Dr. Ivo seemed to have aged a lot all of a sudden.

Before that, he looked good, and the paleness of his temples did not make him look old. On the contrary, it gave him an evil charm.

But now, those pale sideburns ruthlessly revealed that he was no longer a young man.

The search he had spent half his life on, his dream of transforming humanity, and his mirakuru, all left him at this moment!

He was unwilling to do so, but the situation was stronger than others, so he could only lower his head.

But he knew that he had one last lifeline, and that was Sarah.

Two years ago, he was the one who fished the baby-faced girl out of the sea. Two years ago, he was the one who brought her into the cabin of the Anthony. "Although this place is very dilapidated, it can still be considered a home."

He still remembered Sarah's frightened look in her eyes when he closed the cabin, and he just told her: "The crew here is not very friendly."

Sarah was confused about him putting people in cages.

And he just told her: "That's my job, I need them."

"I need to save humanity, Sarah."

At that time, he told her this. He had never doubted this belief, just as he had spent half his life looking for Mirakuru.The process of finding Mirakuru is tortuous, and the methods are unspeakable, but the future must be bright, "Maybe you can help me."

Sarah saw his research and its results.

That's a kind of imitation mirakuru.

The color of the reagent is exactly the same as mirakuru, but it cannot transform stem cells in the human body like mirakuru.

It can only barely improve human body functions, making people stronger, stronger, and more powerful.

It is for this reason that he became the actual person in power on the Anthony.

Dr. Iwo said: "Sarah..."

Sarah looked pale and said: "Don't call me, you devil!"

When Sarah thought of Dr. Ivo's disgusting experimental methods, she wanted to end his life.

But she thought in her heart that she couldn't kill him so easily and hastily. She had to expose his crimes to the world so that the world would be warned.

And the poor people on the ship who he used as human experiment samples.

She needed to pry it out of Dr. Ivo's mouth and restore them to their original state!

After spending two years on the evil ship Anthony, she still maintained a kind heart.

Dr. Ivo coughed up two mouthfuls of blood and said, "Sarah, considering the two years we worked together on the Anthony, please give me a break, okay?"

"Shut up!"

Sarah slapped him in the face, but couldn't stop Dr. Ivo from speaking.

Seeing that he could not die quickly, Dr. Aiwo used the provocation method.

"Do you still remember the first time we dissected a human body?" He said: "At that time, you couldn't even hold the scalpel, but you insisted on slicing a prisoner's chest... In order to extract the adrenaline in the human body, You also injected α-type drugs into prisoners... We were partners in human research together..."

The more Sarah listened, the paler her face became.

She took out a sharp blade and put it against Dr. Ivo's neck, "Shut up!"

"Haha... after meeting your old lover, you are indeed different!" Dr. Iwo said: "You have become holy and kind again, so can you take pity on me and give me a good time?"

"Sarah, I beg you."

Dr. Ivo said.

But Sarah refused to take action, causing him to yell: "You little bitch, I gave you food and shelter, but you betrayed me like a white-eyed wolf! If you don't take action, I will do what you have done." , tell them all!”

"shut up!"

Sarah punched Dr. Ivo on the broken sternum, which only made him scream.

Oliver hugged Sarah and said, "Sarah, don't listen to his nonsense!"

"You ended up on a bad guy's boat, and what you did was not based on your own nature."

Oliver said.

Sarah said: "No, I did do those evil things. I am guilty."

Dr. Ivo's voice was silky, like a poisonous snake that seduces people's hearts, and said: "Sarah, you can't turn back. We are both destined to go to hell!"

Oliver couldn't listen anymore and shot Dr. Ivor in the shoulder. "I'm not as weak as Sarah. If you say one more word, I'll blow your head off!"

"Oliver, why are you talking nonsense to him?"

Slade picked up Dr. Ivo's collar and strangled his neck.

Click, click.

Dr. Ivo, who was about to suffocate, actually showed a look of relief, and a half-smile appeared on his face: "Thank you."


Sarah quickly grabbed Slade and said, "You can't just kill him so easily!"

Slade said loudly: "Why?"

Sarah said: "He still hides many secrets!"

"You know all my secrets!" Dr. Ivo said: "You don't want to give me a good time, you just want to torture me and abuse me, you little bitch!"

Sarah burst into tears and said: "He...he did a lot of forbidden experiments on the ship, and many people were 'specially transformed'. We have to save them!"

"These 'experimental results' are all due to you, Sarah!"

Dr. Ivo shouted.

Only then did everyone present know why Sarah was reluctant to take action.

Thea looked at Sarah with surprise.

She had no idea that Sarah would do such a thing.

Even Oliver had an indescribable feeling in his heart, "Sarah, she has changed."

As a time traveler, Yu Hua has been watching with cold eyes. He knows that time is a scalpel. Two years is enough to make a bad person change his mind, and it is also enough to make a good person change his essence.

Is Sarah a good person?

Yu Hua has never thought so. In the original plot of Green Arrow, Sarah encountered many things, but every decision she made was selfish and self-interested.

She took advantage of her sister Laurel and sold her soul in order to survive on the Anthony ship.

When she was living in the Assassin's League, she met Nashagru, who truly loved and protected her. However, regardless of Nashagru's safety, she also wanted to become the enemy of the Assassin's League.

Until Thea nailed her to the wall with two arrows...

Among these things, she would only make concessions and changes when faced with things related to Oliver.

Love can change a person.

Love cannot reshape a person.

She just loved Oliver deeply.

That's it.

Therefore, when Yu Hua heard that Dr. Iwo asked Sarah to follow him to find Mirakuru, he didn't feel any fluctuation in his heart.

He doesn't have to make some inexplicable changes for the sake of an unlikable character.

Now, seeing that Sarah was bent on atonement, he couldn't help but have some doubts.

What experiences can change a person?

Or does one's own personality determine a person?

He didn't know, and he didn't want to know, but he began to realize a problem: "The plot of Green Arrow has changed..."
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