In those days of Plants vs. Zombies

Chapter 56 Exploring the scientific research area and encountering artificial intelligence

(二九五四 六二三 一三)

The scientific research area is located in the west of the large park, not far from the service area.

The team walked quietly and quickly on the asphalt road in the park, rushing to their destination.

The technology factory is very quiet, so quiet that it makes people a little uneasy.

There are no low-level undead here, and nothing wrong is found.

The seemingly safe environment actually made the team more vigilant.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a propeller turning from ahead.

Rhine, who was walking at the front, was slightly stunned and immediately signaled to the people behind him.

"Take cover first and see what happens."

Mo Chen calmly gave the order and led a few people to hide aside.

Soon, a drone with four propellers flew over from the front.

Drone? Where did the drone come from? Could it be...

Thinking of the promotional slogans he saw on billboards before, Mo Chen couldn't help but feel a little worried.

This drone must not be controlled by a human being. You must know that this place must be an abandoned city, and there is no way that there are surviving humans at all.

The Technology Factory has not been explored by the Federation or the Empire, so the owners of the War Garden and the exploration team of the War Base can also be excluded.

Wanderers and adventurers are even less likely. With their abilities, it can be said to be very difficult to enter here.

Then there is only one possibility - artificial intelligence.

This technology factory mainly produces artificial intelligence products, and drones must be their products.

What will the artificial intelligence in the abandoned city evolve into after losing the humans who can control them?

Obviously, there is only one answer.

Before Mo Chen set out, he asked Xiaoda what would happen if the artificial intelligence in the abandoned city lost control.

Wisdom Tree Loli's answer to him was simple: she was hostile to all non-silicon-based life forms.

Without human control, artificial intelligences will enhance themselves through calculations, thereby upgrading.

In the end, all the out-of-control artificial intelligence came up with a "perfect" answer.

It was an inexplicable formula, composed of numbers, letters, symbols and unknown gibberish.

After research by the Federation and the Empire, the answers derived from these out-of-control artificial intelligences were named the "Anti-Organic Life Equation."

Once artificial intelligence calculates this formula, they will believe that silicon-based life forms should be superior to all life forms.

Any organic life form should be completely eliminated before silicon-based life forms can survive forever.

"Scan completed, no intruder found, now returning."

Above the drone, a red light was emitted to scan the asphalt road.

After confirming that everything was normal, it immediately changed direction and flew back towards the original path.

"Sorry, I don't know how many drones there are in the science and technology park."

Potato Landmine looked at the flying drone and whispered.

Nut added: "There may not only be drones, but also other security machinery."

Mo Chen looked at the Peashooter: "Rhine, are you sure you can shoot down the drone?"

The young man shook his head simply: "I'm sorry, owner of the house, let's not talk about whether my shooting skills are accurate. Even if I can hit, I may not be able to cause any damage to the drone."

"Is that so? That's a bit difficult to handle. Let me think about whether there are any other ways."

Mo Chen thought for a while, and suddenly an idea flashed: "Yes!"

The maid girl tilted her head: "Did you think of anything?"

“If you can inject a large amount of current in an instant, you may be able to directly overload the artificial intelligence.”

Mo Chen smiled slightly, stretched out his fingers, and switched the spiritual power in his body to the thunder attribute, and a purple electric arc emerged.

"Maybe your method will work! Homeowner."

Nut thought carefully for a while and nodded.

"That's right, the artificial intelligence computing power carried on this small drone is limited, and a direct overload can paralyze it instantly."

Potato Mine clapped his hands and praised.

Just as the two of them nodded in agreement, the boy beside them raised his hand.

"Rhine, what's the problem?"

"Can you now directly release thunder and lightning from a long distance?"

Mo Chen was stunned for a moment, obviously not thinking about this problem.

If he wants to externally release his spiritual power, Mo Chen needs to reach the second level. Currently, he only has the first level, and he can only attach the spiritual power to his body or objects.

The reason why fire and ice could spread before was because there was a medium in the process of spreading.

But now if you want to directly release lightning to paralyze drones in the sky, it will be a bit troublesome.

"If you say so..."

Mo Chen fell into deep thought again, which made several spirit-planting warriors a little worried.

"Don't worry, I've been prepared."

Mo Chen shrugged and took out a slingshot and a small bottle containing steel balls from his backpack.

"I am still confident about my shooting skills. I have tried attaching spiritual power to steel balls before, and the effect is very strong. Next, it is my performance time."

Soon, the drone just flew over again.

Mo Chen held his breath and concentrated, and rolled a hit die for himself, .rc50.

's "50" test result is: D100=1/50 A great success!

Injecting lightning into the steel ball, Mo Chen fully loaded the slingshot, aimed slightly, and then let go.

The steel balls wrapped with electric current shot out and instantly penetrated the patrolling drone.

Zi La Zi La! As a large amount of electricity rushed into the control panel, the drone's artificial intelligence was immediately overloaded.

With a bunch of garbled code suddenly bursting out, artificial intelligence cannot make a comeback.

The drone emitted black smoke, staggered in the air a few times, and then forcibly landed on the road.

Mo Chen saw the right moment and rushed out immediately, stepping down hard and completely destroying the out-of-control drone.

"It's done!"

Several spiritual plant warriors and Rosemary walked out of their hiding place and marveled at the wreckage on the ground.

"Okay, let's move on. If you encounter a drone, stay away."

After dodging several more patrolling drones, the team immediately entered the scientific research area.

The terrain here is quite complicated, and you may get lost if you don't pay attention.

Several people walked around according to the instructions, and almost collided with the guard machine in front of them.

"Whoa, what is this?"

Looking at the artificial intelligence in front of him with two mechanical legs and a turret installed on it, Ford instantly felt that he fell in love with it.

Look, what a sleek design.

Look, what a thick barrel.

How could there be such a perfect design? The engineer couldn't help but wipe the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

"A bipedal self-propelled cannon? The technological level in the old days was a bit high."

Mo Chen's face looked a little ugly. It's not too outrageous that such high technology would appear here.

"Owner, what should we do? Can we continue to paralyze it?"

Rhine tightened his grip on the pistol and asked nervously.

"It's unrealistic. It's too big and I can't accurately identify where its core center is."

Mo Chen shook his head, saying that there was nothing he could do this time.

The maid suddenly said: "How about leaving it to me, the owner of the house."

"Rosemary? Are you sure you can solve it? If you're not absolutely sure, let's think of another way."

Mo Chen was stunned for a moment and asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, please trust me."

There was a hint of tenderness in Rosemary's burgundy eyes, but Mo Chen didn't notice it.

"Well, be careful."

Seeing how determined the maid was, Mo Chen had no choice but to let her go and raised the slingshot in his hand, ready for support.

"Artificial intelligence, please rest in peace."

Rosemary stepped out, and the next second, her figure disappeared in front of several people.

When she reappeared, she was already on top of a bipedal self-propelled cannon.

The slow artificial intelligence has not yet realized what happened.

With a smile on her face, the maid lady slashed down the giant scythe in her hand, split the two-legged self-propelled cannon in two, and cut it open.

As the control panel equipped with artificial intelligence was accurately split in half, Rosemary gracefully stepped down from the remains of the bipedal self-propelled cannon and returned to Mo Chen.

Then she saw four extremely shocked faces.

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