Xiaozhi looked at Super Lucario who stepped forward and immediately snapped his fingers, "Lucario, the decision is yours!"

Hupa's aura quickly appeared in front of Xiaozhi, and his aura was restrained, giving people a very ordinary Lucario appearance in front of everyone.

"Is this Ash's Lucario?!" Korni immediately exclaimed, looking forward to the showdown between the two Lucarios.

Among everyone's sighs, only Cocobul's eyes narrowed. He could see that Xiaozhi's Lucario was not simple.

After Lucario came out of it, he looked up at the Super Lucario in front of him and immediately understood his current situation. He smiled slightly and took a fighting stance.

"Grandpa, watch carefully. This is the first battle of Super Lucario!" Korni waved to Cocobul excitedly, "OK, let's experience the Mega evolution and use the bone club to beat him!"

Super Lucario immediately drew out two bone clubs and swung them continuously towards Lucario. The powerful waveguide rippled out again, causing waves.

"Next!" Upon seeing this, Xiaozhi slowly uttered three words. Lucario opened his eyes suddenly, locked on Super Lucario, and stretched out his hands to grab the two sticks accurately. Bone rod.

Then Lucario exerted his strength and easily threw Super Lucario away.

"How is that possible? Lucario is more powerful than Super Lucario?" Korni looked at this scene in shock, then gritted her teeth and said, "Lucario, use the enhanced punch!"

But the moment Korni gave the order, Super Lucario's blood-red pupils suddenly shrank, and he bent down into a beast-like posture.

With a fierce look in its eyes, it rushed in front of Lucario, its fist flashed with light and slammed down. Lucario didn't pay attention to it, but instead dodged repeatedly.

Super Lucario's speed is simply not as fast as Ash's Lucario, and he is completely led by the nose.

However, Korni hasn't seen Super Lucario's situation clearly yet, "Speed ​​up and continue to improve!"

At this moment, Super Lucario dodged and slammed down on Lucario's head, but Lucario dodged the blow with a slight turn of his head.


At this moment, Super Lucario finally roared, unable to control the crazy overflow of the power of the waveguide, forming a fierce flame behind it, as if it had turned into a real beast, without any sense of reason.

Hearing the roar, Korni finally realized something was wrong and quickly shouted, "Lucario, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, Super Lucario no longer responded to Korni at all, and rushed towards Lucario like a wild beast. When Lucario saw this, a trace of seriousness flashed in his eyes, and he stretched out his palm to push the Super Lucario away. Kallio leaned in front of him.

Telepathy also sounded, "Junior, you can't even control the power of your own waveguide. You really embarrass us Lucario!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lucario's god-level domain was deployed, directly pressing Super Lucario to the ground, but even so, Super Lucario was still struggling like a wild beast.

"Lucario, stop quickly, this is not a battle at all!" Korni finally panicked when she saw Super Lucario like this.

Cocobul looked at Xiaozhi's Lucario in shock, and murmured in a low voice, "Lucario at the level of a divine beast has actually broken the bloodline shackles!"

Then he looked at Xiaozhi who looked calm and said, "What a powerful young man, he already has the power to control the gods!"

Under Lucario's suppression, Super Lucario's physical strength was quickly exhausted, and he immediately exited the super evolution, lying on the ground and losing his fighting ability.

And the super-evolved rough stone also fell to the ground.

Cocobul inspected it and gave the super evolution stone to Makita, asking him to help make it look like a wrist guard.

Korni ran over and looked at Lucario who had fallen to the ground and was unconscious. She knelt on the ground slumped and said, "What's wrong, Lucario!"

Ash's Lucario's voice sounded again, "Don't worry, it's just that the waveguide has been overused. It's just that at present, it can't grasp the power of the waveguide that has skyrocketed due to super evolution, so it will only follow its fighting instinct. That’s why he became like a beast now!”

It can be said that he hit the nail on the head and told Korni all the flaws exposed by Super Lucario.

Xiaozhi also said, "Send it to the Pokémon Center first!"

Korni nodded, took Lucario back into the Poké Ball, and her roller skating speed set a new record.

Everyone followed Korni to the Pokémon Center. Lucario was handed over to Ms. Joy for treatment. Korni sat there with her head lowered and worried.

Seeing that everyone had also arrived at the Pokémon Center, Korni stood up and said, "Grandpa, Xiaozhi, Luca used too much energy because of it, but don't worry, it will recover!"

"There's nothing we can do about it. We've heard of it constantly releasing power at the beginning!" Cocobul said with relief.

Serena sighed, "This matter of super evolution is not simple at all!"

Yurika couldn't help but shudder when she thought of what Super Lucario looked like before, and then she said, "Yes, obviously Brother Xiaozhi and the others have never experienced this situation when using Super Evolution!"

At this moment, everyone was sitting together quietly. Korni was silent for a moment before she said, "Grandpa's Lucario, was it like this at the beginning?"

"You're right, no matter who you are, there will be immature firsts!" Cocobul frankly admitted in front of his granddaughter that this kind of situation had happened before.

Korni then looked at Xiaozhi's Lucario leaning against the wall, "Is this the same for Xiaozhi?"

Ash shook his head. He had never lost control during his super evolution. The bond between him and Pokémon was indestructible.

"It's just that you can't master the power!" Lucario responded calmly, "In addition to being unable to adapt to the surge in waveguide power, there is also a problem with the bond between the two of you, and you cannot maintain the bond between super evolutions!"

Lucario spoke directly and taught him a lesson without mercy.

"How is that possible?!" Korni would subconsciously retort when she heard Lucario's words, but after thinking about what Super Lucario looked like, she sat down in despair.

Cocobul also followed the lesson and said, "I don't think the battle just now is worthy of praise!"

Not discovering Super Lucario's abnormality immediately was already Korni's biggest mistake.

To be continued…

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