"What kind of person is this? He only pokes holes in people's hearts and digs out their sore spots!"

Elsa thought aggrievedly, and her heart twitched after listening to Miles's words.

Originally, she had almost forgotten the "him" in her hometown.

At this time, I mentioned it again.

Wasn't this just to make her uncomfortable and to see her make a fool of herself to satisfy a noble's bad taste?

It would be a lie to say that Elsa was not sad, but she was not a person who cared for her at all.

If anyone was to say who Elsa was most afraid of meeting when going to the border of Kresse, it would naturally be her childhood sweetheart Leo, the boy who had been shouting to become a brave man to protect him.

The two of them have nothing more to do with each other than childhood sweethearts, Elsa thought to herself.

If she could, she really didn't want Leo to see her in a state of embarrassment under the control of a noble, and she was even more afraid that Leo would act impulsively and provoke a noble with a terrifying background.

"As long as you don't hurt him, you can do anything to me!"

Elsa's eyes gradually became firmer, and she was ready to sacrifice herself to save her childhood sweetheart. She could foresee the teasing and ridicule from the other party.


Every time she faced this hateful aristocratic young master, Elsa would be turned away.

"Why is it so quiet, so quiet? Why is there no movement? His breathing is so steady. Well, is he asleep?"

"Just fell asleep!"

"You asked me to warm the bed and stimulate me, but there was so much bedding in front of me, so you just fell asleep?"

When Elsa felt the hands and feet wrapped around her waist, a slight snore came from her ears, proving the fact that the noble young man in front of her had fallen asleep.

Two words to describe Elsa at this moment are "crazy".


It was completely different from what Elsa thought. It couldn't be called a gap, because she didn't expect anything.

Miles, who always plays cards unconventionally, makes the Stockholm Syndrome of a girl who always likes to imagine more and more obvious, and it seems to be getting more and more serious.

Elsa was going crazy inside.

An evil noble held a young and beautiful little maid as she slept alone. She almost thought she would be eaten. It always seemed like she had too much imagination.

The person who looks very "Seqin" is her, just like Elsa.

The girl's strange thoughts came quickly.


Before Elsa could mentally program this hateful nobleman who was blind to her own charm, the friction of the clothes against her skin made her suddenly expect something.


The word "expectation" is wrong!

"Don't move your hands!"

Under the dim light, Elsa's face could be seen to be very red, as if she was about to bleed. The little deer in her heart wanted to go crazy to kill Miles, so she struggled slightly in a panic, but she was afraid of waking her up. This young master doesn’t know whether he is really sleeping or pretending to be asleep.


"That's not good!"

Elsa didn't dare to move and bit her lip. She was afraid that if she moved again, she would leak.

This guy is so good!

"Isn't this really pretending to be asleep? She really wants my body!"

Elsa said firmly.

This feeling of never being recognized and suddenly being needed gave her a strange sense of self-identity.

Just think of Cinderella. Yesterday she was a country girl, and in the blink of an eye she became the maid of the young master of a wealthy aristocratic family. Although she didn't get to marry the prince like Cinderella, she was still very magical.

Everything she had come into contact with in just one or two days from the upper class nobility was a huge shock to a village girl.

This also makes Elsa pursue a sense of identity very much.

She wants to integrate into this different world, even if she has a very clear view of reality, but who doesn't have fantasy?

Who hasn’t dreamed of marrying a prince or a princess?

It's just that the girl's target may not be a kind-hearted prince, but a tyrant.

Before Elsa, who was trapped in her own world, could react, it was already too late. The aristocratic young master in his sleep quickly released the girl from her restraints.

The girl could still hear a murmuring sound in her ears: "Well, it's much more comfortable to hold her like this."

Miles is strict when it comes to pillows.

When people are cold, they will always instinctively look for heat sources, and they will naturally wrap themselves up tightly in quilts and hug pillows. Apparently Miles's hands have become proficient in finding warm places and sinking in, unable to control them at all. The warmth of being wrapped made him so comfortable that he stopped moving, twisted his body and fell asleep.

Elsa was in a daze the whole time.

Feeling that she was holding the big hand of her conscience, she really shouldered the responsibility of holding pillows and hand warmers.

After waiting for a while to confirm that this person was really asleep, shame and unwillingness surged up instantly.

"I'm not clean anymore!"

Then Elsa let out a cry of sadness from the bottom of her heart: "...This will make it even harder for me to face my family and Leo. I am a bad woman!"

Even if there is no follow-up, Elsa still thinks that she is unclean. Not only did she become the slave of the noble young master, she was also tortured, and now she is still accompanying him.

She is about to be pinched into the other person's shape!


"What should I do? This is not what Elsa wants. At least don't be used as a pillow, woohoo!"

I don’t know why the girl is crying. Maybe someone else would be happy.

Tired of crying.

Fatigue and sleepiness overwhelmed everything, causing the girl to fall asleep unconsciously in shame and anger.


The next day.

Elsa, who was used to getting up early, took a nap for the first time in a long time. However, when she woke up, there were still tears in the corners of her eyes and her eyes were a little red.

"No, it's so late, it's already past breakfast time!"

Looking at the sun hanging high outside the window, the sunlight shone on the bed. Elsa sat up and subconsciously rubbed her sleepy eyes, but she was soon awakened by the realization that she had gotten up late.

As well as the chill on his body, he shivered.

"Where are my clothes...um..."

The girl, whose mind was still confused, cleared her thoughts and recalled what happened last night. It seemed that nothing happened.

I can't control that much.

Miles was no longer around, and he must have gotten up early, leaving her here alone.

The other party must want to see him make a fool of himself.

The girl who has experienced someone's bad taste is getting to know this evil young master more and more.

Looked for it.

Wrapped in a quilt, Elsa picked up her maids from the ground and put them on one by one, straightened her pleated skirts, took a deep breath, opened the door and walked out.

The delinquent maid was already prepared for the young master's scolding.

But Miles didn't react at all. He sat beside the extinguished bonfire and glanced at Elsa lightly. His smile remained the same, but the corners of his mouth were slightly curved.


The two plainclothes knights guarding the side showed intriguing smiles, laughing.

Not sure if it was Elsa's illusion, she raised a nice eyebrow and thought about it, the two knights had a subtle change in their attitude towards her, that feeling...

...seems to have a little more awe.


at the same time.


A certain elf who was forgotten in the birdcage was still lying there with his eyes closed, struggling to move and making an unexplained groan, which probably meant: "Have you forgotten that there is another person? He can't move, he can't move at all. !”

"Let me go quickly!"

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