Pirate, start as Luffy's little boy

Chapter 38 Cooperation to make big money

Destiny doesn't make mistakes, but it can play tricks on people.

People who fell from the sky became Bai Lun, and Bai Lun was not as simple as Luffy.

Nami's eyes lit up, and just when she was thinking that there was a big culprit who could be blamed, Bai Yun spoke first.

"Big sister!"

"I'm here to pick you up, eldest sister!"

After saying that, he snatched the Great Route Chart from Nami's hand.

That hand speed shocked even Nami, who was a little thieving cat.

Before it was over, Bai Yun took away the chart and ran away.


"It turns out there is an organization! Thief bitch!!"

Nami looked at Bai Yun's back. Behind her, the vicious voices of Bucky's younger brothers came.

Looking at the shadow on the ground, Nami swallowed and immediately ran away.

But the big man at the head immediately grabbed her destiny by the collar.

"Still trying to escape!!"

"Smelly bitch!!"

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. The big man raised his fist and smashed it down. Nami could only close her eyes in despair.

The fist was about to hit Nami's face.

Just listen, "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three gunshots rang out, and Nami fell weightless to the ground. When she opened her eyes, she saw three big men, one covering his hands, and the other two lying on the ground covering their legs and wailing.

His eyes were full of confusion, shock, and fear.

"Oh my eldest sister, why are you so embarrassed?"

"Shall I help you?"

Bai Yun came back, bent down and extended his palm to Nami.

Nami turned to look at him and shot at his waist and hand, but did not see the shadow of the gun.


"Need not!"

After recovering, Nami slapped Bai Yun's hand away and stood up on her own.

Bai Yun smiled, didn't care, and straightened up.


"who are you!"

"Who is your eldest sister! Give me back the chart!"

Nami directly reached out to grab the sea chart from Bai Yun's hand. Bai Yun ducked and Nami almost fell down.

"You bastard..."

Just as Nami was about to curse, Bai Yun handed the sea chart to her.

"My name is Bai Yun."

"I can give it to you if you want. Why use it to steal it? I don't understand it anyway."

Nami was slightly startled and took the chart back with force.

"You still know what's going on."


"Did you fire those three shots just now?"

"Why don't I see a gun on you?"

After putting away the chart, Nami thought of the gunfire just now.

Apart from her and the three Bucky men, Bai Yun was the only one left here. Who else could be there if not him?

Bai Yun didn't answer, but stared at the sky. When the target appeared, he raised his hand and fired an instant shot.

The big bird that had brought him here fell from the sky instantly and landed not far from the two of them.

"You're the one waiting."

"How dare you come back!"

Bai Yun looked at Big Bird's body and cursed.

Nami, on the other hand, watched the gun in Bai Yun's hand appear and disappear. She rubbed her eyes, wondering if she had seen it wrong.

"Let's go, find a place to cook, I'm a little hungry."

By the time Nami reacted, Bai Yun had already dragged Big Bird's body over.

"Ah good.."


"Here comes the soup!"

Looking at Bai Yun's back, Nami didn't expect that he really knew how to cook.

While still guessing his identity, Bai Yun turned around and put a pot of soup on the table, took off his apron and sat down.

After ladling a bowl of soup, Nami smiled and was about to pick it up when Bai Yun started drinking it himself.

She was so embarrassed that the smile on her face and the movements of her hands froze.


Indignantly, he scooped a bowl for himself.

Hmm? It tastes pretty good.

After taking a sip, this was Nami's first feeling.

"Ahem, I haven't introduced myself yet."

"My name is Nami, and I am a thief who specializes in stealing pirates."

"This town was occupied by Bucky the Pirate Clown, and people went to stay in shelters, so you can't see anyone now."

"And I stole this great sea map from Bucky."

"My goal is to save 100 million beli."

"Only by going to the Grand Line and stealing more treasures from the great pirate can we have a chance to collect 100 million beli."

"You have such great marksmanship. Think about it, the two of us can work together to make a lot of money."

"After it's done...it's 28 points, I'm 8 points and you're 2 points. After all, you don't know how to sail, I can. If I put in more effort, I'll get more money, no problem."

After drinking half the bowl of soup, Nami put the bowl down and introduced herself that she wanted to have a free thug.

After saying that, he picked up the bowl and continued to drink soup. He was thirsty after talking too much, waiting for Bai Yun's answer.

Bai Yun smiled secretly in his heart, "Twenty-eight points, do you think I look like a wronged person?" Miss Nami.

"A thief who specializes in stealing pirates."

"Should I be afraid then?"

Bai Yun answered, which was far from the answer Nami wanted.

"What's the meaning?"

"Because I'm a pirate too."

Bai Yun replied calmly.

Nami's eyes widened uncontrollably.

"So you are a pirate too!!"

"Then forget what I just said!"

"Pirates are all the same, you damn guys!"

Bai Yun calmly finished the soup, raised his head to face Nami, and said with a smile.

"Don't talk too harshly, Miss Nami."

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