

“You mean… Kudo Shinichi?”

Haihara Ai knew the truth about Kudo Shinichi’s shrinkage from the beginning, and it was precisely because of this that she was able to escape.

But… she didn’t expect that Kudo Shinichi would also accidentally drink Baigan wine and cause Physical recovery.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or if Kudo Shinichi has really mastered this method.

“So stupid!”

Kudo Shinichi chose to return to Tedan High School at this time, undoubtedly telling the black organization: he is still alive.

The black organization’s eyes are not on Kudo Shinichi now.

If Ginjiu reacts…

APTX4869’s secret , and they may even cause unnecessary trouble

“you are ready……?”

Hui Yuan Ai looked at the APTX4869 that had just been sent to him, and seemed to have understood Su Yi’s next plan.


He wants to give Kudo Shinichi an APTX4869,”Zero”Zero Zero Three” Zero Three”.

Let this kid disappear in front of him as quickly as possible, disappearing into Didan High School


“This is poison after all”

“Aren’t you afraid that Kudo Shinichi will die in school?”

The missing person returned, but suddenly died on campus that day…

This is so topical!

Once this situation really happens, it is unlikely that it will not be published in the”Tokyo Daily”

“Haven’t you recently increased the probability that APTX4869 will make your body smaller?”

“Scientific research……”

“Always gotta try it!”

Haihara Ai touched his chin thoughtfully.

It makes sense!

If Kudou Shinichi really died suddenly in Didan High School, they shouldn’t have a big problem collecting the body immediately.

In short… we must not let this pretentious person The boy is wandering around the school again



After Su Yi got APTX4869, he immediately found Kudo Shinichi who was going to the toilet.

This guy’s cold isn’t getting better!

Every time he sneeze while standing in front of the urinal, two drops will fall on his pants.


Being called to the Academic Affairs Office by the teacher just now to talk made Kudo Shinichi feel extremely unhappy.

He asked him that it would be fine if he didn’t come to class during this period, but actually asked him to give up his original position to Su Yi.


He wanted to ask I asked Su Yi what qualifications he had to sit next to Xiaolan.


“See if I don’t……”

As soon as Kudo Shinichi turned around, his feet suddenly slipped.

The whole person leaned back quickly, and his head banged on the urinal.


Su Yi looked at Kudo Shinichi who was knocked unconscious and lying on the bathroom floor.

He felt indescribably happy!

However, this joy did not slow down the movements of his hands.

He used a set of injection equipment to directly inject APTX4869 Injected into Kudo Shinichi’s blood vessel.

Just in case!

He even stood at the door of the toilet and counted the time.

According to Haibara Ai…

The time for APTX4869 to take effect after being injected into the body is 5- 7 times.……


A scream in the bathroom proved that APTX4869 had taken effect in Kudo Shinichi’s body.

At the same time… it also proves that Haihara Ai’s recently improved APTX4869 is effective


“Am I… changing back again?”

Kudo Shinichi suddenly broke out in sweat when he saw his smaller body again.

He was dumbfounded!

What happened in the past two days made him feel like he was in a dream.

He began to recall… from the academic affairs department After he came out of the bathroom, he went to the bathroom to urinate, and suddenly he felt something being pulled hard on his feet.

I wasn’t sure if it was because he fell on his head in the urinal.

By the time he got up again, he had turned back into Jiang. Togawa Conan.

What’s going on?

Hasn’t he changed back to Kudo Shinichi? Why did he become Edogawa Conan again?

At this time…

Kudo Shinichi’s brain has shut down.

“Jingle Bell——”

The hurried ringing of the bell made Kudo Shinichi wake up suddenly.

His current state must not be seen by the classmates of Didan High School, otherwise there will be no chance to explain this matter clearly.

Slip away, slip away!



Su Yi and Haibara Ai almost watched helplessly as Kudo Shinichi escaped from Didan High School wrapped in a fat school uniform.

“Is this considered a success for you?”

Hui Yuan Ai shook his head and said,”It’s not that simple.”

“Kudo Shinichi has a precedent of shrinking his body after taking APTX4869.”

“This may have something to do with his physique!”


“APTX4869 has a certain probability of making people’s bodies smaller. Maybe Kudo Shinichi won the lottery twice?”


Haiyuan Ai said a lot.

In short, there is one sentence: the APTX4869 she studied cannot be used on Miyano Akemi yet……….


“If I can observe Kudo Shinichi’s current movements in real time, it will be very helpful for my subsequent research……….”

Haihara Ai knew that it was too harsh to meet this condition.

After all, Kudo Shinichi is a famous high school detective, not the brat he seems now.

There is absolutely no reason to want to observe face to face!

“Observe guinea pigs?”

He is familiar with this!

He has been under observation during the two years in the black organization.


“Are you trying to kidnap Kudo Shinichi?”

Hai Yuan Ai doesn’t agree with Su Yi doing this.

The reason why the black organization can control the white mice is because there are many killers in the organization.

They don’t have them!

It is definitely impossible for Su Yi to guard him 24 hours a day. What

‘s more, the sound insulation effect of the villa is not as good as expected, which she fully understands.

“give it to me”

“I’ll get this done for you within a day.”

At this time…

Su Yi already has a perfect plan in mind!


The other side.

Kudo Shinichi hurried back to Dr. Agasa’s villa like a street rat.

Along the way… he was only thinking about one thing: Did he get exposed?

“Shinichi, what are you doing?”

Dr. Ali felt an indescribable emotion in his heart when he saw Kudo Shinichi’s body weight becoming smaller.

2.6 It’s very messy and numb!

A strong feeling that his troubles are not over yet came over him.


“You’ve seen it too.”

Kudo Shinichi threw his baggy clothes on the ground, and he had given up struggling.

After half a day of experience card, he returned to reality!

“What exactly is going on?”

“How do I know?”

If he knew the reason, he wouldn’t be standing here upset. He has obviously become Kudo Shinichi…

He feels that his life has entered the previous track, and he is preparing to help his mother and Xiaolan put things right.


“Didn’t you say that the medicine I took has expired and turned me back into Kudo Shinichi?”


“Why is it still like this?

Dr. A Li smiled coquettishly:”I’m just speculating. I didn’t expect this situation now.””


Người mua: Atomic

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