In those days of Plants vs. Zombies

Chapter 14 Post-war talks, children and children, community

(二九五四 六二三 一三)

"Did you see that?"

Eve's tone seemed a little surprised, and after a little doubt, it turned into a calm tone again.

"As expected, you are a very observant homeowner."

Sunflower suppressed the smile on her face, because it was a smile she used to disguise, a smile without any warmth.

Eve looked very indifferent at this moment. She was obviously a sunflower, but she felt like an ice mushroom to Mo Chen.

Unlike other optimistic sunflowers, Eve is a sunshine plant who doesn't like to smile.

Her birth was a tragedy, which indirectly led to her mother's death in childbirth.

Although other relatives in the family did not express anger or disgust towards her because of this incident, they treated her with tolerance and care.

But this also led to the fact that since little Sunflower became sensible, she no longer smiled.

In daily life, she who doesn't like to laugh often hears whispers from others.

"Why isn't she smiling? She looks so scary."

"It's just, it doesn't look like a sunflower at all."

"Yes, a sunflower that doesn't like to smile is definitely not a good sunflower."

Sunflowers are born to smile.

I don’t know when this sentence became a famous saying in the modern world, maybe a long time ago, maybe now.

Sunflowers who don't like to smile will naturally be squeezed out by other plant spirits.

This incident planted the seeds of inferiority in young Eve's heart, and what catalyzed the growth of this seed were her two twin sisters with extraordinary talents.

Irina and Irina, the twin Sunflowers, are twenty-two years old this year and both have fifth-level spiritual power.

He graduated from the Metropolitan Royal Sunshine College with excellent results and chose to join the army in the same year.

The two successively obtained senior military medical qualification certificates and jointly served as daytime commanders in many battles on the first battlefield.

There is no doubt that these twin sisters have become famous elites in the Federation.

Eve has grown up in the shadow of her sisters since she was a child. What others only praise is how good Irina and Irina are.

Occasionally when they mention Eve, they will only say:

"Oh, she must be their sister."

That's all, no more words.

No matter how hard Eve tried, she could never catch up with her sisters.

When she took the exam for the Junior Military Medical Qualification Certificate, her sisters' Senior Military Medical Qualification Certificates had gathered dust in a display cabinet at home.

While she was still trying to conduct a sand table simulation command, her sisters had already demonstrated their unique telepathy on the battlefield, commanding the troops to sweep across the sea of ​​corpses.

It is precisely because of this that Eve, who was only thirteen years old, said goodbye to her family and joined the federal army.

Little Sunflower, who didn't like to smile, began to smile. Facing her injured comrades, her smile was so warm and healing.

Even though she knew how fake her smile was.

How disgusting.

She deeply despised herself like this.

But what could she do? If you stop smiling, you will be ostracized.

But a smile can give her a chance to make progress.

She had to do it.

After that, Eve, who had excellent grades, naturally became the sunflower of War Garden No. 5905.

After a short silence, Mo Chen slowly spoke:

"I don't know what happened to you, Eve. But I know it's hard to force someone to laugh.

Because not only will all the real emotions be buried under the smile, but that person will become less and less like himself.

Even if that smile is to achieve some purpose, if a person no longer looks like himself, does that person still have the meaning of existence?

I know that there are plant spirits like eggplants in the modern world, but their imitation of others is the meaning of their own existence.

But you are different, Eve, you are a sunflower, belonging to War Garden No. 5905, a unique sunflower.

No one can replace you, because you are yourself, and here, you don't need to catch up with others.

Laugh when you want to laugh, cry when you want to cry, what do you think? "

Another moment of silence...

"Eve will think carefully about your words."

Sunflower spoke softly to break the silence, and there seemed to be a different kind of light in her eyes.

"Go back early, don't tire yourself out."

Mo Chen didn't expect his words to help Sunflower get out of the shadows hidden in her heart. He just hoped to enlighten the other person a little.

He rubbed Sunflower's smooth blond hair again and watched her disappear on the way to the community. From the corner of his eye, Mo Chen noticed Rhine running towards him.

