Harry Potter: The Legend of Demigods

Chapter 68 Professor Anakin’s thesis class begins!

Back in the dormitory, Anakin couldn't wait to try the graphic spell. He took out a blank piece of parchment and carefully waved his wand over the paper, thinking about the pattern he wanted to present, the appearance of the Thestral Wings. "Glyphus Illustra!"

Of course, the first attempt did not bring the expected results. The parchment was still blank. Anakin sighed and decided to try a few more times. Anakin took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to focus better. He waved his wand again and said the incantation again: "Griffus Erostra!" This time, he was more focused, trying to convey his thoughts to the magic.

As the spell ended, Anakin opened his eyes and looked at the parchment. This time, he saw a faint light flickering on the paper, and the image of The Star Wings began to appear. Anakin was overjoyed: "Perfect, now I just need to try a few more times before I can start printing the image on the card."

Although the pattern is not very clear yet, this is already an important breakthrough for Anakin. He realized that magic requires constant practice and adjustment, and that every failure is a step towards success. Excited, he decided to continue practicing to make himself more proficient in the graphic spell.

A few hours passed and it was six o'clock in the blink of an eye. Anakin succeeded in taking this spell to the extreme, and now that the images he printed on the parchment were extremely detailed, he was ready to try them out on cards.

Anakin stopped holding his staff and admired his work with satisfaction. To be honest, he was a little hungry, so he left the dormitory building.


"Anakin, did you do your homework in Charms class?" Ron sat on the sofa in the common room, looking at Anakin expectantly.

"It's done, what happened?" Anakin replied casually, reading the Transfiguration book in his hand. Immersed in the book, he raised his head and looked at Ron sitting next to him.

Ron stood up excitedly and raised the homework paper in his hand: "That's great, can you show it to me and learn from it?" He continued pitifully: "Hermione refused to show it to me, saying that I You have to write it yourself.”

Anakin handed over his homework with a smile, and Ron quickly flipped through it, his eyes shining with anticipation and curiosity. Although his understanding of magic is not as profound as Hermione's, he has always been gifted in practical operations and applications.

"Anakin, how did you write so many words?" Ron asked in surprise, looking at the densely written parchment in his hand.

Anakin smiled slightly and closed the book in his hand: "Writing a paper is actually not difficult. First, you need to give a comprehensive background introduction to the chosen spell, including its invention time and interesting historical anecdotes. This part It can provide readers with a basic background of spells and allow them to better understand your research object." Anakin paused and looked at Harry and other Gryffindor students gathered around, obviously they were concerned about the problem of writing the paper. Quite interested.

He continues: "Next, you can delve into the composition and syllable analysis of the spell, which can highlight your deep understanding of the spell. Using the Levitation Charm as an example, you can explain its pronunciation, emphasizing the importance of correct pronunciation. This is not only about the effect of the spell, but also to avoid possible accidents, such as turning into a bison summoning spell, or misusing the levitation spell on yourself." At this point, Anakin took a sip of water, while Harry and other Gran Fendo's students also listened attentively and seemed to be quite interested in this classmate's experience.

He smiled and continued to share: "Then, you can delve into the application and effect of the spell. Taking the levitation spell as an example, you can explore the principle of how it makes objects levitate, and how it is actually used in life. For example, when Using a levitation spell can prevent damage to a valuable object if it falls. This section is the focus of the paper and demonstrates your in-depth understanding of the practical application of the spell."

Everyone in Gryffindor was fascinated and nodded in agreement. Anakin's experience seems to have given them some inspiration, making the seemingly tricky task of writing a composition more interesting and manageable.

He added with a smile: "Look now, did the paper just come out at five or six feet?" Ron said with emotion: "It seems to be true, Anakin, you are really a writing genius." Other Grant Fendo's students also agreed, and for a while, Anakin became the focus of everyone's envy.

Anakin's smile revealed relaxation and confidence. He looked at Ron and couldn't help but encourage: "Ron, you can also try this method. Don't be afraid of writing too much. As long as the content is substantial, a good paper will be enough." Out."

Anakin's encouragement made Ron smile confidently: "Well, maybe I really should try. Writing homework has never been my strong point, but if it makes it easier, I'm willing to give it a try."

Just as everyone was communicating enthusiastically, a sound of footsteps came from the door of the lounge. Everyone followed the sound and found Hermione walking in, holding a thick stack of books in her hands.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked curiously. While packing up his books, Ron said: "We were discussing our experience in writing a thesis, and Anakin gave me some good advice."

Hermione blinked and looked at Anakin: "Oh, really? What's your trick, Anakin?"

Anakin smiled and shared his writing experience with Hermione. After hearing this, Hermione nodded slightly in surprise: "It's indeed a good method, Anakin. It sounds like the effect is really good. However, if you need more reference books, I have some here to help you. Find inspiration.”

So, Hermione distributed the books to everyone, and under her guidance, everyone began to think more deeply about the content of their papers. In the exchange of discussion and study, Gryffindor students gradually found inspiration for writing, which added a lot of color to their papers.

Anakin thought that he could also give Hermione some room to develop. In the original novel, she was not popular and was ostracized because of her intelligence. However, as long as the top student can help his classmates complete their homework better, it is actually very simple to gain the friendship of classmates.

"Hermione, if you are also interested, we can study some magic theories together, or exchange your views on paper writing." Anakin invited.

Hermione smiled slightly and nodded in agreement: "Okay, this is my method..."

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