It turned out that these ruffians accidentally disturbed several cauliflower snakes hiding in the water plants. And those cauliflower snakes were not polite after being frightened, and bit one by one with a "click-click" sound. One of them even jumped directly into the air and almost bit a small bean.

Fortunately, these cauliflower snakes are not poisonous, otherwise they would definitely lose their lives. But despite this, these soldiers and ruffians had to rush on their way in very strange postures in the next few days.

"Bah, you deserve it!" Aunt Fang couldn't help but spit.

From beginning to end, Xu Yixuan didn't even raise her eyes. She quickly found a lot of wild vegetables and picked up a few wild duck eggs deep in the reeds.

But when faced with the probing look from Tao Jinyu, who was rarely awake, Xu Yixuan responded with a bright smile. As for Xiao Jinren, who had been paying attention to his every move not far away, he just pretended not to notice.

Xu Yixuan knew very well that these temptations and trouble-seeking were just appetizers, and the danger was probably still to come.

So after the night was quiet, he continued to play tricks on the surrounding bonfires, and then rushed back to the capital, seizing the time to further disrupt the current situation in the capital, and diverting the emperor's attention as much as possible, which was the most important thing.

He worked hard like this for several days, until Tao Jinyu fully woke up faster than expected and no longer fell into a long sleep due to fever. At this time, Bai Shao, who had been secretly collecting information, also received a piece of good news: there seemed to be another force that was also secretly wreaking havoc.

Xu Yixuan thought for a while and asked Bai Qing and the others who stayed in the capital to hibernate to preserve their strength. Of course, they could help those people appropriately if necessary.

In the space, Xu Yixuan, who had rested beautifully for several hours, quickly replaced the dummy while no one around her was paying attention. I was thinking of squinting for a while longer, but I heard a slight stern voice next to my ears.

Xu Yixuan, who grew up in the countryside, soon realized that these noises should be the subtle movements made by snakes rubbing against the ground when they move.

In this wilderness, it was the hot summer day in late June, so it was not surprising to encounter snakes. What's more, those few soldiers who were looking for trouble were bitten on their calves and thighs by a few cauliflower snakes two days ago.

What's more, during the day, Xu Yihan specially asked people to chase and deliver the cart full of things. I'm afraid there was a lot of manipulation. For example, sprinkle some powder to trap worms or something.

Xu Yixuan only picked out a clay pot and a half-person-high brand new wooden barrel with a lid from a large cart of flashy things. As for the remaining ones, before Xu Yixuan even took the initiative to speak, the old Guogong's wife took the decision and gave them all to the third room at a cheap price.

If Xu Yihan knew about it, I don't know what he would think.

Anyway, when the things were moved away by the third room, Xu Yixuan still hoped for a moment that the third room would be safe.

Perhaps Xu Yixuan had sprinkled a lot of insect repellent powder around, but the long insects did not approach immediately. With the help of the dim light of the bonfire, Xu Yixuan, who has good night vision, looked around and clearly found that there were many people attracted by twos and threes, including Chinese cobras, bungara and king cobras.

Is it so exciting?

Although we can make snake stew after dawn, this would be too exciting.

Xu Yixuan blinked, and then quietly woke up Mrs. Tao Wang and Aunt Fang who were sleeping on the side. She lowered her voice and whispered: "Sister-in-law, you and Aunt Fang will be more careful in a while."

After that, Xu Yixuan threw a number of dead branches that had been sprinkled with insect repellent powder into the bonfire nearby. The original small fire burned brightly in an instant, exuding a faint fragrance of grass and trees.

Mrs. Tao Wang and Aunt Fang were reminded, and they did not dare to delay any longer. They quickly hugged the three sisters Shu and the brother next to them, and looked around cautiously.

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