Harry Potter: The Legend of Demigods

Chapter 76 Strange changes

Anakin and Haisa entered the Forbidden Forest, and scarlet mist enveloped them, making the entire Forbidden Forest look eerie and strange. The shadows among the trees become twisted and weird, as if there is endless danger hidden.

They walked carefully through the Forbidden Forest, and every step seemed particularly heavy. Haisa tightened her grip on the wand in her hand, and Anakin tightened his grip on the Tsunami Sword, looking around warily. Suddenly, a huge roar sounded in the Forbidden Forest, which seemed to be the roar of some mysterious creature.

"The Forbidden Forest is now affected by the bloodthirsty potion. We must proceed with caution." Anakin reminded Haisa in a solemn tone. They followed a narrow path, trying to find their way deeper into the Forbidden Forest.

Shrouded in fog, their vision was restricted, and the trees and vegetation in the distance became blurred and distorted. There were bursts of strange sounds coming from the Forbidden Forest, like the rustling of the leaves in the breeze, or like low humming coming from afar. On the way, Anakin found a hippogriff frantically gnawing at a body with a torn chest, and the originally white feathers were dyed blood red. There was a wound on his front leg, which was deep enough to see the bone, and was still bleeding. However, the hippogriff seemed not to feel the pain, and continued to bite the tattered body fiercely. The corpse in tattered black robes had blood splattering around its mouth, forming a bright red scene. Anakin and Haisa's heartbeats seemed to quicken, and the shadows of the Forbidden Forest grew deeper.

The mist in the Forbidden Forest was filled with blood, and the smell of blood was strong and pungent. They smelled waves of fishy stench. They walked in the fog for a long time. Suddenly, they saw a bright light ahead, and the smell of burnt wood hit their nostrils, accompanied by a faint smoke. Their hearts moved and they quickened their pace. Soon they found a clearing ahead, where Professor Flitwick, along with a large group of students, were working to extinguish a large area of ​​burning trees.

As they got closer, they saw a figure busy in the firelight. It was Professor Flitwick, who was putting out a fire, trying to put out an inexplicable source of fire in the Forbidden Forest.

"Professor Flitwick!" Anakin shouted.

Professor Flitwick looked up and saw Anakin and Haisa approaching, and he smiled with relief. "Anakin, Haisa, you came at the right time. The fire in this Forbidden Forest has been controlled, but we have discovered a more serious problem."

Professor Flitwick's face showed a trace of exhaustion, and he pointed to the depths of the Forbidden Forest with a worried expression. "We don't know how many ash snake eggs the dark wizard has dropped, nor how many eggs they have laid. Coupled with the influence of the bloodthirsty potion, it is much more difficult for us to remove them. The most important thing is that we don't Familiar with the Forbidden Forest.”

"Is anyone seriously injured?" Anakin asked a question it really wanted to know. "No one is lost."

Professor Flitwick shook his head and replied solemnly: "So far, we are lucky. But this forbidden forest has become more and more dangerous, and we have not explored all the areas. The fire ash snake eggs dropped by the dark wizard and The influence of the bloodthirsty potion has made this place extremely dangerous."

Anakin and Haisa also participated in putting out the fire. They used their wands to continuously conjure water to try to extinguish the flames. The only reason Anakin used a wand was to conserve power, and despite this, he still created a lot more water than the others.

The firelight reflected on their faces, and Anakin saw Professor Flitwick's brows furrowed, and the students' faces looked tired and worried. This forbidden forest has become more and more sinister, and the presence of bloodthirsty potions and fire-ash snakes has made everything complicated and dangerous.

As the water flowed into the flames, the fire in the forbidden forest was gradually extinguished. The originally burning trees were covered by the water, and the fire gradually became silent. The bright light in the Forbidden Forest reappeared, and tranquility seemed to return to the forest. However, beneath this peaceful surface, Anakin felt a deep unease. He couldn't help but recall the bloodthirsty potion. The power of the potion seemed to be beyond his imagination. How could it be possible for the entire Forbidden Forest to be shrouded in such a strange scarlet mist?

"Professor Flitwick, have you ever heard of the Bloodthirsty Potion before?" Anakin asked, trying to clear his mind.

Professor Flitwick pondered for a moment and then replied: "The bloodthirsty potion... I have indeed heard of it, but I remember that it cannot be so large. When we go back, I suggest you ask Professor Snape, he may be able to provide it More information." His expression revealed his helplessness and distress about the current situation.

As the water continues to pour into the fire, the remaining smoke in the Forbidden Forest gradually dissipates, revealing the burned trees and land. The students stood aside nervously and tiredly, while Professor Flitwick frowned, seeming to be thinking about the next step.

"Also, Professor, are Ron and the others back? I asked Ron, Hermione and Neville to enter the Forbidden Forest together to look for the Centaur tribe." Anakin was a little worried. Because of the bloodthirsty potion, they It would be even more dangerous in the Forbidden Forest.

Professor Flitwick frowned, pondered for a moment and then replied: "Did Mr. Weasley and the others also enter the Forbidden Forest? He and his companions have never returned."

Anakin nodded, "Yes, now I am worried that the influence of the bloodthirsty potion may make the Forbidden Forest more dangerous. We must find them as soon as possible. Professor, Hagrid is also on the way, otherwise , Haisha and I will go find them first, so that we can at least ensure their safety."

Professor Flitwick thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, please proceed with caution. If there is any danger, please notify us immediately. You just need to launch red fireworks into the sky, and we will go to help. If everything goes well, launch Green Spark, we'll tell you where we are. Now we get on with clearing out the Fire Ash Snake Eggs."


Anakin and Haisa set foot on the path leading deep into the Forbidden Forest. The scarlet mist still permeated the surroundings, making the shadows of the trees appear even more distorted and weird. They walked carefully through the Forbidden Forest, every step filled with vigilance. The strange sounds of the Forbidden Forest echoed in their ears, like a quiet whisper, making people feel uneasy.

"Haisha, have you noticed that this forest has become a little... weirder and weirder than before, as if... the surrounding temperature has increased a lot, and all the trees seem to have begun to wither. ." Anakin frowned and looked around, trying to capture the subtle changes in the Forbidden Forest.

Haisha nodded slightly worriedly, "Yes, Anakin, I seem to have felt it too. This forbidden forest seems to have been affected by some abnormality and began to change. The air seems to have become...dry. .”

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