Doctor Bai wrote down the prescription and threw it to Yun Yi with a dark face.

"If it weren't for your sake, I wouldn't come."

It is said that Divine Doctor Fang has requirements for medical treatment, doesn’t he have requirements?

He also has a pure heart.

He won't treat rotten, dirty people (ahem, such as the ones today).

If he hadn't owed Yun Yi a favor, he wouldn't have come even to death.

Even if you make a reservation ten days in advance, you won’t come!

Even the expedited fee of one thousand taels of silver is not included!

Divine Doctor Fang wants fame and reputation, doesn’t he want it?

He had always looked down on Doctor Fang's little tricks that pretended to be mysterious and eye-catching.

The level of the two is obviously about the same, and each has its own strengths.

As a result, he was suppressed in all aspects by Divine Doctor Fang's various tricks, and now his status has almost been reduced to that of carrying the medicine box for Divine Doctor Fang.

Why do you think so? You can tell just by hearing the name.

A miracle doctor, a doctor, you taste it, you taste it carefully!

Isn't this the difference between a doctor and an apprentice?

It's... quite irritating!

If he had the chance to meet Divine Doctor Fang, he would definitely compete with him in public!

Is he short of money?

No, there is no shortage at all!

He asked for a lot of consultation fees, and even more expedited fees. He is the most expensive doctor and the richest doctor in the whole capital.

Of course, no one knows whether this bad old man, Divine Doctor Fang, has money or whether his fees are expensive.

But Doctor Bai was very confident that he was the richest doctor in the world before the establishment of the dynasty.

He cannot compete with fame, but he will always be surpassed by money.

Otherwise, he will not be able to rest in peace until his death.

Why is he so busy every day?

The most important thing is to make money!

Of course, there are also improving medical skills, accumulating contacts, and accumulating fame.

Ten years of hard work and full dedication paid off, at least he defeated all the other doctors in the capital.

The imperial doctors were not as famous as him.

"Doctor Bai, I'll pay for the consultation fee." Yun Yi said calmly from the side.

A few years ago, Doctor Bai was framed and he was vindicated as a witness, so he owed him a favor.

Originally, I wanted to introduce Doctor Bai to the young master and let her learn medical skills from him.

Unexpectedly, the little master was so lucky that he was noticed by Doctor Fang.

Of course Doctor Bai stepped aside.

As soon as these injured people arrived, he knew: there was no other solution to this problem but to save them!

The longer they kneel outside the general's mansion, the worse it will be for the young lady.

We can only bring them in first and save them first.

After the rescue, just argue with that Boss Hong.

In order to convince the people outside, he specially used his favor to ask Doctor Bai to come over.

Doctor Bai is very well-known in the capital, and no matter how famous he is, the people will definitely believe that they are saving people when they see him.

As for the gossip outside now, he couldn't care less about it, and he didn't want to care about it.

Waiting until someone saves you is the best attitude.

Medical fee? Doctor Bai's mouth twitched: "Okay..."

Looking at the six or seven people lying on the bed, Doctor Bai really wanted to ask for extra money to jump in line.

But seeing Yun Yi's gloomy face, he shrank back again.

Forget it, the favor owed to him was finally paid off completely today.

From now on, you no longer have to worry about whether he will make any excessive demands.

It's just a bit of a loss.

Doctor Bai originally wanted to treat Yun Yi's debt once and for all, but he didn't expect this guy to be so shady.

What now? One time, one time, but he saved six or seven people at one time!

And there were six or seven seriously injured patients!

Everyone spends more than ten times more time and energy treating patients than regular patients!

The most important thing is to jump in line and rush!

For injuries like theirs, he usually charged an expedited fee of twenty-two for one!

Six people, that’s one hundred and twenty taels!

No, if six people jump in line, it's not a matter of one person getting twenty taels.

I have delayed him for several hours, and I have to give him at least two hundred taels to make up for it.

deficit! What a loss! ! Blood loss! ! !

The medicine boy packed up the medicine box and helped Dr. Bai out with a sore back.

"Doctor Bai is out!"

"Doctor Bai is out!"

There was still a crowd of people surrounding the door.

Seeing Doctor Bai coming out, they all came forward.

Doctor Bai straightened his back and showed a kind smile to them.

Look, the people in the capital still love him!

That miraculous doctor is far behind!

I was really proud of myself when I heard someone shouting: "Oh my god, who did I see? Divine Doctor Fang???"

"Doctor Fang?"

"Where is Divine Doctor Fang?"

Soon, everyone around Doctor Bai dispersed.

I heard people cheering and shouting one after another: "How are you, Divine Doctor Fang!"

After Yun Xi received the news, she went to pick up Divine Doctor Fang and came to the General's Mansion together.

Unfortunately, Doctor Fang was not at home, so Yun Ying helped her look for it for a long time before she found it.

Otherwise, there would be no chance for Doctor Bai to appear.

Doctor Fang did not say hello to anyone, and quickly followed Yun Xi into the general's mansion.

Doctor Bai was so angry that he wanted to vomit when he saw him passing by him so carelessly.

Are you blind?

I'm such a big living person poking in front of you, don't you see it?

Immortal old man! As if I don't exist?

Doctor Fang came to his senses and suddenly chased after him.

Those patients are the ones he likes, so don't let this old bachelor take the credit!

"Oh my God, Doctor Fang has also gone to treat them!"

"Yes, Doctor Fang is very principled in treating patients, and it cannot be bought with money. It seems that he did not plan to beat people in advance?"

Many people originally questioned the people in the General's Mansion for using their power to bully others, but now they are hesitant.

If it were Doctor Bai and you said it was premeditated, they would still think it was possible. After all, you have to make a reservation three days in advance.

But it’s impossible for Miracle Doctor Fang!

There is no way to touch such a treacherous and evil person!

Yun Xi took Doctor Fang to the room where several wounded people were.

When these people saw Yun Xi, they trembled with fear.

This little girl looks gentle and gentle, but when it comes to hitting people, she is no worse than a strong man!

None of them, who were tall and mighty, could survive a few moves at her hands.

"Take it apart and take a look." Doctor Fang pointed at several bandaged wounds and said.

"Okay." Yun Xi nodded and stepped forward.

"I'll do it." Yun Yi frowned and stopped her.

These rough guys have no right to be touched by the young master.

Yun Yi moved very quickly, flipping them back and forth, and quickly dismantled one of them.

"What are you doing?" Doctor Bai came in and saw that his medicine boy had finally tied it up and then untied it.

The blood in his head boiled with anger: "Old man Fang! Are you concerned?"

Doctor Fang seemed to have just seen him: "Hey, what a coincidence, you are here too?"

"What are you pretending to be?" Doctor Bai pulled him away.

"This is my patient, don't touch it!"

Yun Xi looked at Yun Yi in surprise: "What's going on?"

Yun pulled her aside and spoke briefly.

Yun Xi was happy: "Hey, two giants are meeting?"

No wonder sparks flew!

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