In those days of Plants vs. Zombies

Chapter 4 Awakening tool, my shovel?

(二九五四 六二三 一三)

It's really a huge world.

Mo Chen sighed silently in his heart. He originally thought that this world was similar to the one in the game.

But looking at it now, the idea is simply hilarious.

This is a real world, not a game world.

"So, Sir Mo Chen, do you understand your responsibilities?"

Dave asked seriously.

"Of course, Mr. Dave saved my life.

Since it is your arrangement, I am naturally happy to take on this responsibility. "

Mo Chen nodded firmly, his eyes were very clear.

"Okay, then come with me."

Dave stood up from the sofa and pulled Mo Chen towards the other side of the first floor of the residence in a familiar manner.

It seems this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

"Hey, hey? Where are you going?"

With a confused look on his face, Mo Chen followed Dave to the workshop of the residence.

Inside the workshop, a shiny shovel hangs on the wall and a mallet sits in the corner.

Above the shelf is a kettle and below is a trolley.

Mo Chen looked at the layout of the workshop curiously, his eyes especially staying on the shovel for a while.

"Let me think about it, it should be put here."

Dave took off a large bunch of keys hanging from his belt and found a brand new key among them.

He knocked on a certain wall of the workshop, and then a hidden compartment appeared with a small shiny safe embedded in it.

Taking the tablet he took out from the safe, Dave handed it to Mo Chen together with the key.

"What is this? A tablet?"

Looking at the tablet in his hand curiously, Mo Chen turned it over and over, but found that he couldn't open the tablet no matter what.

"This is the management system of the War Garden. Hey, be careful, that's not how it is used!"

Seeing Mo Chen's clumsy appearance, Dave couldn't help but remind him.

"Oh, sorry."

Mo Chen quickly stopped his movements and picked up the tablet again.

"Excuse me, how should I use it?"

"It's very simple. You can't even turn on the phone, right?"

Following Dave's words, Mo Chen pressed the power button.

Meanwhile, inside the community at 5905 War Gardens.

A giant tree with lush branches and tall leaves is located in the center of the community.

As if sensing something, the branches and leaves of the giant tree swayed slightly in the wind.

The interior of the giant tree was filled with countless display screens, and a chlorophyll icon flashed on the middle screen.

"No. 5905 has been activated."

In front of the display screen, a silver-haired girl stretched and looked towards the direction of the house.

"It seems like a brand new beginning..."

She said softly, showing a faint smile.

The perspective turned back to Mo Chen.

"New user detected, authentication in progress."

"Authentication completed, user 'Mo Chen' is welcome to use the 5905 War Garden Management System."

"It is detected that the user has not woken up the shovel and is jumping to the image design page."

A page with a design image appeared on the tablet screen.

Except for the hair color and eye color, which are locked to gray and red respectively, other aspects such as gender, facial features, body shape, personality, clothing, etc. can all be set by Mo Chen himself.

"Mr. Dave, is the shovel what you said is a tool used to assist homeowners in managing war gardens?"

Mo Chen looked at every detail of the page carefully and asked Dave who was standing aside.

"That's right, the 'Shovel' is an artificial human created based on the tool shovel."

Dave nodded, confirming the fact that Shovel was an android.

"Why does it feel a bit like a novel I've read before?"

Mo Chen felt that his experience seemed familiar.

"Before you start designing the image of a shovel, I need to warn you.

As a homeowner's most loyal tool, a shovel usually accompanies the homeowner throughout his or her lifetime.

Therefore, the design image must be carefully considered because it cannot be changed twice. "

"Of course, I know, you don't need to say anything anymore..."

After hearing Dave's words, Mo Chen immediately stopped him from continuing.

If you think about it with your feet, you will know that there must have been a homeowner who designed his shovel to look funny, which caused a lot of jokes.

So, what image should be designed?

Two-dimensional images with gray hair and red eyes flashed rapidly in Mo Chen's mind, and finally, they were fixed on one of them.

Is it her?

That's her.

So, this is my decision.

The image in his mind was so familiar that Mo Chen's eyes showed a little nostalgia.

Mo Chen's fingers clicked rapidly on the tablet, and he confirmed the settings one by one until they were completed.

After processing some details and looking at the completed image on the design page, Mo Chen no longer hesitated and pressed the OK button.

"My best regards, dear owner."

The tall woman who appeared in front of Mo Chen had dark gray shoulder-length short hair, and her drooping bangs covered her left eye, revealing only her burgundy right eye.

The corner of her right eye is dotted with a tear mole, and her hair is decorated with a blooming dark rose.

Her facial features are regular and delicate, and her perfect figure is fully displayed by the black and white maid uniform.

The katyusha headdress is paired with beautiful garters, and black stockings with suspenders are paired with blue and black high-heeled shoes.

The elegance contains bursts of charm, and the voice is sweet and alluring.

The shovel on the wall has disappeared, indicating the woman's true identity.

The shovel cyborg from War Garden No. 5905 makes his debut in perfect form!

Looking at her who was exactly the same as the image in his memory, Mo Chen showed a satisfied smile.

"It's been... long time no see."

"Householder, I have just been born, why have I not seen you for so long?"

The woman responded with a smile, hiding her doubts well under her eyes.

"No, it's nothing, I just felt it.

By the way, what should I call you? "

"You can just call me 'Shovel', but if you want to use another name, that's also a good choice. Of course, I hope it will be a nice name."

The woman said softly, looking at Mo Chen in front of her.

"So, Rosemary, how about that?"


The woman whispered the new name, then smiled and nodded.

"What a good name. Does it refer to unforgettable memories?"

The elegant maid held up the hem of her skirt and bowed to Mo Chen respectfully.

"Then, Rosemary has met the owner of the house, and I would like to ask for your advice from now on."

"Young man, you have great taste."

Dave on the side patted Mo Chen on the shoulder and showed a pleased smile.

Mo Chen trembled and distanced himself from Dave without hesitation.

They already have beautiful maids, so it’s better to keep a distance from the greasy middle-aged uncle.

"Now that you have registered the War Garden Management System and awakened the shovel, it's time for me to leave.

Next, you should go see the Wisdom Tree at War Garden No. 5905. If you have any questions, you can ask her.

Goodbye, Mr. Mo Chen. By the way, I left a batch of supplies for you in the warehouse of my residence, which can be regarded as a gift to your previous owner. "

Dave smiled cheerfully. Suddenly, he seemed to smell some very delicious food, and all the fat in his body trembled suddenly.

Immediately, behind him, a space-time rift suddenly appeared.

He waved to Mo Chen, and then stepped into the space-time rift behind him.

The space-time rift began to twist and then disappeared.

Not sure if it was Mo Chen's illusion, but he heard Dave's voice coming from the rift in time and space:

"Hahaha! Bacon and tacos! Wait for me, baby, she'll be here soon!"

Sure enough, he was still the familiar madman in Mo Chen's memory.

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