"But, he didn't hear..."

The little boy was a little dissatisfied.

"Are you sure he didn't hear that his ears are so sensitive-" Nioh made a move and tied his hands on his head. They were like two rabbit ears, which made his ears look big and long.

"Are you saying that Byodoin-ho's ears are very long?" Kirihara was stunned for a moment and asked.

In Kirihara Akaya's imagination, Byodoin Phoenix suddenly became cute.

How can you say no to a man with bunny ears? Although that man has a longer face——

Um, sorry...

As long as I moved my gaze downwards slightly and saw the terrifying expression on the man's face, I still felt that I couldn't accept it.

"I'm sorry, I can't accept it!" Kirihara's attitude was sincere.

Nioh: "..."

Junior, you are good at talking, and you can also pick out the key points!

You actually dare to ask and answer your own questions and tell the result, you are awesome——

"I didn't say that -" Nioh hehe, everything was realized by Kirihara himself, so he had to save the blame himself.

He now kind of wants to give up on correcting Kirihara's numerous problems. This guy seems to be in a hopeless state from IQ to EQ. He will still have to rely on his own strength to dominate the tennis world in the future!

"Ah, but I didn't say that -" Akaya Kirihara waved her hands anxiously.

I just said something casually, without saying any specific content, so why...

Nioh-senpai, the look in your eyes makes me a little uneasy!

"There are only two of us here. It's not me who said it, it must be you!" Nioh smiled and patted his shoulder.

Kirihara: "..."

Why is there a coldness in the senior's smile, as if he is very unhappy!

"Nioh-senpai..." This way...

Kirihara whined and almost wanted to cry. Although Niou-senpai also cheated him in the past, most of the time he cheated him with a little respect, but now this——

"Have you guys finished the discussion? After the discussion, do you want me to give you a post-game summary?" Byodoin Phoenix's voice was cold with a bit of gritted teeth.

Apparently, he had heard everything Kirihara Akaya had just said, and none of them were left behind——

"We haven't finished talking. The seniors still want to teach me how to practice my tennis skills and improve my opponent's level? It's not over yet..."

The exclamation point above Kirihara Akaya's head swished, his two red eyes widened, and he even took two steps back in a very vivid way.

The Byodoin Phoenix in front of him completely became a scourge in his heart——

Although this scourge wears rabbit ears on its head, a scourge is a scourge - the addition of rabbit ears also speeds up his speed. If he flashes up and slaps him on the head, he will be dead or alive. It’s hard to say!

"Why do I feel that you have finished talking? After all, there are so many feelings, why not talk to me alone, after all, I was the one who just played the game with you!"

Byodoin Phoenix didn't care so much, and his thick palm directly clasped Kirihara Akaya's neck.

Friendly and kind!

Kirihara Akaya instantly felt like a small animal whose fate was being choked. He whimpered, curled up under his palm, and became silent——

He looks pitiful but also reveals a hint of cuteness!

Ah, ever since this slap came down, my hanging heart has finally died, completely dead——

"You can be gentler later..."

With Sanada's experience, everyone knew what Phoenix was going to do. They were quite distressed at first, but everyone heard the outrageous words he just said!

There is no way, everyone is so close, of course they can hear it clearly...

Although there was a reason for Nioh's words to induce him to deceive him, there was also a reason for Akano to be too careless.

In the future, if they are no longer around, can Tatekai Okihara Aka cope with being tricked by others based on a few words?

While they are all here now, if you can help me as much as possible, you will save yourself from being tricked in the future without even knowing——

so now……

The seniors just watched!

All I can say is that this kid is so outspoken that he deserves to be troubled!

Again, Niou will give him a face in Byodoin Phoenix. Kirihara Akaya's life is guaranteed, and he will just suffer a little from now on——

Having someone to protect you and still being able to bear the pain, what a perfect condition for long memory, it's simply impossible to refuse.

"You two go ahead, let's discuss it here for a while before we end it-" Nioh bared his teeth, waved to his junior disciple, and watched the two of them leave.

The game is over, and now we should discuss practical issues.

As for the practical issues——

such as--

"After a day of competition, what do you think?" Niou was very cooperative and took out his notebook with Liu, preparing for a detailed discussion.

Tennis is longer than playing one in the main.

It takes at least an hour to finish a game, so from the time when Byodoin Phoenix entered this academy, not to mention breakfast, even lunch has been missed until now, but everyone did not say anything and concentrated on watching the game. , I didn’t even have time to have lunch!

"I'd better order takeout first!"

Nioh took out his mobile phone, he couldn't starve the big guy.

"Actually, it's okay if we don't eat -"

Marui Bunta calmly stuffed a piece of potato chips into his mouth and muttered that he was not hungry anyway.

Niou looked at him coolly: ...

This guy is really quite thick-skinned!

"If you don't want to eat, we have to eat!" Hiroshi Yagyu pushed up his glasses with an expressionless expression. Who is the reincarnation of a pig like Bunta Marui?

He is the first person.

After the first game, he started eating there with something in his arms... It's been two or three hours since he started eating, and his mouth hasn't stopped yet!

If he can eat so much, he is certainly not hungry anymore——

"Yagyu, your mouth is much sharper. Are you unhappy?"

"Haha. It's okay, maybe I'm hungry. After all, I haven't opened my mouth the whole time!"

Nioh didn't know why these two people who were once noisy and peaceful could still fight.

However, this question is not important now——

"Yukimura, our current combat power is enough to cope with the national competition -" Niou's eyes were full of confidence and calmness, "Then we will continue to move forward based on the loopholes forced out by Byodoin Phoenix when they fought with you!"

After recalling the specific strength of the people in U17, he glanced at Liu Renji as if confirming, and received a confirming look.

He said, "Basically, if you continue to improve, you will be able to fight high school students in the future——"

"Speaking of which, I've wanted to ask you this a long time ago. You really know a lot of things. Obviously Liu is just like you, but she doesn't seem to know much -"

Yukimura really doesn't dislike his friends. After all, friends intersect with friends, and sometimes there are a lot of other news coming from... various aspects!

"I have many friends, and there are some things that were not told to me by Byodoin Phoenix!" Nioh was not explaining to Yanagi Renji.

"In short, the future will not disappoint everyone. Keep working hard, our sky is still broad——"

"It would be a big loss if you set your sights on the national competition!"

The white-haired young man's eyes were full of confidence and arrogance. He glanced around with encouragement in his eyes, "Everyone, don't you want to show off on a higher stage and use your own strength to crush high school students?"

When other people's competition opponents are all junior high school students, they are powerful and their vision has been set on a higher stage. This is an encouragement and a kind of brilliance!

Niou's words made countless waves in everyone's eyes.

A few people even couldn't help but breathe heavily. They were excited, excited, and their hearts were surging!

"If this is the future, it would be very interesting——"

Even Hiroshi Yagyu is looking forward to it.

"Speaking of which, I have been wanting to improve my skills recently, Yukimura... Senior Byodoin also said just now, I wonder if you are interested in giving me some guidance -"

"Of course you can. You will make greater progress and we will all be happy!"

"Then I'll work harder with Kuwahara!"

Marui and Jackal Kuwabara looked at each other and began to encourage each other.

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