"Girl, how dare you! Ah Fei, go get some water." Mr. Ke was scared to death just now. What if that thing treats her as its new host?

"Miss Su Shang, I have clothes there, do you want to go in with me to change?" Liu Yiyi is also a girl and understands girls.

It's okay, just leave quickly while changing clothes. She remembered this! It will never end if I don’t get it back in the future.

There are many ways to deal with the Vixen, either be stronger than her and use magic to defeat magic. Either retreat in order to advance, and tea will kill her.

You have obviously lived for hundreds of years, but if you still can't grasp it clearly, you will end up harming yourself sooner or later.

Qin Zhen was not used to it. Before Merchant Qiao Su walked out of the yard, he started to take action.

Qin Zhen took the object in the air, pulled out a vine and tied up Ji Zhijun. No matter how much Ji Zhijun used magic and spiritual power, he could not break free.

"Inform Old Man Sun and ask him to take the person back and take care of him." Only Qin Zhen here dared to call Master Sun of the Chongshan Sect this way.

"Elder Ji, we don't dare not listen to Master Qin's words. Please forgive me. Someone, please send Elder Ji back to Dongchun Courtyard to rest, and send someone to Chongshan to pick him up." The Liu family left here smartly, leaving behind The manager of the lower company will arrange the rest.

If they were to be blamed at that time, they still had Qin Zhen standing in front of them. He was the one who tied up the person and he was the one who notified them. There was really nothing they could do.

Ji Zhijun was stunned. Seeing Qin Zhen leaving indifferently, she forgot to react.

In the next few days, the Liu family sent people to the Chongshan sect to deliver the message, and they were not in a hurry. It was time to eat and drink along the way, and it was considered a paid vacation for traveling.

But Ji Zhijun suffered a serious crime.

The cane that Qin Zhen randomly pulled was attached with his spiritual power. The more Ji Zhijun struggled, the tighter the binding became. His magic power could not be used, and his screams were useless. The feeling of being bound and losing his freedom was really unbearable.

Qiao Sushang came as usual every day to consult with Liu Weili with Mr. Ke.

"It's amazing, those poisonous insects didn't attack you." That day, after cleaning and changing clothes, I found no trace of the poisonous insects entering my body.

They had no choice but to think that the Gu insect was crushed to death by Qiao Sushang when it tried to invade. He died quickly and therefore failed to enter the body successfully.

The Gu insect's corpse soon turned into a pool of liquid that exuded a disgusting smell, completely dead.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but when I was cleaning her hands that day, I seemed to see a smile rising from the corner of her mouth.

The Gu insect didn't seem to be attacking her, but more like it was afraid.


Mr. Ke was shocked by his idea.

He looked at Qiao Sushang, who was feeling his pulse. He still looked as delicate and supple as the first time he saw him. If A Fei hadn't told him about the operation, he wouldn't have believed that the girl in front of him would dare to touch things that most girls wouldn't dare to touch.

After that day, the head of the Liu family began to liquidate. The first one was Tang Shouyuan. This nephew who had taken refuge with his uncle was an ignorant white-eyed wolf.

The person placed under surveillance by Tang Shouyuan was a close associate of the head of the Liu family. He collected evidence that Tang Shouyuan was colluding with outsiders, and confronted Tang Shouyuan as soon as he got the evidence.

For the sake of his widowed sister, the head of the Liu family just asked him to leave, and Tang Shouyuan left the Liu family that day.

Also, the Liu family told the Bao family about the poisonous insects. The two families cooperated and exchanged information, and it was concluded that the poisonous insects on Liu Weili and Widow Wu's poisonous insects should have been brought in by the same group of people.

However, it can be known that the Gu was planted by someone outside Liu Weili a long time ago, while Widow Wu's happened recently.

Mr. Ke didn't know to what extent he would investigate later. He wanted to record everything he encountered in his life so that he could pass it on to future generations.

Today is the last day Qiao Sushang comes to consult with Liu Weili.

For the sake of his son, the head of the Liu family almost emptied out the Liu family's pharmacy. After recovery, Liu Weili's face has grown flesh visibly. He is now out of bed and walking around, but he has not yet been able to resume his practice.

When preparing to leave, Qiao Suchhang met Liu Yiyi who came to see her, saying that Liu Xucheng and Lan Ling had something to discuss and asked her to go to the front hall.

Before the person arrived, Qiao Sushang felt the aura of the monk in the transformation stage, and he was very familiar with it.

Qin Zhen was sitting in the VIP seat in the front hall, and at a glance he saw Qiao Su Shang, who was obviously hesitant. A surprise that he didn't even notice flashed through his cold eyes.

"Yiyi, why don't you invite Miss Qiao to come in? Why are you just standing there?" Lan Ling also noticed that her daughter had brought someone over, so she stood up and urged her daughter to bring Qiao Sushang in.

Qiao Sushang bowed and took his seat.

"Miss Qiao, we just discussed it with Senior Qin. In a few days, the secret realm will be opened once every ten years. Yiyi will also go there on behalf of the Liu family. I would like to invite you to participate." Liu Xucheng suggested with a smile.

Qiao Sushang originally wanted to decline, but the system said anxiously: [Sir, there are points rewards for this, please agree! 】

For the sake of points, the rejection that had just reached his mouth was forced to circle around: "Thank you."

Qiao Sushang was keenly aware that Qin Zhen glanced at her several times. When Qiao Sushang looked at Qin Zhen, he had already withdrawn his gaze and picked up the tea cup.

"Is this the first time for Miss Qiao to go to the secret realm? Don't worry, we are ready for everything. You and Yiyi have a good rest these two days. When the time comes, you will follow Senior Qin. Yiyi must take good care of Miss Qiao, you know?"

Qiao Sushang: "."

Qin Zhen is going too?

Qiao Sushang looked at Qin Zhen subconsciously, and Qin Zhen turned around and looked over.

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