The streets of Beijing were extremely lively at night, but the alleys between the houses were filled with people. Lin Xuean walked through those dark alleys and headed straight for her destination.

When they arrived at the courtyard at their destination, Lin Xuean knocked on the door, and immediately someone was alertly asking questions inside.



As he spoke, the door was immediately opened, and Lin Qi and Uncle Ge stood there, welcoming him.

Lin Qi is Lin Xue'an's right-hand man and is reliable in doing things. Uncle Ge is a gentleman in the Lin family and often makes suggestions for General Lin. When the Lin Mansion ransacked his house, the two of them happened to accompany Lin Xue An on some errands and escaped.

Lin Xue An went in and asked about the progress of the matter, then ordered Lin Qi to go out with him.

Lin Qi never asked why when doing things behind his back. He would do whatever Lin Xue secretly said.

Therefore, Lin Qi nodded in agreement and followed Lin Xueyin.

Uncle Ge touched his beard, hesitated, and spoke before they left.

"Sir, can I ask what you are doing here?"

Lin Xue was a little surprised that Uncle Ge was actually curious. He didn't want to hide it and told the truth.

"Someone made the horse go crazy today to harm the second lady. I promise her to help her find out."

Ge Shuxin said: "As expected."

During this time, he found that the young master had obviously changed a lot.

Ever since he was a child, he has never been happy, and he doesn't care about anything except his family. After the Lin family was destroyed, his eyes became filled with hatred. Except for being a little angry when discussing his revenge plan, his face was expressionless at other times, like a breathless jade statue. He was worried that the young master would go crazy due to the inner demons.

But I don't know when it started. There was something else in the young master's eyes. When he was discussing things, he would occasionally lose his mind, not knowing what he thought of, and his expression was relaxed. Occasionally, when he was free, he would hold two gold beads and look at them, as if there were some treasures on them.

The biggest change is that the young master mentions one person more and more frequently, and that person is Miss Su Er.

"You... are quite different towards Miss Su Er..."

Lin Qi was startled when he heard this, and turned to look at Lin Xueman.

Miss Su Er? Her reputation in the capital is so bad. Could it be that the young master has taken a liking to her?

Lin Xueyin could tell at a glance what Uncle Ge wanted to express, and did not refute. He just raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance, with a ripple in his black eyes.

"Yeah...only she is different..."

Lin Xue came to her senses secretly. He didn't want to say more, he just said goodbye to Uncle Ge and turned to leave.

Lin Qi followed closely behind.

After Uncle Ge watched them go, he closed the door softly and sighed.

The young master fell in love with no one else but Miss Su Er, who had a terrible reputation. He didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.


Lin Xueyin and the two took advantage of the night to sneak into the restaurant and saw a tied horse, a brown horse, in the courtyard of the restaurant.

The horse was injured and was lying on the ground, resting with its eyes half-closed. It didn't scream when it saw someone coming.

"rely on you."

After Lin Xueyin finished speaking, Lin Qi nodded, approached the horse, moved her nose, and started to smell it.

Lin Xue An stood with her arms crossed, looking at the horse with cold eyes.

Lin Qi has had a sensitive nose since she was a child and is best at smelling people. As long as he is close to the horse, he can smell the smell of the people who come into contact with the horse. They can then follow the smell to find it and get twice the result with half the effort.

After about half a stick of incense, Lin Qi looked up.

"Sir, I smell a hint of wine aroma. This kind of wine aroma is relatively rare. In addition to the aroma of wine, there is also a heavy smell of powder."

"Powder smell?"

Lin Xue secretly held her forehead and thought.

According to Su Xiang, the person looking for her was a man. How could a man smell like powder? Unless the other person stays in a place with wine and women for a long time.

Lin Xue An raised her head with stern eyes: "That man may often go to brothels."

Lin Qi frowned, "But there are many brothels in the capital."

"If that's the case, the brothel where the other party is staying must be not far from here. He was able to disappear without anyone noticing at that time, which means that the other party may be hiding nearby." Lin Xue secretly sneered, "We can just go look for it, you stay." It will smell good and look for that rare wine.”


The two narrowed the scope to four brothels five kilometers away. Sure enough, at the door of the third brothel, Lin Qi smelled the familiar aroma of wine.

