Now, only Chen Yu is left outside the destroyed showroom, surrounded by endless night and stars.

This place is located on the edge of the waking world and the dream world. The shadow cast by the night blocks reality, but it is infinitely close to the waking world, because this island is in Greece, it has the shadow of the dream of the gods, and it is the natural source of the gods. The echo of a dream coming into reality.

Chen Yu first looked at the mecha man's head that Morpheus gave him. Cliff was still sleeping. He was not dead. His mind turned into a pocket universe under the power of "Crazy Jane". That was An imaginary paradise where the dead members of the Doom Patrol are, an alternate reality created by Crazy Jane to escape reality, and she is there now.

And that ruby ​​is the thought cocoon formed by the fusion of the negative energy of Rebis and the new personality of "Crazy Jane", Dr. Harrison, a world egg born in the dream kingdom, the last world egg, which is composed of countless It is composed of a dark universe that should have been destroyed, and it also stores a part of the power that is opposite to the Legend of the Century.

Lex Luthor used these abandoned universes to combine into a giant bomb, and the power to create those dark parallel realities came from the Anti-Life Equation. Now, the extreme dark power that can dominate all thoughts is within the cocoon. It is a fragment and a tiny loophole in Lex's plan. He tried his best, but he still failed to achieve omniscience and omnipotence.

Because Lex could not expect that another part of the fragment was in Chen Yu's body, and it was embedded in Chen Yu's soul from the moment he awakened from the "Book of Magic".

Great Darkness.

It also comes from the source, and it is also on par with God. The night is also his shadow. Nothingness is just a drop of water splashed on the edge of creation, and the alien world outside the wall of origin is already ready to move.

"Come out, destroyer of things." Chen Yu said calmly.

It was as if the shadow of God, which had been sleeping, emerged from Chen Yu's swaying shadow in the dark night. It gradually condensed and took shape. It closed its huge and terrifying eyes tightly.

"Eat me." Chen Yu gave the order.

The Destroyer trembled, and the entire starry sky became blurry as the Destroyer opened his eyes.

The terrifying one eye finally opened completely. The moment it stared at Chen Yu, a large black wave drowned Chen Yu.

But this cannot destroy Chen Yu, because Chen Yu is connected to the essence of darkness, and the shadow cannot transcend the body. Chen Yu has now even been shaped into the new destiny of the Endless Family. Even though he has cut off the chains and handed the "Book of Destiny" to Constantine, before all life is reborn and before the first chapter begins, Chen Yu It is still fate itself, and a corner of his mind connects the mysterious house where Westibrand is located through the shortcut of the Lord of Destruction.

Strange waves flickered in the boundless darkness. They were dark shadows that only Chen Yu could see. His thoughts were not annihilated. They were always here, quiet and mysterious.

Chen Yu stepped forward, and a crack opened in front of his eyes. Countless pale fingers stretched out from the crack, followed by a second crack, a third crack, a fourth crack...

Densely packed fingers and eyes bloomed from the inside like pale flowers, and a dark thread appeared from under the strange white light. They extended all the way to the shadow at Chen Yu's feet, and they were connected to Chen Yu's above the body.

Chen Yu found another fragment of the great darkness. He is now standing behind the Origin Wall, and he has glimpsed a dark secret of the boundless universe.


...Ah...we have really met this time...this is more interesting than relying on that trivial fantasy...

Between the countless fingers that were constantly swinging, a pale white head with countless eyeballs emerged from the cracked crack like a whirlpool. It stretched out a blood-red tongue like a snake letter, and his fangs dripping with darkness and filth were opening. The wide open mouth exuded a faint light.

That was the essence of the alien world, a fragment of the great darkness, the dark reflection of magic, an alien that did not exist but did exist.

More deformed and sick heads imitating various life forms slowly grew out of the pale fingers swaying around the "Hanged Man". Their heads were twisted, but the growth never stopped, and each one of them was disgusting and tumor-like. Faceless, deformed heads gradually replaced those fingers. They were all alien. They were the concrete nightmare of the Hanged Man's desperate desire for life.

"Vestibran is using the head of Sandefon to look for you." Chen Yu stood calmly on the edge of the huge and bizarre whirlpool that spread endlessly, staring at the "Hanged Man", with the mecha man firmly in his hand. Helmet, now, the ruby ​​cocoon exudes dazzling light.

...Oh...that demon...that fool...he was blinded by hatred...he drained the energy of that angel...he knew that the divine creation of the First Light was my coveted delicacy...he hoped to pass Sandalphin came to penetrate a hairline crack... and he succeeded...

The Hanged Man laughed hoarsely, but it made no sound at all. It was just a few thoughts that burst out of its dark and crazy thoughts.

"You have invaded reality. I saw it. You are pouring into the multiverse from the gap between time." Chen Yu took a step forward. He raised his head confidently and stared at the "Hanged Man" with seemingly indifferent eyes. "But you gave me this gift. You used the "Book of Magic" and part of the power of the source I possessed to trap the Destroyer in my shadow through magic. You gave me this shortcut, and then, you You have been waiting for an opportunity, you want to take over my body, connect other worlds with life, make magic materialize, and create a real dark universe."

...and now you are here...I smell the scent of the Endless Family from you...the traces of destiny...You think you can stop me...don't be stupid...I am everything...magic is nothing but My shadow...and darkness is an eternal existence that deserves to be remembered more than light...

Chen Yu grinned, "You are just a small thought from the source. You are just an arrogant idea that cannot withstand scrutiny. I will not have a useless argument with you. You can give it a try. Now I will Here, isn’t it?”

Chen Yu opened his arms, as if he had given up any resistance.

The head of "The Hanged Man" tilted slightly, and all the other sarcoma-like heads also tilted to one side and stopped moving.

"Come on, this is the end of the argument. Either I am wrong, or..." Chen Yu's eyes blocked by his gray hair shone with a cold light, " will be strangled by me!"


Immediately afterwards, the "Hanged Man" grinned, and in the huge and endlessly expanding vortex, the pale aliens rushed towards Chen Yu like a stormy wave.

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