Anakin didn't rest long before he activated a new function of the system, demigod training. He suddenly felt a falling feeling, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in a camp. Anakin looked up and saw that he was standing in the middle of a stone Greek-style training ground with some scarecrows planted around him. In front of Anakin stood a young man with black hair and green eyes, who looked to be eighteen or nineteen years old. He was wearing an orange-red T-shirt and had a string of beads on his hand. The four letters S.P.Q.R are also engraved on the inside of the right arm, which means Senate and Roman People and is the official name of the ancient Roman government. He placed the immortal copper sword in his hand on the ground and leaned on it casually.

"Oh, hello, I'm Percy, Percy Jackson, you must be Anakin." The boy asked.

Anakin couldn't believe his eyes and ears. He hesitated, then said, "Percy Jackson? Really? How is this possible? How could we..."

Percy smiled and interrupted Anakin: "If you want to say half-brother, that's not quite accurate, because your bloodline is obtained through the 'system'. In other words, Your parents are still mortals, but you have the blood of gods in your body, which allows you to use their power." Percy explained. "Of course, I still hope to have another brother."

Anakin's doubts did not dissipate, and he continued to ask: "Did the system in this world transport me to your world?"

Percy shrugged, showing a calm attitude: "No, this world was created by my mother-in-law, the goddess Athena. But now, although it seems very detailed, in fact we can only operate within the scope of this training ground Activity. We are all just beings of the mind, and it seems that because of the system, your mind is transported into the world, while your body remains in place, as if in a dream."

Anakin was slightly confused, this new understanding confusing his mind even more. He gradually understands that he has stepped into a world full of mystery and adventure, and that his brother Percy Jackson will guide him to adapt to it all.

Percy Jackson reminded again: "The important thing now is to complete your sword practice, there are more tasks waiting for you. Be prepared, this world is full of challenges and opportunities. In fact, you are the only one training here technique, because your body is still in place and the muscles on your body cannot increase on its own. I still recommend you to sleep more. For a demigod, sleeping for about two hours tomorrow is really not enough. Okay. , let’s start training.”

Percy Jackson picked up the Riptide Sword and held the sword in front of his chest with both hands. "Anakin, watch carefully. This is the prepared posture. You can advance, attack, retreat or defend. It is best to use this posture to start every time you are unsure about your opponent's strength."

Anakin stared at Percy, his heart filled with anticipation. "Okay, Percy, I'm ready. Just tell me how to get started."

Percy nodded with a smile and began to explain: "First of all, you have to make sure that the hand holding the sword hilt is the main hand, which is the hand you are more accustomed to. This hand will be responsible for the main offensive and defensive actions. And the other hand is A support hand, used to maintain balance and assist your main hand.”

Anakin tightened his grip on the hilt of Riptide and noticed Percy's movements. "Like this?" He tried to imitate Percy's posture.

Percy nodded, "Yes, but remember, the force must be even and don't make one hand too tired and neglect the other. Next, the important thing is your steps and stance. Always maintain balance and use Toe support, which allows for better control of movement and movement.”

Anakin began to carefully adjust his stance, trying to imitate Percy's sense of balance. He understood that these basic techniques were essential to the practice of swordsmanship.

Percy continued to explain: "Now, let's start practicing the basic sword techniques. The first is the stabbing technique. Push the hilt forward as if to stab the opponent in the chest, but make sure not to actually touch."

Anakin followed Percy's example and gently thrust his sword forward. He felt this was a new experience, full of strength and confidence.

Percy said encouragingly, "Very well, Anakin, stay focused. Next comes the sword swing. Like this, swing the sword to one side to simulate hitting the opponent's head or shoulder. Remember, the movement Be smooth and don’t push too hard.”

Anakin once again imitated Percy's movements and swung the Tsunami Sword. He found that this practice made his body more agile and more adaptable to the essentials of swordsmanship.

Percy continued to instruct: "Finally, we practice blocking. Hold the sword parallel to the ground and use it to block the opponent's attack. Always be alert and react quickly."

Anakin followed Percy's example and used the Tsunami Sword to block attacks from an imaginary opponent. He found the exercise challenging but also very interesting.

Percy concluded, "These are the basics of swordsmanship, Anakin. Don't rush, keep practicing, and make every move meticulous. Swordsmanship takes time and patience to master, but it can become a powerful weapon for you." Percy concluded. Xi looked at Anakin, his eyes showing a hint of recognition and encouragement. "You will master these skills very quickly, Anakin. You are a natural swordsman genius. You only need to keep practicing and persisting to become stronger."

Anakin nodded and said with emotion: "Thank you, Percy. I am really lucky to learn swordsmanship in this virtual training ground and to get your guidance."

Percy smiled and replied: "You're welcome, brother. This is a special place, and you will encounter various challenges and tasks. Next, let's continue practicing. There are still many sword skills and skills waiting for you. You take control."

They continue to practice swordsmanship in the virtual training ground, mastering new skills step by step. Anakin's every movement became more fluid, his body gradually adapting to the demands of the sword. Percy has been patiently guiding and encouraging him.

Over time, Anakin became increasingly confident and his swordsmanship became more refined. He is able to react and perform various sword movements more quickly, as if he is one with the sword.

Percy looked at Anakin's progress and nodded with satisfaction. "You have made great progress, Anakin. Keep working hard, and swordsmanship will become a powerful weapon for you. That's all for today's training. How about starting to experiment now?"

Anakin took a deep breath, feeling confident about the future. "I will, Percy. I'll keep trying."

Percy clapped his hands gently, and an illusory figure appeared in front of Anakin.

"Luke Castellan, a great swordsman." Percy's eyes showed respect and nostalgia. "He was once my mentor and the person who led me on the path of swordsmanship. Although he made some mistakes later, in the end he made the right choice, sacrificed himself and became a hero. And you All you have to do is survive under his hands for ten minutes."

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