Harry Potter: Badger's Flathead

Chapter 95 Making a Bliss Elixir

Making a Felixir requires:

Belladonna preparation, lemon juice, ash snake eggs (10 pieces), eight-eyed spider venom (7 drops), salamander eggs (6 pieces), amaranth petals (23 pieces), unicorn horn, unicorn blood (voluntary donation)

The preparation of a magical elixir requires a very high level of potion skills. It not only requires the prescribed sequence of operations, but also requires the precise control of the heat and color by the potion master!

Otherwise, any missing step in the process will affect the effect, especially the 25 days of stirring and stewing, which requires the potion master to keep in mind the time and time.

"Mr. Margrave, if you want to make a good elixir, you must first combine the fire-ash snake eggs and belladonna juice at a low temperature! Then the half of the egg yolk in the cauldron is intended to make an omelette for me? ?”

"Oh my gosh, even a troll knows that the venom of the Acromantula cannot be added to the crucible in a boiling state. Don't you want your eyes? Donate them to those in need if you don't want them!"

"Dry the troll brains out of your head! Add the salamander eggs and simmer them at low temperature for three days! Do you want to dry up this pot of potion at such a high temperature?"

"Oh my God, this pot of potion is ruined! Although I am your professor, I will not be responsible for all your material costs. This first pot of materials should be considered mine as a professor's gift to you. I made a mistake. I don’t care about you! After all, I’m not a goblin from Gringotts who knows how to make Galleons.”

Ai Wen endured Sijiao's roar without changing his expression, and his voice was a little harsher. As for scolding him, he didn't think there was anything unpleasant and insulting at all.

At most, Si's tone of teaching Yin and Yang made him want to dig out a three-bedroom apartment with his toes, but the rest was nothing at all.

This is nothing compared to the former national quintessence of Zuan. Back then, when my jungle volleyball teammates played ranked games, when the other party performed a mysterious operation, that was called real swearing.

Compared with the one that takes mother as the center, relatives as the radius, father as the assistant, and then circles around the eighteen generations of ancestors, the puppies and turtles come to add to the fun, and the body organs further help. If you win, three generations are still alive; if you lose, the genealogy will go to heaven!

Compared with those others, the way Sri Lanka scolded people was simply too gentle, so that was why Harry and the others complained about the fierceness of Sri Lanka's curses, and he scoffed at them.

Si’s teaching level is not even one-tenth of what he once was. When he was scolding people, if his long string of voice messages were played out, they would all be coded telegram tones, and none of them would pass the review. !

So now in front of Teacher Si, when he was scolded, his face didn't turn red, and his heart didn't beat, and he didn't feel resentful at all~ Let him scold him just to let Teacher Si vent his anger and not let himself get angry.

Now even Sijiao himself has no choice but to scold him!

Alvin: Hey~ He can’t do anything with me!

After searching for materials midway, he finally perfectly executed the front-end production process during the fifth trial.

At this speed, even Si Jiao pondered for a moment. Now, he didn't even have a reason to curse...

After humming a little tune and leaving the Sect's cellar, Ivan happily walked towards the auditorium and had dinner right away.

Tonight is beef stew with potatoes and blueberry pudding, Ness~

When Alvin was walking towards the auditorium, he bumped into the depressed Harry and Nick who looked depressed at first sight, but this ghost liked to be called Baron Nicholas.

"Hello, Baron Nicholas, what's bothering you?" Ivan, who was in a good mood, took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello, Hufflepuff child."

"Hi~ Alvin, I'm worried about the next Quidditch game. Nimbus 2001 is really too fast. And Nick is angry that the headless ghost won't play with him." Harry confided to Alvin.

"I only have a little bit of skin and flesh connected to my tendons. In the eyes of others, I am already decapitated, but in the eyes of Sir Podmore, who has completely lost his head, I am completely unqualified! Is this something I can decide? Really? It’s so irritating~”

Looking at the angry ghost, Alvin observed carefully and found that there was no tendency to become a more violent ghost, so he felt a little pity. What’s the difference?

"I'm not interested in Quidditch, so I don't have any good suggestions, but I might be able to help you solve the problem of the head not being completely disconnected."

