The five thousand year old girl of Meiman

Chapter 47: Nine-headed snake exposed!

The helicopter carrying the blinded General Ross gradually moved away, and only Nick Fury and his party were left on the ruins of the war.

But what did Tony Stark mean by his last words?

Nick Fury was a little confused, but he didn't dare to take Tony Stark's words to heart. After all, he was a guy who dared to self-destruct directly in front of the media.

All we can do is look at tomorrow’s news.

The night dissipates and the sky becomes clear.

Camera equipment, large and small, had been arranged around the venue early, and all the invited media reporters were also present, like a group of children sitting upright.

Holding a pen and a voice recorder in his hand, his eyes were fixed on where the host of the press conference was going to appear.

Pepper walked unhurriedly from the backstage to the front of the speaking stage: "Welcome to all journalist friends to Mr. Tony Stark's press conference. I won't waste much time. Besides, everyone is looking forward to Tony's appearance. , so I will hand over this press conference to Tony."

After Pepper finished speaking, the golden and red figure had already landed on the platform reserved in advance.

"Iron Man! He is really here!"

"Awesome, Tony!"


Even the reporters didn't see the playboy again after Tony revealed his identity, let alone interview him.

"Hello everyone!" Tony's brand new armor was slowly removed by the robotic arm on the platform. "It feels great to see you all again!"

Tony slowly walked to the podium and looked around at the reporters below: "The last time I appeared on this occasion, it was to clarify the so-called robot war. As a result, I became the new nuclear deterrent of the United States."

Tony paused, and no one asked him questions at this time.

"But now I find that sometimes, some clowns regard me as a guy who can serve them." Tony put his hands on the podium and looked around the audience and continued, "Who do they think I am? A clown in the circus? Or a clown in the circus? Can they pay to service their bitchi? Oh, they may not be able to give me a price that allows me to serve."


The audience burst into laughter.

But watching the live news at this moment, American politicians are indeed looking angry.

"Who does he think he is! Can a suit of armor allow him to fight against the entire United States?" A senior white official broke the wine glass in his hand and said angrily to his deputy.

Even the commander-in-chief of the United States looked gloomy at this moment.

Tony Stark is too out-of-touch and has no chance of becoming a weapon for the United States. He will only act according to his own ideas. Things like the suit must be in the hands of the United States!

"Ask the Minister of Defense to come to me." The commander pressed the call button on the table.

Tony on the TV spoke again after the laughter gradually subsided: "I am Iron Man, but I am not a politician's weapon. I am a spokesperson for privatized peace, but there are always some crazy people who are conducting some hateful experiments. .”

Tony clicked quickly on the transparent board in his hand.

A curtain was slowly lowered beside him, and a projection hit the curtain.

It was two big guys fighting, tearing up streets, destroying homes, and using cars like pebbles to throw at each other.

All the reporters present were shocked. Some of them had been preparing to report this bizarre news last night, but it was obvious that a big boss had spoken and the news was suppressed.

Now, Tony Stark is bringing it live to people across America.

"I remember that on my way to the press conference, I saw a comment saying that this was just a special effect for a movie." Tony scratched his chin, "What I want to ask is, do you think the person who made such a comment is all right?" Are all people in America blind? Or do you think the people affected by the disaster in Harlem are all fake?"

As he spoke, Tony suddenly knocked on the table, diverting everyone's attention from the video on the curtain to himself.

"What I want to say is, I can't also use computer-generated special effects. Otherwise, I will have to charge this company's portrait fee." Tony said with a smile, "Now I can be responsible for all my next words."

"First, there is no doubt that the video is genuine."

"Second, the codenames of those two monsters are 'Abomination' and 'Hulk'. They were both created due to the greedy nature of certain people! In other words, their appearance is man-made!"


When these words came out of Tony's mouth, the scene exploded.

"Mr. Stark, are you saying that someone was conducting biochemical experiments on humans that led to the appearance of those two monsters?"

"Mr. Stark, can you guarantee that your source of information is accurate?"

"Mr. Stark, you..."

All the reporters jumped up from their seats, holding the recorders in their hands and approaching Tony, but how could the press conference prepared by Pepper not have security measures.

A large security presence separated reporters from Tony Stark.

"I know that everyone is very excited about this matter, but now is not the reporter's question time. Someone will tell you the whole story later." Tony said to Mike.

When the reporters heard someone reviewing their answers, they already understood that they would not get any useful information from Tony Stark, so they all sat down.

"Then I'll continue." Tony also continued his speech.

"Third, the future Iron Man and myself," Tony stood upright. No one had ever seen such a serious Tony Stark, "will not serve any country. All Iron Man's actions will be done by myself and myself." Our team will judge!”

There was an uproar below, which meant that Iron Man, who could have become a new generation of nuclear threats to the United States, no longer only wanted to limit himself to the security of one country.

This was Tony's decision after he learned about the universe in Diana's mouth, but he would also not let down Ethan's entrustment to him.

At this time, the livid faces of countless senior American officials had completely turned into small volcanoes with red faces and thick necks.

"How dare he! How dare he!"

But even if they were so angry that they suffered brain congestion and were sent to the hospital on the spot, they could not stop Tony from continuing to speak.

For this speech, Tony asked Jarvis to hack the systems of all TV stations last night, and all were broadcast live on Stark's own satellite.

No one can stop this press conference from being broadcast live.

This will undoubtedly make those top executives in the United States who are already on the verge of a volcanic eruption even more annoyed.

I can only look at the hateful face on the screen and talk there.

Reporters on the scene did catch the team Tony was talking about.

A male reporter raised his hand.

"Oh, Ben, please don't raise your hand." Tony waved his hand and said.

