Harry was wondering why Uncle Vernon suddenly became surprisingly good, when Uncle Vernon suddenly stopped facing the platform and grinned sinisterly.

"Okay, you're here, kid. Platform 9 - Platform 10. Your platform should be between these two platforms, but it seems like it hasn't been built yet, right?"

Of course, he was right. There is a big plastic sign with the number 9 hanging on one platform, and a big plastic sign with the number 10 hanging on the other platform, but there is nothing in between.

"Have a good semester," Uncle Vernon said, grinning again, even more unkindly. He walked away without saying another word. Harry turned to watch the Vernons drive away. All three of them were laughing.

"What on earth are we going to do? 9? Where is the station?" Harry asked.

"Between us... look there, have you seen that girl?" Anakin was about to answer, and then he saw the girl who had appeared in Diagon Alley, and she was walking towards them. "I saw her once in Diagon Alley, and she seemed to be staring at us."

"This might be just an accident, but I think she is also a wizard. We can ask her how to enter 9? Station." Harry said and ran in the direction of the girl. Anakin hesitated and then He ran over.

The girl was stunned for a moment, and Harry asked before she could run away.

"Hello, are you also a wizard? Do you know how to enter 9? Station?"

"I..." The girl hesitated obviously, and then continued. "Yes, I am a wizard, and you are also students of Hogwarts. I'm sorry, I don't know how to enter Station 9?"

"It doesn't matter, let's find the entrance together. My name is Anakin, Anakin Wilson, and this is Harry, what's your name?" Anakin pointed to Harry beside him and said.

"My name is Seatha Finch," the girl answered. As they were walking back, a sentence or two floated into Harry's ears.

"—Of course it's packed with Muggles—"

Harry turned around quickly and saw that the speaker was a short, fat woman talking to four boys with flaming red hair. They each wheeled a suitcase like Harry's - and they each also had an owl. Anakin and the others watched the oldest boy walking towards the middle of platforms 9 and 10, but just as the child reached the junction of platforms 9 and 10, he disappeared.

Anakin smiled secretly, weren't they the Weasley family?

"I'm sorry," Harry said to the fat woman.

"Hey, darlings," she said, "Is this your first time at Hogwarts? Ron is a new student, too." She pointed at her youngest son. "Yes," said Harry, "the problem is - the problem is I don't know how to get to -" "How to get to the platform, right?" she said understandingly, and Harry nodded.

Haisa hesitated and asked Anakin quietly: "Do you think we should believe her?"

"Don't worry, they won't be bad people." Anakin replied.

"Don't worry," she said, "just go straight towards the ticket gate between platforms 9 and 10. Don't stop, don't be afraid, just go straight in. That's important. If you're nervous, Just trot. Let's go. You go first, Ron will follow you." The woman continued.

Harry started walking towards the ticket gate, then he hit the railing and then... disappeared.

Anakin and Haisa rushed into Station 9 with Harry. Thick smoke from steam locomotives lingered over the chattering crowd, and cats of various colors walked back and forth under people's feet. Amid the buzzing chatter of the crowd and the noise of hauling heavy luggage, the owls also hooted harshly, calling out to each other.

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