The bookstore's turnover made Hua He very emotional. It had only been less than a month since the store opened, and half of the cost had been recovered. This profit was already considerable. After all, books have no cost, and the money spent when opening the store was the entire cost.

In this era, the Internet has not yet developed, and major online literary platforms are still in their infancy. When people can read novels anytime and anywhere, Huahe's pure novel bookstore will close down.

Fortunately, that era has not yet come. Hua He can still make money from the bookstore for a few more years. When the bookstore stops making money later, Hua He will have enough money. At that time, he will consider ways to make money based on the situation.

Maybe by then the world will be at peace, and there will be no need for them to work hard anymore. Then Hua He will just retire, hide in the corner of the city, and just open a small shop to make a living.

Those are all things for later. The most important thing at the moment is to pay Atu and the others their wages.

Hua He took the passbook and looked at it for a while, then pushed it to the salesman at the window and asked him to apply for three bank cards. He took out 30,000 yuan of money from the passbook and put it into three cards respectively.

The salesman took Hua He's passbook, and after a series of procedures, finally handed the three bank cards and the passbook to Hua He. After saying thank you, Hua He turned around and walked out of the bank, riding his bicycle back to the bookstore.

Without being summoned by the Kaio in the morning, Xizhao returned to his residence with a group of shadow warriors. The more Xizhao thought about it while lying on the bed, the more he felt that something was wrong. With the Kaio's character of retribution, he just lost a general yesterday, how could he still return today? How can you be so calm and have no arrangements at all?

Although Xizhao was confused, there was no expression on his face at all. He calmly put his hands under his head and lay on the wooden bed with his face up.

Several shadow warriors beside him were also doing their own things, some were cleaning their knives, some were practicing boxing, and some were closing their eyes to rest like Xizhao.

Xizhao thought about it but couldn't think of anything, so he simply stopped thinking about it. Anyway, it would be good if he could weaken the power of the Kaioh. The weaker the power of the Kaioh, the easier it would be for Xizhao and Bing'er to escape.

Thinking of this, Xizhao couldn't help but think of Bing'er who was still staying in the Kaiwang's lair, and wondered how she was doing.

Although he only lived in this cave for one day, Xizhao had a feeling in his heart that the King of Kai was unwilling to move again, which meant that the original nest would definitely be abandoned.

As for when to give up, it depends on when the Kaiou will have new ideas, or one day he suddenly needs a bait. At that time, his old nest will be the best choice.

As for the people inside, the King of Kai will not consider them. They will passively become "necessary sacrifices in order to complete the glorious goal of the Shadow Realm."

When he thought that Bing'er would become one of the "necessary sacrifices", Xizhao's hatred for the shadow world deepened, and he became more eager to escape from the shadow world.

After a while, Xizhao took two deep breaths to calm down his excitement, and turned over to lie on his side to prepare for sleep.

Xizhao had just fallen asleep, and when he was half asleep, he heard someone calling his name, and then he forced himself to wake up and looked around sleepily.

A shadow warrior stood in front of Xizhao's bed, calling his name softly.

"Lord Xizhao, Lord Xizhao, the King of the Realm wants to summon you, please wake up."

Xizhao shook his head to wake himself up completely. Gradually, his eyes regained their clarity and he looked at the shadow warrior in front of him calmly.

The Shadow Warrior quickly said what he just said again, and this time Xizhao heard it clearly. He wiped his cheek with his hand, got up and got out of bed and followed the Shadow Warrior forward.

The Shadow Warrior brought Xizhao to the Kaioh to report to him, then turned around and walked out, leaving space for Xizhao and the Kaiowen to be alone.

Xizhao stood under the stone chair, raised his head and glanced at the Kaiou above. The Kaiou was resting, with his only remaining eye tightly closed, and the red light of the mechanical eye was not on.

Xizhao remained motionless, slowly lowering his head and standing below, waiting for the Kaio's instructions. After a while, the Kaio slowly opened his eyes, and the mechanical eyes also lit up.

"Xizhao, General Chou has discovered the location of a descendant of Shuiying Village. The air pressure on his body is very low. Do you know what this means?"

Xizhao replied in a deep voice: "It means this person has the ability to summon armor."

The King of Kai nodded with a smile and continued to smile: "I want you to bring him back and let me study it carefully. Even if you can't find out the secret of the Light and Shadow Armor, you must let him stay in the Shadow Realm and become ours." Companion, after grabbing the Water Shadow Stone, he can summon the Water Armor."


Xizhao nodded and replied.

Although Xizhao said this, he didn't think so in his heart. There is only one golden shadow stone in the shadow world, and the summoner is himself. The other four light and shadow stones are in the hands of the armored warriors, plus two other sets of black armors. What does the Shadow Realm use to grab the Water Shadow Stone?

Since you can't even grab the Water Shadow Stone, why are you still summoning people?

As for research, that's even more ridiculous. When I was a child, I was also studied by Kaiou. Not only various test experiments, but also physiological comparison experiments. Xizhao had blood and bone marrow extracted by Kaiou, and a piece of epidermal tissue was also peeled off. But Kaio didn't research anything.

If this person is brought back, the experiments he can do while alive have been done by the King Kai on Xizhao. If he is disabled for experiments, how can he still summon the armor?

As long as that person has a brain, he will not stay in this dark cave and associate with these sneaky people. When the time comes, the King of Kai will definitely brainwash him. Otherwise, there is no way to let a normal person People merge into the shadow world.

And who can say for sure about brainwashing? If it is a computer, you only need to format it to clear all traces, and then recompile it by typing on the keyboard to turn it into another set of programs. But the human brain is not a machine, it is complicated.

Xizhao didn't understand why he was asked to take action instead of Chou Jiang or other shadow warriors? Why do you have to kidnap a human being yourself? If you don't summon armor, what is the difference between Xizhao and ordinary people? And little humans are not worthy of his summoned armor.

The King of Kai didn't know what the use would be if he brought this man back. Although he didn't know what the King of Kai wanted to do, since the King of Kai had given the order, Xizhao had to obey his orders.

This is kidnapping, an illegal crime. How could Xizhao do it?

Although Xizhao's plan is to weaken the King of Kai, he must at least save his own life first and carry out the plan under the premise of his own safety.

If you don't do it, the Kaio will be dissatisfied. Once the Kaio becomes suspicious, he will strengthen his defense against Xizhao, including but not limited to strict monitoring, restricting movement, and even forcing Xizhao to do more bad things to make him express his attitude. , how will Xizhao carry out his plan by then?

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