Life is a fucking door. On one side of the door is a pile of shit, and on the other side is a world of shit, and there are countless people like me.

Constantine slumped on the ground and closed his eyes. In the dark silence, a short life suddenly came to him, and he even remembered his gloomy childhood life.

Perhaps death will always bring some sadness of parting. It is like a glass of wine, enough to stir up your subconscious and make those moldy memories be unearthed from the cesspit again, making you no longer you, like an adolescent. Such a pretentious little brat.

And I fucking hate little brats! Including my past self, because the whole of Liverpool knew that Constantine was a bastard scum, and every guy I crossed paths with would launch into an extremely excited tirade.

This is good, at least I have achieved it so that living people can have unforgettable memories for a lifetime. No one will forget Constantine. They can't do it, and they really can't do it until the end of the world.

Now, they're starting to mess with my head, my father's ghost, my sister Cheryl's ghost, and my niece Gemma.

I was the only witness, I was the only one alive, I saw it all, I buried everyone, I watched the world go to hell, and that's not a fucking metaphor.

What exactly made Constantine? What is it that forces a child to embark on this path of no return?

Life? destiny? Unfair treatment? Father's ruthlessness?

I do not know.

I may not have been a good person in the first place. I have stood up to the bullies who provoked me. I have also bullied those idiots, just like Gary, who eventually died in a car. I used gasoline and a little bit of alcohol to kill him. The last use of Gary, lit by magic, is to lure away the hellish demons that emerge from beneath the broken ground.

I am the fucking truth about this world, and I am the brutal truth that makes you grow up in a matter of seconds on your lost road. As long as you're associated with a jerk like me, you're going to be used, squeezed, and sucked dry.

If you can't afford it, don't come.

Constantine still remembers saying this at Gary's humble funeral, before he was beaten up by Chas.

Chas with one arm, Chas with half of his face burned, Chas with his wife in his arms until death.

Ah...everything on the way to escape now seems more like a funeral march that never ends.

An agreement, a glass of wine, a promise, a kiss.

Those who mistook it for friendship didn't realize they had already signed a damn contract of betrayal.

I forgot who said it, Constantine is a pirate ship, you are carrying everyone to damnation.

Zatanna's face appeared in Constantine's mind. She was young, innocent and beautiful. She was the star on the stage and the goddess that countless men fell in love with.

Her leaving Bruce was a mistake, or her meeting me at Jerry "Dealer's" was a red flag.

Giovanni was right, never have anything to do with John Constantine, stay as far away from him as possible.

But the world pulled them to me.

I love her.

Constantine said these words countless times, on the way to the end, just after Giovanni blew himself up and destroyed the army of hell.

But at that time, they could only rely on each other. No one wanted to be with the terrifying loneliness and the broken world where the dust of hell was always floating. No one cared whether the vows they made were true or false. Thousands of words at that time could not compare. Sleeping in each other's arms once, nothing can compare to each other's body temperature.

Perhaps only Constantine knew that it was one of his few true words. But he still hoped that Zatanna could have made a choice at that time. She was very smart and stubborn. She deserved better people and better choices. She should even leave instead of being swayed by the desire for revenge.

But what else can I say? I can only watch her go to anger, go to hell, watch her be torn apart, watch her stand on the other side like everyone else, and then look at me with cold and dull eyes.

Only death can let you go, my dear.

This vicious joke was like a concentrated revenge of fate, which must have thought that this time it could crush John Constantine, depress him, and bring about his own destruction.

Fuck you X's!

Don’t you still know the nature of Constantine?

I'm a lone fucking liar, a witness, a narrator.

I am the garbage cancer in this world that you are least willing to admit! I have never been a predator or a prey in the cruel food chain. I am a bystander watching every idiot being swallowed by life and the bloody annotation on the edge of their cold corpses.

No one can kill Constantine, only Constantine himself can choose when to leave.

Ah... stop being so fucking sentimental, that's not you at all, Constantine.

You hold a bomb in your hand, you can carry it across the entire universe, and you will be buried with your fate. This is your ending.

Leave the rest to Chen.

Another liar.

A lunatic, an emotionless bastard, a bastard who has dragged the whole world down!

Constantine laughed, he didn't know why he was laughing.

Is it because he knows that Chen Yu will never die? Or did he always believe that that bastard could turn the tide?

I just know we're all making this fucking mess even messier! We understand nothing, we think we understand everything, but the fact is that we are just like those little kids. We play hero games, but in the end all we see is a field of dead people.

But we still have a chance, right, Chen? We have to clean up this mess. We don’t want to be bystanders this time, or walk away. We have no way to go. Invisible hands have grabbed our heads. They force us to look at those failures. .

You don't understand anything, John.

Constantine remembered what Zatanna once said. Her eyes were almost blind at that time. She was looking up at the night sky outside the broken window, and she was smiling.

That's not a complaint or a reproach, that's the truth.

Yes, I don’t understand anything. I am still the rebellious little kid. I have never changed.

"Hello, John Constantine." A familiar yet unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded, like an echo from the abyss, "You seem to have changed a bit, no... in my opinion, you are still the same. "

Constantine opened his eyes, turned his head, and looked at an arch that had appeared in surprise. On the other side of the arch was a man with long white hair. He was wearing a black suit, and his face had changed but remained the same. Young, those calm eyes stared at him.

Constantine stood up and the cigarette butt in his mouth fell to the ground.

After a while, Constantine's expression relaxed, and the corners of his mouth raised as if he thought of the first time he met Chen Yu at Ravenskan, "You are so fucking haunted!"

"Forge ahead, John." Chen Yu said with a smile, "Sentimentality is not your style. There is still a battle to be fought outside, and I need your help."

John Constantine took a step forward and reached out to Chen Yu on the other side of the arch, "I thought I was dead this time!"

"I can help you, but not now." Chen Yu grabbed Constantine's hand and pulled it to his side, "And... this bomb belongs to me."

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