Ivan remembered that the magic book recorded black magic that could damage the soul. He went back to study it at night and happened to use Nick as an experiment.

And the almost headless Nick’s eyes lit up! Yes, the eyes of this pearly gray ghost light up! Literally!

"Really! Oh my god, this is unimaginable. Is there really any way you can do it?"

Nick's words did not make Alvin recover from the question of why this ghost's eyes glowed.

"I can't guarantee it completely. After all, it's a magic that I've never used before, but I can give it a try."

"Of course, as long as there is hope, I will be happy. Of course, I won't blame you if it fails. Thank you for your help."

"It's a small matter, but remember to keep it a secret from me. After all, it's a dark magic. It's better to hide it if you can."

"Of course, I promise!"

"Okay, wait until I go back in the evening to prepare, and I will help you tomorrow." Ivan promised.

Before Nick could continue to say anything, Filch's angry face appeared from around the corner.

"Dirty stuff! Dirty stuff everywhere! I've had enough! Follow me Potter!" Filch glared at Harry with bulging eyes.

October is the last rainy season in Scotland, and today it happened to be a windy and rainy weather outside. It was only then that Alvin noticed Harry dragging a muddy footprint.

"But why?"

"Because you soiled the castle!" Filch was also in a bad mood because of the recent influenza epidemic in the school.

"Stop talking nonsense and come with me!" Filch dragged Harry away without any explanation.

"Good luck, Harry." Ivan said goodbye to Harry. He didn't think anything happened to Harry. At most, he was asked to mop the floor. Filch did not have that much right to punish students.

After dinner, Ivan came to the Room of Requirement, took out the spell book and found what he wanted in the column of black energy magic.

It is similar to the soul-destroying technique used to defeat Voldemort before, both in the same area, but this one is aimed at the undead.

After preparing the materials, Alvin prepared the magic according to the instructions. While putting the materials into the crucible, he chanted a strange spell scale in his mouth.

"Yakasa Miyala ~ Yakasa Miyala..."

After a while of work, Ivan inserted the wand into the pot. The black-purple liquid emits gray fluorescence after the wand was inserted. After all the fluorescence was swallowed by the wand, Ivan took out the wand.

With a finger of the wand, a gray blade of light hit the target in the corner of the room. Although the target was not damaged, it was enough to prove that his spell was successful. After all, this was a magic targeting the undead and did not cause any damage to the physical level.

Very good, now the one-time success rate of magic is increasing!

"Come on, Baron Nicholas, are you ready?" Ivan found Nick the next day and started the experiment.

"Of course! Come on!" Nick opened his hands and got ready.

Alvin pointed the wand at Nick's neck, trying hard to suppress his magic power to the lowest point. He was afraid that this decapitation would kill Nick!

I don’t know if a ghost that has already died once will die due to qi magic. After all, the magic here cannot kill ghosts, not even the most powerful life-killing curse.

"Blade kills souls!" He thought softly in his heart, and a small gray blade slashed towards Nick's neck.

"Wow! Was that pain just now?" Nick touched his neck, a little surprised.

"How's it going? Is it useful?" Ivan asked eagerly.

"Of course, I feel like my neck is disconnected a little. Two more times and it will be completely disconnected. Ivan, you are amazing!" Nick also started to get excited.

"Then do you have the feeling that you will die if your neck is broken? Ghosts should also have this kind of perception."

After listening to Alvin's words, Nick thought deeply and felt it carefully, then raised his head and said.

"No, your attack only made my body consume a little... uh... energy! Yes, energy. As long as that energy doesn't disappear completely, I won't die."

Ivan was relieved to hear Nick say this. At the same time, he also understood how these ghosts survived. It was probably a power similar to psychic energy. If the energy is exhausted, they will die.

When the last two blades went down, Nick's head fell off completely. Nick happily held his head and cheered, while Alvin noticed that his toes became more transparent.

"This year's Halloween is my 500th death anniversary. Can you please come to attend, Alvin?" Nick initiated the invitation.

I’ve never seen a ghost party before~

"Okay, I will go." Driven by curiosity, Alvin agreed to the request.

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