Time in a collapsing world

Chapter 25 There is a devil in front of the door


In the early morning, Li lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling above her head with dull eyes. He feels sore in the waist and back now. Was it because he and Pado had too much fun last night?

Removing Paduo's foot that had stepped on his face at some point, Li sat up. As far as he could see, Paduo was sleeping soundly and unpreparedly beside him.

Last night, Pado stayed at his house for dear life and didn't want to leave. She said it was too late, so the devil would believe her. Keli couldn't pull this guy away. As soon as he touched Paduo, he hugged the table leg tightly and refused to let go despite saying anything.

With no other choice, Li had no choice but to keep the troublesome spirit and let her sleep at the end of the bed. She made a three-part agreement and used pillows in the middle of the bed to separate their respective areas, threatening to beat Pado if she dared to cross the line. Hmm... Now that I think about it, his combat power doesn't seem to be the lowest, right?

Paduo was obviously too happy, and of course he agreed to Li's conditions in order to stay. However, she didn't want to simply spend the night in this room, so she asked Li to think about some fun games.

Although according to the usual practice, Li should have a day off tomorrow and does not need to go to Mebius, but he does not want to fool around with Pado. He was already very depressed because he did not complete his brain transformation plan tonight, so he can only postpone it until tomorrow. , how could it be possible to stay up late again and waste energy for tomorrow?

Li was about to refuse, but Pado hit her face with a pillow.

"Brother Li, brother Li, why don't we have a pillow fight?" Pado held another pillow and looked at Li with bright eyes.

Li could understand Pado's mood. If he could be taken care of for free in the future, he would be too excited to sleep. But this was not the reason for Pado to drag him along to have fun.

"You..." Before he could finish his words, he was hit in the face by three pillows.

Even the clay figurine was quite angry. Li was so angry that she fought back on the spot. As the two fought back and forth, they naturally played until the early hours of the morning. In the end, Pado couldn't hold on anymore and fell asleep first.

Seeing that she had taken his place, Li threw her to the end of the bed and placed the pillows in the middle. After ensuring that the defense line was stable, he covered his head and began to sleep.

"This guy's sleeping posture is really bad..." Li Shi didn't expect that Pado would cross the line of defense and step on his face. Fortunately, he usually wakes up very early, otherwise he wouldn't know what was happening on his face no matter how late he was. Will I get athlete's foot?

Kicking Pado to the inside of the bed against the wall, Li climbed out of the bed, got dressed and left the house.

"Oh? Did you fall off the bed and hit your waist last night? Why are you holding on?" No need for supervision, the hard-working and capable Master Qian had already gotten up early to work in the yard.

"It was just stepped on by the wild cat that broke in last night." Li thought for a while and felt that using wild cat to describe Paduo seemed quite suitable.

"Ha, did you get a grudge from it before when you grabbed something to eat?"

"Yes, I snatched the meat you ate yesterday from the claws of wild cats." Although he was insulted, Lord Li had a lot of it and didn't care about it. I don’t know what’s going on, but he’s in a particularly good mood. Will something good happen today?

"Do you want me to help you? It happens to be fine."

"Did you take the wrong medicine?" Qianjie glanced at him suspiciously, "Go away and don't let the sick people get involved in this kind of thing."

"It's just that my waist is a little sore. Do you really treat me like a bean sprout?" Li was a little dissatisfied, feeling that Qianjie was looking down on him.

Qianjie turned his head to the tree that had been brutally attacked before. The trunk had been dragged away, leaving only the lonely roots huddled there.

"Um..." Li shrank her head, "Compared to ordinary people, I can be considered a normal person with a strong physique."

Don't forget, he is someone who has the ability to kill Honkaimon alone.

"This is my job, nothing to do with you." Qianjie snorted coldly, "Apogna is also up, why don't you go to her to find something to do?"

"Aponia woke up so early today?" Li was a little surprised. Although Aponia looked like she didn't have enough sleep all day long, she was actually the one who slept the longest among the three.

"It seems that there are some guests..." Qianjie thought for a while and said.



"Oh ho, don't you go and take a look at Qianjie?" Li suddenly became interested.

"I won't go." Qianjie refused decisively.

"Why, you're not interested in women?" Li teased.

"Well, I'm not interested." Qianjie didn't hide it, "Besides, I can feel that that woman is very dangerous."

It actually makes Qianjie feel troublesome...?

Then wouldn’t it be more important to go and see it? !

Li couldn't help but get excited. After so long, is the nemesis of a thousand tribulations finally going to appear?

"Let's go! Let's go see who that woman is!" Li suddenly grabbed Qianjie's arms, looking full of energy.

"I already told you I don't..." Qianjie impatiently wanted to refuse again, but unexpectedly was stopped by Li's words:

"Oh~? Are you scared?"

"Are you kidding! Am I afraid?!"

"Then let's go, let's go there! If we go late, maybe everyone will leave." Li snickered inwardly, Qianjie was still the same Qianjie, and he took the bait after a little provocation.



Li looked at Alicia who was chatting with Aponya not far away and fell into deep thought.

No wonder Qianjie felt in danger, it turned out to be Alicia... Damn it, has this day really come? Alicia found his household registration book and came to block him.

It seems that Alicia is also on vacation. Today, she is wearing a plain white dress and carrying a small bag, as if she is preparing to go shopping.

Alicia now looks more like an ordinary girl than before.

"Why, you just squatted here after you pulled me over, and you didn't dare to go over?" Qianjie, who was squatting with Li, mocked. Now they were both squatting behind a bush, furtively observing the people directly opposite. Two people.

"...Don't you dare to go there?" Li glanced at him speechlessly, "You just said you weren't afraid~"

"Oh, don't try to provoke me." Qianjie's tone was a little solemn, "My intuition has been reminding me that if I run into that woman this time, my future life will definitely not be easy."

It turns out that the fool's sense of danger stimulates the brain's thinking. No wonder Qianjie didn't jump up and go straight to hell as usual after being provoked by Li.

Li felt pity from the bottom of her heart.

"By the way, where do you think the danger in that woman comes from? Can't you beat her?" Li asked.

"No..." Qianjie shook his head, "It's not just a matter of combat power. Maybe I really can't beat that woman, but I can also feel that she is far more dangerous than that."

"Yeah, yeah." Lishen felt the same way. Just like Mebius, he couldn't defeat Alicia, couldn't escape from her grasp, and was being played around with all the time... Alas, he seemed to be being persecuted now too. One of the objects.

He remembered that he was still gloating over Mebius's tragic experience before, and now it was his turn... Is this retribution?

With a sigh, Li raised her head, but didn't want to meet a pair of crystal clear eyes...

Oh ho, it’s over.

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