The madam at the entrance of the brothel was greeting the guests, and various scantily clad women upstairs waved handkerchiefs at them.


"Come and stay with me~"

Lin Qi shifted her gaze slightly uncomfortably and looked at the young man, "This is it."

Lin Xue An seemed unable to hear those delicate voices. He looked around the brothel and wanted to go in to check the situation, but suddenly thought that if the girl knew that he had gone to the brothel, he would not know how to dislike it.

So, he stopped, looked deeply at Lin Qi, who looked unaware, and patted him on the shoulder with a solemn tone.

"I won't go in. How about you go?"

Lin Qi: "..."

For the first time in my life, I didn’t want to listen to my master.

In the end, Lin Qi didn't go in. His reason was, "The people in the brothel are very mixed, and there are all kinds of smells. I may not be able to find them."

Lin Xue thought it was right. He simply walked to an inconspicuous corner of the brothel and stood against the wall.

"Then let's wait here and pay attention to whoever comes out."

Lin Qi nodded hurriedly.

Huangtian paid off. After waiting for nearly two hours, they finally waited until the target left the brothel.

The other person was a middle-aged man with a beard, a strong body, and he looked quite capable.

At this moment, he had drunk too much, was mumbling, his steps were messy, and his vigilance was much lowered.

Lin Xueyuan and the two waited for him to go far away, then looked at each other, breathed lightly and followed him.

Until they arrived near a mansion, they watched helplessly as the man knocked on a small door. After the door opened, the man walked in.

Lin Xue secretly asked Lin Qi to keep an eye on her, and walked around to the main entrance.

There were several guards standing at the door of this mansion, and on the plaque above their heads were the two characters "Chen Mansion".

Lin Xue hid in the corner, with a bloody smile on her lips.

"It seems it's really you, Chen Yuanzhou..."

At midnight, the back door of Chen's mansion was quietly pushed open, and the middle-aged man walked out and hurried forward.

Almost as soon as the front foot left, several men in black stepped lightly on the back foot and followed lightly.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

Lin Xueman and Lin Qi, who had been waiting for a long time, followed behind like ghosts until the man in black blocked the man in a dead end.

The middle-aged man was shocked: "Who are you?"

"The one who took your life!"

The killer immediately attacked. The middle-aged man was good at martial arts, but his two fists were hard to beat with four hands. He quickly fell behind and was scratched on his arm.

In the chaos, Lin Xueman and Lin Qi jumped down and quickly killed the rest.

The young man turned around and stared at the middle-aged man. At that moment, the man seemed to have seen a bloodthirsty beast.

The beast's eyes were astonishingly bright, glowing with a strong blood color. I don't know if it was blood splashed in, or if it was the actual evil spirit formed.

As soon as the middle-aged man took a step back, Lin Xueman strode forward, grabbed the other man's neck with one hand, and asked sternly.

"During the day, you scratched the horse and wanted to hurt Miss Su. Was it Chen Yuanzhou's instigation?"

The man's veins bulged from being pinched, and his eyes were bloodshot. He was slapping his arm in great pain and gasping for air.

"Speak quickly!" As he said this, his strength increased again.

The man was almost out of breath. Between life and death, he didn't care about anything else and subconsciously answered: "Yes... it's Mr. Chen..."

Lin Xue'an relaxed her strength slightly, and the man was finally able to take a big breath of air, and his whole body was shaking unknowingly.

"Ahem... Mr. Chen... asked me to teach... a lesson to Miss Su, so I thought of hitting her with a horse..."

When Lin Qi on the side accidentally caught a glimpse of her young master's facial expression, her pupils trembled and she quickly lowered her head.

Lin Xue'an's eyes contained a deep storm, but his voice was calm and calm, "Yong Ma? Have you ever thought about what her end will be?"

It can range from a minor injury to a serious injury, ranging from broken bones and legs!

The man was about to cry. He just took an order to do something. Why did someone come to silence and question him again?

"Spare my life... I just use money to do things! Please, let me go! This method was thought up by Mr. Chen, I just implemented it... Please..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Xue was furious, and the strength in his hands increased. The man couldn't breathe, and his eyes almost popped out.

Lin Qi had to remind him softly: "Master, he is about to be strangled to death by you."

Lin Xuedan: "..."

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