Harry Potter: The Legend of Demigods

Chapter 24 Flying Lessons

"So, my father is very talented in flying? But what does that have to do with me?" Harry asked

"Have you ever heard of genetics? Children can do whatever their parents do well," Anakin said deceptively.

Malfoy spent the whole day talking about flying. He complained loudly that first years were not eligible for the House Quidditch team, and he told long, boastful stories that always ended with his narrow escape from a Muggle helicopter.

"If he really encountered the helicopter, he probably wouldn't still be here." Anakin said sarcastically. Tomorrow night, Anakin and Haisa will go to the restricted area to read secretly, and then Anakin will go to the Room of Requirement to practice spells. Anakin had found the Occlumency books and could now at least protect his mind.

While eating, Neville received a memory ball. Of course, as soon as he picked it up, red smoke began to come out of the memory ball. At this moment, Draco Malfoy passed by the Gryffindor dining table and suddenly snatched the memory ball from his hand.

Harry and Ron jumped to their feet. For some reason, they half expected a fight with Malfoy. However, Professor McGonagall always sensed something was wrong more keenly than other teachers, and she appeared in the blink of an eye.

"What's going on?" "Malfoy took my memory ball, professor." Malfoy looked sullenly and quickly threw the memory ball back on the table.


At half past three in the afternoon, Anakin, Harry, Ron and the other Gryffindor students hurried down the steps and onto the field in front of the door, preparing for their first flying lesson. The Slytherin students were already there, and twenty broomsticks were neatly arranged on the ground.

"Okay, what are you waiting for?" she said sharply, "Everyone stand next to a broomstick. Quick, quick, hurry up."

Anakin is afraid of flying. Even if there is no Zeus in this world who will shoot him down from the sky, flying will be dangerous for the son of Poseidon. However, human beings' instinct to fly overcame their fear, and Anakin planned to give it a try.

"Put your right hand on top of the broom handle," Mrs. Hooch shouted from the front, "and say, 'Get up!'"

"Get up!" everyone shouted.

Harry's broom immediately jumped into his hand, but there were only a few such obedient brooms, and Anakin had one of them. "Looks like I have to fly." Hermione Granger's broom just rolled on the ground, but Neville's broom didn't move at all. "Okay, as soon as I whistle, you push your legs off the ground and push hard." Mrs. Huo Qi said, "Hold the broom steadily, rise a few feet, then lean forward slightly and fall vertically back to the ground. Listen to my whistle—three—two—"

So, the famous scene begins, Neville rushes into the sky, and the memory ball falls. Then he slid off the broom handle and saw Neville lying face down in the grass, huddled in a ball.

Mrs. Hooch hurriedly took Neville to the school hospital. Malfoy started to challenge, then jumped on his broom and took off. Harry couldn't hold it back, so he grabbed the broom and prepared to take off.

"No!" shouted Hermione Granger, "Mrs. Hooch told us not to move - you would get us all into trouble."

Harry ignored her. He got on the broomstick and kicked the ground hard, so he rose up. Malfoy threw down the memory ball, and Harry showed his outstanding talent as a seeker, which was noticed by Professor McGonagall.

Just as Malfoy was preparing to land, Anakin felt very irritable for some reason. He cast the Disillusionment Charm on both himself and his broom. Anakin flew into the air and crashed into Malfoy. Malfoy looked shocked when he felt the wind, but he looked around but saw nothing. Then he dropped the broom.

At the last moment when Malfoy's face made contact with the grass, Anakin swooped over to lift him up, only to be nearly pulled down as well. "Fuck, he is really heavy. I forgot that I knocked him down." Then he threw Malfoy heavily to the ground. Malfoy was shaking with fear.

The little wizards on the ground began to scream. From their perspective, an invisible being first threw Malfoy off the broom, and then rescued him when he was about to touch the ground. Only Haisa discovered Anakin's disappearance. Contacting the disillusionment spell that Anakin had cast during his previous night outing, Haisha had a bad guess.

Anakin walked to the back of the crowd with his broom and lifted the Disillusionment Curse.

"Harry Potter!"

Harry's heart sank suddenly, faster than he had been diving. Professor McGonagall was running towards them. Harry stood up from the ground, shaking.

So Harry was taken away and introduced to Captain "Wooden".

Haisa saw Anakin appear and quickly pulled him aside. "Anakin, what's going on? It's you. The invisible person is you, right? Were you marked by black magic just now?" Haisha held Anakin's arm tightly, her eyes full of worry. .

Anakin nodded, looking a little confused. "Yes, I don't know what happened. I feel a little irritated and angry. It must be related to the black magic textbook. I don't know how to explain it." Anakin was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. "Fortunately, I reacted in the end, otherwise it would have been terrible."

Haisa's brows furrowed, she thought for a moment, and then said: "This is very dangerous, Anakin. Dark magic impression is a very dangerous magic. It can control your consciousness and make you do things you don't want to do." Things. I have read about this, and it is influenced by Voldemort. We must be careful not to let it happen again. If you want to involve black magic in the future, you must ask me to accompany you. I am afraid, I am afraid of you It will get out of control." Haisa's voice was full of worry and determination. She is determined to help Anakin overcome this problem while protecting him from the effects of dark magic.


"Master, the mission was successful! This guy's willpower is really amazing. Although he has learned so much black magic, he is actually indifferent to your magic. If it weren't for your power, I doubt he would even attack Malfoy today. Order It's unbelievable that he managed to resist your magic," Quirrell said cautiously.

"Quirrell, you performed very well. It doesn't matter. Next, he should seek your assistance." Voldemort responded.

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