"Owner! I have cleaned up all the battlefield in the front yard. These are the spoils of war."

Peashooter wiped the stains and sweat on his face, ran to Mo Chen excitedly, and handed him a few world point coupons that he had found from ordinary zombies.

"Okay, okay, Rhine is great, go and have a rest."

Taking the World Points ticket and stuffing it into his pocket, the young man patted Rhine's little head lovingly.

Looking at Peashooter who showed a pure smile because of being praised, Mo Chen also showed a gentle smile.

The way he inspired his spiritual power was still fresh in Mo Chen's memory.

Calmly shooting and wielding a knife, decapitating enemies without hesitation, is this his chosen skill? Or is Rhine himself that character?

Mo Chen preferred the former because he could see that Rhine was actually still a young child.

He still retains his childlike innocence and will feel happy because of a small compliment.

It's just that such a young child is already fighting for his country.

Has today’s federation started sending children to the battlefield?

The situation is not optimistic...

"Rosemary, let's go back."

After confirming that Rhine had returned home, Mo Chen greeted the maid who had been waiting beside him and planned to go back to his residence to rest.

"Okay, owner."

The maid didn't say anything and quickly followed Mo Chen as he walked towards the house.

Time jumped to dusk, and Mo Chen entered the community again with the maid.

To his surprise, for some reason there were many figures he had never seen before on the streets of the community.

They were each busy, and when Mo Chen passed by, they would greet him respectfully.

These people are all plant spirits, and their races are also different. They are all weeds, broad beans, daisies and the like.

They look like ordinary soul-planting civilians, not spiritual-planting warriors with special abilities.

Soon, Mo Chen came under the giant tree again. Xiaoda was sitting on a swing made of vines, swinging boredly.

Seeing his arrival, Wisdom Tree's eyes lit up, and he immediately jumped off the swing and came to Mo Chen:

"Owner, it's a pleasure to meet you again."

"Well, I'm very happy to see Xiaoda too. She's really full of energy."

Xiaoda was skillfully lifted high, and the other party showed no resistance this time, but followed Mo Chen's movements naturally.


Xiaoda winked playfully, and then sat next to Mo Chen.

Looking at Mo Chen's happy expression, you can tell how he is feeling at the moment.

"Xiaoda, those plant spirits that appear in the community are..."

“Those spirit-planting people are spirit-planting civilians recruited by the Federation.

They have little fighting ability, and their daily jobs are cleaning the community and running community facilities. "

"Why would the Federation send them to the War Gardens?"

“On the one hand, the war has led to the emergence of many refugees, and a large number of refugees entering the city may cause social unrest.

In order to alleviate excessive population growth, the Federation's approach was to transfer urban populations to major war gardens.

Due to the special nature of the War Gardens, these frontier territories were the best choice to host larger populations.

On the other hand, war gardens also require sufficient labor to maintain stable development.

For example, a territory can have no lord or warriors, but it must not be without its citizens.

Such is the nature of the civilians sent to the War Gardens to provide a sufficient labor force to maintain and promote the development of the War Gardens.

At the same time, taxes will also become an important source of funding for war gardens.

For these civilians, the war gardens provided them with homes and jobs.

Most importantly, thriving war gardens provided them with protection from the ravages of war. "

“I know that the Federation has really made a good move.

This is a win-win... no, a win-win situation.

After all, no matter where you are, the people are the foundation and foundation.

For them, for the Federation, and for War Garden No. 5905, all three parties got what they wanted. "

"Your understanding is very thorough..."

Xiaoda was amazed by Mo Chen's quick understanding, and Mo Chen also took the opportunity to ask a new question:

“Since I am the owner of War Garden, in a sense, I am also equivalent to the lord of this territory.

If I want to create a policy and implement it in the community, can I do it? "

“Of course, it’s just that your policies need to be decided together with me, the Spirit Plant warriors, and the Spirit Plant civilian representatives.

If there are many people who support it, the policy can be implemented smoothly; if not, it will be hindered. "

"Got it."

Mo Chen pretended to adjust his non-existent glasses.

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