
【Ahem! 】

Zuo Luo moistened his throat and spoke first:

"Then, before you answer my question, please introduce yourself."

"Zolo Al is my name, and I am also the chairman of Dawn Technology."

"As for what you SHIELD wants to do with me, or what you want to know, then I will most likely have no comment!"

Zoro put down the teacup in his hand and continued:

"So, Ms. Natasha Roschman...oh no, I should call you Natasha Romanoff."

"But I would rather call you another nickname - Black Widow!"

Made, why did I feel like I was on my toes after saying that, I suddenly received several large projects to build villas.


"However, I am curious about one thing. You look so young, are you really a widow..."

Seeing that she hadn't responded yet.

Isn’t it the default? ?

"Oh, that's such a shame...!"

Hey, my surname is not Cao, what a shame...


When Natasha saw the personal information in the projection, he showed it to him without reservation.

He was horrified, and then his anger level soared.

Because the dark history that belongs to her is also included.

Then without thinking, she immediately turned over the briefcase she was holding, took out the small pistol inside and pointed it at Zoro.

His eyes were full of hostility and coldness, and he asked warily:

"Who are you exactly?"

"What's the ulterior motive for coming to the United States?"


Zuo Luo was silent about this, thinking:

Could it be that he overestimated these Snake and Shield agents?

Or should I say, this bitch has always been such a tiger! ?

So he frowned and said angrily:

"Didn't I just say it all?"

"Also, if you have delusions of being persecuted, that's your business. Don't slap me with any big labels."

"Otherwise, be careful as I type a warning letter from a lawyer!!!"

"We are now a lawful and good citizen."

"As for SHIELD, you would come to our door every two days to cause harassment. It was indeed very annoying!"

"So tell me clearly once and for all today, otherwise, the door is over there and I won't show you the way."


The reason why Natasha asked this was because these information belonged to special files within SHIELD.

Not senior internal personnel, even if the president of the entire country comes, they cannot read it casually.

But Zuo Luo was able to snatch it out easily.

Presumably, the entire United States now has no secrets in front of him.

He is such a dangerous person who has national secrets at all times.

She really couldn't imagine that he would be the boss of an ordinary technology company.

"Damn one-eyed braised egg, the message you gave yourself is totally unfair!!!"

Moreover, she saw that Zoro seemed to be fearless in the face of the threat of his own firearm.

I wonder where his confidence comes from?

In other words, he has some trump card that is higher than this threat, and he doesn't bother to care about his stupid behavior.

Natasha wanted to understand this and saw that he was more reasonable and easy to talk to, so she chose to put away the small pistol.


"Mr. Zolo Al, now that you know my identity, I can speak frankly."


Zuo Luo raised his hand and asked her to sit down and speak slowly.

Natasha nodded and sat on the sofa on the side.


ps: Think about it first before writing...


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