Professor McGonagall opened the door wide, and the entrance hall was large enough to fit the entire Dursleys' house into it. Like Gringotts, the stone walls are surrounded by blazing torches. The ceiling is so high that you can barely see the top. On the front is a luxurious marble staircase leading directly to the upper floor.

They followed Professor McGonagall along the stone floor. Professor McGonagall took the first-year students to a small empty room at the other end of the hall.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall. "The opening banquet is about to begin, but before you go to the restaurant to sit down, you must first confirm which house you are entering. Classification is a It is a very important ceremony, because while you are at school, the college is like your home at Hogwarts. You will have classes with other students in the college, stay in the college dormitories together, and spend time together in the common room of the college. After school time.

"The names of the four houses are: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own glorious history and has cultivated outstanding witches and wizards. You are here in Ho During your time at Gwarts, your outstanding performance will earn your house extra points, while any violations will cause your house to lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the highest score will win the House Cup, which is very high. honor. I hope that no matter which college you are assigned to, you can bring glory to the college.

"In a few minutes, the sorting ceremony will be held in front of all the teachers and students of the school. I suggest that you tidy up and be energetic while waiting."

Her eyes wandered to Neville's cloak. Harry nervously smoothed his hair down. She then frowned and looked at the blood all over Anakin and Ron.

"When the other side is ready, I will come to pick you up." Professor McGonagall said, "Please keep quiet while waiting."

She left the room. Harry finally let out a breath. Anakin comforted him.

"How could they put us into exactly which house?" he asked Ron. "I guess it's a test. Fred said it would hurt us a lot, but I think he was joking."

Harry's heart trembled. Take a test? In front of the whole school? But he doesn't even know a little bit of magic until now - what should he do? When they came here, he didn't expect such a trick at all. He looked around anxiously. Everyone around him was in danger. No one spoke. Hermione was the only one mumbling, reciting the spells she had learned rapidly, unsure of which one to use. Harry tried not to listen to her recitation. Anakin stood aside calmly, not knowing what he was thinking. He had never been more nervous, not even when he gave the Dursleys his school report: it said he had turned the teacher's wig blue. He stared at the door intently, Professor McGonagall might come back at any time to take him to face destruction.

Anakin suddenly said to Harry, Ron and Haisa: "Don't worry, you will not be in any danger. Didn't Hagrid say that Hogwarts is the safest place in the world." Anakin knew it well. plot, but he can't just tell everyone that he traveled through time and took away this body.

"Except for the teachers and the students of previous years, only the devil knows what we are going to do." Anakin said.

Suddenly several people behind them started screaming. Anakin turned his head and saw about twenty ghosts suddenly jumping out of the wall behind them. Harry looked horrified.

"Are they freshmen for another year?" The chubby monk smiled at them and said, "I think they are probably preparing to take the test?"

Some students nodded silently. '"I hope you can be sorted into Hufflepuff!" said the monk, "I used to attend that house." "Move forward now," said a high-pitched voice, "the sorting ceremony will begin soon."

Haisha replied sarcastically: "Only ghosts really know."

Professor McGonagall is back. The ghosts drifted one by one across the opposite wall and disappeared. "Now, stand in single file," Professor McGonagall said to the first years, "and follow me."

Anakin and the others stood in line. In front of him was Haisa. Anakin saw the bruise on her head caused by the train rolling over. Behind him was Harry. They walked out of the room, through the foyer, and through a double door at the back into the luxurious dining room.

Professor McGonagall gently placed a four-legged stool in front of the first-year students.

At this time, Professor McGonagall took a few steps forward, holding a roll of parchment in her hand.

"Whoever's name I call now will put on his hat, sit on the stool, and wait for the sorting."

"Hannah Abbott!"


"Susan Burns!"



"Hesa Finch!"


"Hermione Granger!"


"Harry Potter!"

As Harry stepped forward, there was a sudden buzzing and murmur in the dining room like the hissing of a small flame.

"Potter, is she calling Potter?" "That Harry Potter?"

Professor McGonagall placed the hat on Harry's head, the brim blocking his view.

After a while, the Sorting Hat announced


Behind Harry was Ron, and behind him was Anakin. Although Anakin already knew what he was going to face, his palms were still sweating nervously.

"Anakin Wilson"

Anakin walked forward slowly, and once he sat down, Professor McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat on his head. The brim of the hat also covered Anakin's eyes. Anakin began to think about how Gryffindor could kill people with swords while wearing this hat.

"Well," at this moment, he heard a small voice in his ear say, "It's difficult. Very difficult. It's a hundred times more difficult for you than the boy who came up before. You are very smart and have the talent of Ravenclaw. Quality. Just--wait, let me see again. Ah! You still have it."

The memory of his original body came to Anakin's mind; Anakin was playing with his friends, and the director of the orphanage stood in front of them and taught them something over and over again. He stood in class. Rise up and take the lead in resisting the director of the orphanage...

Anakin felt a cold sweat break out on his body immediately. He knew that he could not let the Sorting Hat watch any longer, otherwise the Sorting Hat might discover his true identity, so he tried to make himself think of some random and irrelevant things, such as About how Gryffindor wears this hat to kill people.

"You also have extraordinary courage and loyalty to your friends. These qualities can meet the standards of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Yes, you are just like the boy in front of you, and Slytherin can also help you to achieve glory! So where do I put you?"

Two minutes passed, and five minutes passed, but the Sorting Hat still didn't give any answer. Just when Anakin was about to take it off to check whether the Sorting Hat was broken, the Sorting Hat suddenly announced:


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