"Sir, you just mentioned 'your team', didn't you?"

Tony shrugged: "Yes, I mentioned it. If any of you didn't hear it, I can say it again."

"I and our team will determine whether Iron Man needs to be dispatched."

Tony tapped the table with the index finger of his right hand: "And the next speech will be made by the most powerful person in our team. You can call her..."

"Wonder Woman."

As he spoke, Tony staggered away and stretched out one hand to point to the other backstage door that had never been opened.

As reporters, many people will remember many names deeply, even if this name has been almost buried in the depths of their memory, not to mention the name in Tony's mouth is still like thunder.

The name of a comic book superhero.

A demigod.

The door Tony pointed at slowly opened, and a tall figure appeared in front of everyone.

With long black wavy hair, a beautiful face, and a pure white dress, Diana's beautiful body curves are set off, and her exposed calves are delicate and smooth.

Diana slowly walked towards the podium, countless flashing lights flashing, reaching its peak at the moment when Diana shook hands with Tony.

"Hello everyone, my name is Diana Prince." Diana said.

"I don't believe you can be the Wonder Woman!" A blonde female reporter suddenly attacked Diana, "You may be just a vase, and Mr. Stark may hype you up again."

"So, why does Mr. Stark need hype? He is the topic and focus." Diana still had that smiling face, not taking the reporter's doubts to heart at all, "As for you not believing that I am Wonder Woman? Xia, that is your own opinion, and the future will prove everything. What I have to do now is to create the future."

After ignoring the female reporter, Diana brought the topic back to the topic of this press conference.

Within SHIELD, not only Nick Fury was watching this press conference, but many people were watching this press conference that may be recorded in human history.

Nick Fury held his hands, and his originally calm heart was completely unsettled when Diana appeared on the screen.

Nick Fury does not believe that Tony Stark alone dares to say to senior officials across the United States: QNMD.

There is only one possibility. This Diana is far more powerful than the one in the existing comics.

"What on earth are you doing, Diana?"

Back at the press conference, the reporters present honestly didn't believe that this beautiful lady was really the one.

"It seems that many people are doubting whether I am real or fake." Diana calmly accepted the questioning looks from these reporters, "But what I want to show you now has nothing to do with my identity."

As she spoke, Diana motioned to Tony to adjust the projected image. Instead of showing the fight between Abomination and Hulk, an icon appeared.

A circular icon appeared in front of everyone, and in the middle of the icon was a skull with six tentacles extending out.

"I believe someone must have seen this icon." Diana walked to the icon and said to all the reporters.

"Isn't this the logo of the villain Hydra in the Captain America comics?" A male reporter suddenly stood up and said to Diana, "Are you trying to tell us that this thing still exists?"

No one questions whether this organization really exists, because Captain America exists, and this thing is naturally real.

"You're right, but I still have to ask you to sit down." Diana confirmed the male reporter's words and motioned for him to sit back in his seat.

The male reporter could only scratch his head and sit down. After all, the security personnel with big muscles and round waists were staring at him.

"The male reporter just said it was right. This is the symbol of Hydra. Now this organization has been eliminated in a sense." Diana didn't care at all whether she had advanced the timeline of this world.

After all, sometimes it is faster to get results by forcing others to do something than letting them do it themselves.

Nick Fury was sweating profusely at this moment. When the Hydra logo appeared, he already understood what Diana was going to do, and she wanted to do it himself.

Take action inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Full alert!" Nick Fury quickly picked up a communicator, which he had been using to secretly contact agents who had not been assimilated by the forces within SHIELD.

Now Diana has really conquered him.

Diana's speech continued: "Everyone knows about Hydra, but not many people should have seen this organization."

Then the original Hydra emblem changed into the bald eagle of S.H.I.E.L.D. ,

"Fuck Fuck!" After seeing the SHIELD logo appear, Nick Fury could no longer continue to slowly deal with the forces in the game, and no matter what happened in the end, the final result would be God. The credibility of SHIELD will completely cease to exist.

"The name of this organization is called SHIELD, or you can choose to call it by its full name: Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Bureau. They are directly under the orders of the World Security Council, responsible for all super-powered events, and work with super-powered people Communicate.”

"Miss Prince, you don't mind if I call you that." Ben, who had asked Tony before, raised his hand again.

"You said it." Diana shook her head and said to Ben.

"After you released Hydra, you released an organization we have never heard of. Does that mean that Hydra did not disappear, but thrived through this organization?" Ben's thinking was very clear. He knew whether One would bring up a villain group that has been missing for decades at a press conference.If it is mentioned, there must be a reason.

Hearing Ben's words, Diana couldn't help but applaud: "Yes, SHIELD was formerly the Strategic Science Corps. In 1991, it was changed to the Strategic Hazard Intervention and Intelligence Logistics Division. After defeating Hydra in World War II, the Strategic Science Corps The Science Corps incorporated Hydra's equipment and a large number of weapons and scientific researchers. This also gave Hydra a perfect opportunity to infiltrate. From then to now, decades have passed, and no one knows what's going on in this land. How many HYDRA members there are in each agency."

"But what is certain is that this organization has become the most heavily infiltrated secret service organization in history by its own enemies."


A gunshot completely broke the silence of the venue that was originally silent because of this secret.

A security guard took out his pistol and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit Diana between the eyebrows.

However, what he saw was not brains splattering everywhere, but a bullet that had been smashed into a pancake shape.

The security guard also understood that he had no way to survive, so he turned the gun to point at him.

Ending his life with a cry of "Long live Hydra!"

When all the reporters came to their senses, they immediately thought of Diana who was hit by a bullet.

But when Diana stood there intact, they understood that the world had changed.

At least America has been changed.

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