In those days of Plants vs. Zombies

Chapter 24 Now, let’s go to the store

(二九五四 六二三 一三)

Back at the house, Mo Chen put on his rucksack, picked up a baseball bat and a slingshot.

After he was ready, he called Rosemary again and planned to go to the front yard to find some free labor.

The battlefield in the front yard has been cleaned up at this moment. Of course, the premise of cleaning up is to ignore the few dark undead tombstones.

The undead that invaded in the battle last night had been completely wiped out, and the bodies of the low-level undead were piled together and burned.

The ashes left behind make great fertilizer and can be used to nourish the flowers and plants on your front lawn.

When there is no war, the front yard battlefield will become a public place for rest and entertainment. Both spiritual warriors and civilians can come here to relax.

Presumably after opening the backyard battlefield and rooftop battlefield, these two places can also become good rest areas.

The swimming pool and rooftop sundeck sound exciting.

Of course, now is not the time to think about these ethereal and distant things.

To open the backyard battlefield and rooftop battlefield, you need to increase the rating of the war garden.

War Garden No. 5905 is currently only at the intermediate stage of the first level, and does not have many permissions to recruit spiritual plant warriors.

Except for the novice quartet and the three mushroom sisters, as well as the tombstone moss, which can be recruited for free once you complete a night battle and a tombstone appears.

There are only five types of recruitment permissions that can be obtained at the first-level intermediate stage: Cherry Bomb, Ice Shooter, Big Mouth Flower, Dual Launcher, and Sunshine Mushroom.

Among them, Sunshine Mushrooms can be ignored. The number of Sunshine Mushrooms in the entire Federation is extremely rare, and it is impossible to send them to any war garden on the front line.

If the recruitment order owned by Mo Chen is used now, he can randomly choose one of the remaining four recruitment permissions.

After obtaining the recruitment authority, as long as you pay a certain amount of world points, the Federation will send the corresponding spiritual warriors to the War Garden.

Only one spiritual plant warrior of each type can exist in the same war garden, but two situations are also excluded.

One is the homeless people recruited by the homeowners themselves, and the other is when the war garden is so prosperous that the wisdom tree in the house can maintain multiple root systems of the same type at the same time.

Therefore, the sacrifice of every spirit-planting warrior is a great loss to the human homeowners.

Putting aside feelings, after the death of a spirit-planting warrior, the Federation not only has to pay pensions to the family members of the spirit-planting warrior.

If the house owner recruits again, he will also dispatch new spiritual plant warriors of the same type to the War Garden.

This pension is not borne by the federation, but paid by the owner of the spiritual warrior.

From the federal point of view, the death of the spiritual plant warriors sent to the War Garden was a failure of command by the owner of the house, and it was natural that the War Garden should be responsible for the compensation.

If the financial situation of War Garden is so bad that it cannot afford to pay pensions.

Then the Commonwealth Bank would be merciful and provide the War Gardens homeowner with a loan, of course at a high interest rate.

Another problem is that the Federation adopts a family deployment method. In each war garden, spiritual warriors of the same race often come from the same family.

Take the Pea Family as an example, from pea shooter to dual shooter, from triple shooter to split pod shooter, and then to machine gun shooter.

They are usually children from the same family. Once one of them dies, the one sent by the Federation will be a member from another family.

This is not conducive to the harmony within the family, nor is it conducive to the stable development of the War Garden.

After all, when your sibling dies, the person who comes to replace him or her shares his or her position and gradually takes his or her place in the war garden.

What would you think? What would your family think?

The Federation obviously knew the disadvantages of this approach, but it still chose to do it.

As little people at the bottom, the intrigues between high-level officials have nothing to do with them, nor do the chessboard games between countries.

The only thing the spiritual warriors can do is to try their best to survive in this tragic war.

Mo Chen brought Rosemary to the front yard, intending to see if there was any free labor that he could bring to the store to help.

It was noon now, and the sun was high in the sky. For Zhiling, this was very good weather.

Rhine was sitting cross-legged somewhere on the lawn, carefully maintaining his weapons.

Peashooter wiped his pistol and dagger carefully, not missing any detail.

Ford squatted on the lawn near the asphalt road in the front yard, holding a sapper shovel and laying mines.

I saw him skillfully digging a small hole that was neither deep nor shallow, putting down the mines that had been prepared in his backpack, and then carefully re-burying the soil he had dug up.

Place a small flag as a warning sign where the mines are laid. The spiritual warriors can clearly notice it, while the brainless low-level undead will just step on it.

The mine defense line arranged in this way can delay the invasion of the undead even without the defense of the spiritual warriors.

Steven quietly stood guard next to the potato mine, holding a shield and watching the surroundings.

Nut is still so reliable, even when he is relaxing, he still performs his duties.

Eve was sitting on her knees in the middle of the front lawn, holding an energy box that was collecting sunlight energy in her hands.

She closed her eyes tightly and bathed in the sunshine. Her smooth blond hair shone in the sun, looking very dazzling, like a holy goddess of sunshine.

Mo Chen looked around and found no sign of the three mushroom sisters.

This is to be expected. They participated as the main force in last night's battle, and they should still be sleeping soundly at home.

The life of a night plant spirit is so simple and unpretentious, sleeping during the day and active at night.

So, who should you go to?

After thinking for a moment, Mo Chen decided on his candidate.

He led Rosemary towards Steven and Ford.

"Steven, Ford, do you have time now? I want to go to the store in War Zone 95."

Mo Chen greeted the two of them, and upon hearing the owner's voice, Ford and Steven also put down what they were busy doing.

"Are you going to buy supplies?"

"Shop! That's great. Do you want to go now?"

Calm and excited voices sounded at the same time, and the calm Nut quickly deduced Mo Chen's thoughts and what he wanted to do.

The reason why Ford is so excited is naturally that the current infrastructure in the 5905 War Garden community is not yet complete, and there is no place for him to replenish a wave of raw materials for making landmines.

There’s a good opportunity to go to the store now, and you’ll wait until later.

"Yes, now."

Mo Chen nodded, it seemed that these two people were really busy.

"Understood, homeowner, we are with you."

The two looked at each other and answered in unison.

"Householder, you want to go to the store? Can you take me with you?"

Lai Yin, who noticed the arrival of the house owner, immediately put away his weapons and came to Mo Chen's side, his eyes full of desire.

"Rhine, do you want to go too?"

Mo Chen was slightly startled. Although he didn't really want to say it, Rhine was a pea shooter after all. The firearms might make noise when going deep into the abandoned city, attracting more low-level undead.

What's more, the war garden also needs spiritual warriors to stay on guard. The mine defense line arranged by Ford alone may not be able to stop the undead.

But seeing the longing in Peashooter's eyes, Mo Chen couldn't refuse the child's request.

Just when Mo Chen made up his mind and wanted to politely reject Lai Yin, Sunflower's voice came from the side:

"Just let Rhine accompany you, and leave the War Garden to me."


"Hmm, are you still worried about this?"

Mo Chen thought that Eve, as Sunflower, had no fighting ability, but Xiangkui obviously knew his concerns.

She stretched out a finger slightly, and the sunlight energy gathered on it. With a casual finger, Eve shot out a pulse wave of sunlight out of thin air.

Sunflower, which has long-range attack capabilities, is obviously from the "Garden Warfare" series.

"Then, I leave the garden to you."

Mo Chen, who was no longer worried, nodded readily and agreed to take Lai Yin with him.

In this way, the team of five people left the War Garden and prepared to go to the destination according to the direction indicated on the map.

In War Zone 59, the store opened by Crazy Dave.

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