their bodies creates a suffocating stench that is enough to scare away any living thing.

The heads of irradiated rats are unusually large, taking up almost a third of their entire bodies. Their eyes turned red, like two burning fireballs, shining strangely in the darkness. These eyes are no longer simple visual organs, but more like some kind of radiation sensors, able to capture weak radiation fluctuations in the surrounding environment. Their ears have also become extremely sensitive and can pick up any subtle sound in the distance, providing them with an opportunity to hunt and escape natural enemies.

Their mouths are open nightmares, and their sharp teeth are as sharp as steel knives, capable of easily biting through the flesh of any creature. Their saliva is mixed with strong radioactive substances and corrosive liquids. Once it touches the skin, it will immediately cause severe burns and radiation sickness. The claws of these irradiated rats have also become extremely sharp and strong, allowing them to easily dig through hard soil and rocks in search of food and habitat.

The actions of these irradiated rats have also become extremely strange and fast. They no longer run on the ground like ordinary mice, but can travel across the wasteland in an almost gliding manner. Their bodies seem to be integrated with the land, and they can reach any destination in the shortest time.

What's even more frightening is that these irradiated mice seem to have a certain degree of intelligence and teamwork capabilities. They are no longer solitary predators, but can work together in a tacit way to attack prey or escape predators. When they appear in groups, the scene is simply like an army of demons in hell, which is terrifying.

In the wasteland, these radioactive rats are the absolute overlords. Not only do they prey on other creatures, but they even prey on dead creatures, using their sharp teeth and corrosive saliva to gnaw away the corpses beyond recognition. Their existence makes this wasteland more desolate and terrifying.

These radioactive rats rushed toward the soldiers crazily, opened their mouths to reveal sharp teeth, and bit into the soldiers' bodies. The soldiers screamed in terror and waved their weapons in an attempt to drive away the disgusting creatures.

However, there were too many of these radioactive rats, and they came like a tide, constantly attacking the soldiers' defense lines. Although the soldiers' weapons were powerful, they were powerless under such a dense attack.

When Bai Ye saw this, he immediately pulled out the long sword in his hand and rushed into the group of rats in a flash. His swordsmanship is sharp and fast, and he can cut off the bodies of several radioactive rats with every swing of his sword. However, these rats seemed endless. Every time he cut off a batch, more rats would emerge from the darkness.

Seeing this, the soldiers followed Bai Ye's example and rushed into the rats to start a fierce battle with these disgusting creatures. For a time, the battlefield was filled with the shouts of soldiers and the screams of radioactive rats, and the scene was extremely tragic.

Bai Ye shuttled among the rats, his eyes were firm and cold, and he showed no mercy every time he swung his sword. He knew that although these radioactive rats were disgusting and terrifying, they had to face such challenges if they wanted to survive in this wasteland.

After a fierce battle, the soldiers finally eliminated all these radioactive rats. However, the tragedy on the battlefield was shocking. The soldiers' bodies were covered in rat blood and carrion, and the air was filled with a sickening smell.

Bai Ye stood in the middle of the battlefield, with no expression on his face. He looked at this wasteland full of blood and death, and an inexplicable emotion surged in his heart. He knew that this was just one of the challenges they had to face in this wasteland, and that there would be more difficulties and dangers waiting for them in the future.

However, Bai Ye did not flinch or fear at all. He turned around and faced the soldiers, his eyes shining with determination and courage.

"Keep going," he said, an unmistakable determination in his voice.

The soldiers heard this and nodded. They know that only by moving forward can they find their own future and hope. They followed Bai Ye closely and continued to move forward in this wasteland full of unknowns and dangers.

As they went deeper, the scene in the wasteland became more and more desolate.

In this desolate wasteland, endless desolation and deathly silence envelope every inch of the land. The sky was leaden and gloomy, as if shrouded in thick clouds, making it difficult for sunlight to penetrate, making the whole world look bleak. Occasionally, one or two rays of sunshine shine through the gaps in the clouds, but they only add a bit of desolation and desolation to this wasteland.

In the wasteland, the once urban buildings have become dilapidated. The walls of high-rise buildings are cracked and peeled off, revealing the rusty steel skeletons inside, like the remains of giant beasts, quietly telling the story of past glory and current decline. Broken vehicles and dumped garbage can be seen everywhere on the streets, as if they are the relics left after a catastrophe. The road is no longer smooth, it is full of potholes, cracks and gravel. Walking on it, every step seems extremely difficult.

The vegetation in the wasteland is sparse and withered. Those once lush trees now have only bare branches, with yellow leaves swaying in the wind, as if they are making a final struggle. On the ground, you can occasionally see some stubborn weeds, which are stubbornly rooted in the cracks. Although their leaves are withered and yellow, they still work hard to grow upward, showing the tenacity and unyieldingness of life.

There was an indescribable dullness and depression in the air. The wind in the wasteland, carrying the smell of sand and radiation, blew on the face, making people feel a sting. The air here is dry and turbid, and you can feel the deep dullness and heaviness when you breathe. Whenever the wind blows, sand and dust will rage in the air, shrouding the entire world in gray, making it difficult to see the road ahead.

In this wasteland, time seems to have lost its meaning. The alternation of day and night and the changing of seasons have left a deep imprint on this desolate land. When night comes, the darkness in the wasteland becomes deeper and heavier, as if it wants to swallow everything. The moonlight shines on the dilapidated buildings, casting mottled shadows, adding a bit of eeriness and terror.

In this desolate wasteland, life seems to have become extremely precious and fragile. Apart from those tenacious weeds and irradiated rats, it is almost impossible to see traces of other creatures. This has become an abandoned world, a place full of death and despair.

However, in this seemingly lifeless wasteland, there are still some tenacious lives struggling hard. They may be humans or other creatures, but no matter what they are, they have left their own traces on this desolate land.

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