Pokémon: Newborn Ash Ketchum, starting from Hoenn

Chapter 263 The Scorpio King and the Scorpio Group

Xiaozhi and his party, who aimed at Curtain City, came to a green town. Through map comparison, as long as they passed through this town, the group would soon reach Curtain City.

Now Xiaozhi and his party are enjoying a wonderful lunch time in the natural park of this town!

Suddenly the sky was getting dark, and the group of people looked up and found a group of Scorpions in the sky, and there was also a leading Scorpio King among them!

It's incredible to see such a huge group of Scorpios in a town. Scorpios usually live in forests and are rarely seen in towns, let alone so many.

"Gray~" the Scorpio King gave the order, and took the lead in charging towards Xiaozhi and his group. To be precise, it was Xiaozhi and his group's food!

At this moment, a freezing light hit, but the Scorpion King nimbly dodged it. When the group looked back, it was Shinji and Magura who initiated the attack.

Seeing Shinji, the Scorpio King roared loudly, and then flew away on the wind between the tall buildings without hesitation. Then all the Scorpios left with the Scorpio King.

Xiaozhi, on the other hand, looked at the only Scorpion left on the tree with great interest. That Scorpio had taken a fruit from Xiaozhi and the others and was eating it happily.

After eating, he realized that his accomplice had left. The frightened Scorpion fell from the tree and hit Xiaozhi.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi quickly activated his super power to catch it. Scorpio, who was fixed in the air, began to blink and stick out his tongue at Xiaozhi in a cute manner. Xiaozhi smiled helplessly, then released his super power and let it leave.

On the other side, Shinji took back the Magnuola, looked in the direction where the Scorpion King left and murmured, "That Scorpion King is exactly like the one in the legend!"

Then he turned around and left. Not long after he left, Miss Junsha and Miss Joy rushed over. Xiaogang immediately rushed forward and knelt down on one knee, "Thanks to the beauty of the two, Xiaosheng's heart has been completely won." I am extremely satisfied, thank you very much!”

Then Xiaogang disappeared.

Arriving at the Pokémon Center, Miss Junsha informed Xiaozhi and his group of the causes and consequences of the Scorpio group's appearance in the town.

It turns out that on a stormy night, the wind was very strong, so the Scorpio King was brought to this town. Then, due to the prevailing wind in high-rise buildings here, it became a maze of wind for the Scorpio King. Trapped here, the Scorpio Group Because of this, he was attracted by King Scorpio.

Xiaozhi and his team decided to contribute to this effort.

Miss Junsha told them their plan, "We plan to use their favorite tree fruits to lure them away."

As for the Scorpions and their strongholds, Miss Junsha had already found out. Xiaozhi and the others first packed a portion of fruit and threw it to them. The hungry Scorpios immediately gathered around to grab the fruit.

But soon they discovered that the large truck outside the window was filled with tree fruits. The Scorpio King was the first to bear the brunt and flew out of the window to rush towards the truck, followed closely by the Scorpios.

Only the cute Scorpio who loved to stick out his tongue stayed there and ate a large portion of the fruit. Only when he finished eating the fruit did he realize that his companions had disappeared, and he quickly flew out to look for them.

At this moment, King Scorpio is chasing a truck of fruit. Everything is going according to Miss Junsha's plan, but suddenly an uninvited guest appears - the trio of Team Rocket!

The Rockets trio directly wiped out the Scorpion King and the Scorpions. No matter how hard the Scorpion King and the Scorpions attacked, they could not break the glass cover.

At this moment, the Scorpio arrived belatedly and cut the rope directly. Seeing this, Xiaozhi quickly activated his super power to catch them. Now he only had to transport the glass cover to complete the task!

Ash smiled and said to the Scorpion, "Scorpion, use your wing attack to send Team Rocket away!"

Scorpio pointed at himself cutely, as if to confirm that Xiaozhi was talking to it. Xiaozhi replied affirmatively, "Yes, it's you, please!"

Scorpio nodded excitedly, his wings lit up with white light and used his wing attack to slash the hot air balloon, and the Rocket trio left with a disgusting feeling.

After completing the task, Scorpio landed on Xiaozhi's head and stuck out his tongue to act cute. Xiaozhi touched its head and handed it an energy cube with flying properties. Scorpio immediately started eating it happily.

"It seems to like Xiaozhi very much!" Xiaoguang laughed when he saw this scene.

Xiaozhi looked at this Scorpio and liked it more and more, so he smiled and said, "Whether the little guy wants to be my Pokémon, I can't guarantee anything else. It's okay to have enough food every day!"

Hearing this, Scorpio nodded excitedly.

"In that case, please give me some advice! Scorpio!" Xiaozhi threw the elf ball and successfully subdued it.


[Gender: Male]

[Attributes: ground, flying]

[Characteristic: Hidden in the Sand]

[Strength: Elite Mid-term]

[Moves: Wing attack, cross scissors, poison needle, sand pulling...]

The rest was easy to handle. With Team Rocket's glass cover, Miss Junsha found a truck to pull them out of the town and released them back into the forest.

Not long after Ms. Junsha left, Shinji followed up and successfully found the Scorpio King. He defeated it using Magurra and successfully subdued it!


After successfully solving the Scorpio problem, Xiaozhi and his party continued on their journey, and soon finally arrived at the location of the next gym - Curtain City!

Curtain City was built on a steep rock mountain that was dug out. The rock walls gave the entire city a cold atmosphere.

The Curtain Gym is not a rock gym, but a fighting gym. For this reason, Xiaozhi was going to the Pokémon Center to exchange Pokémon when a blue wave missile suddenly hit him.

Xiaozhi saw this and quickly launched a wave of missiles to collide with it.

"This...what is going on?" Xiaoguang asked doubtfully.

"Let's go take a look!"

Xiaozhi called Xiaoguang and Xiaogang to follow. The group of people looked in the direction of the wave missile, and saw a girl with short pink hair fighting against a Lucario in a courtyard!

However, Lucario's attack was dodged by the girl, and then he raised his hand to release a wave missile, but the girl raised her leg to kick it away. She was obviously a fighting girl who was proficient in fighting skills!

At this moment, the girl finally asked, "Um, Lucario, you are really angry, right?"

To be continued…

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