Douluo: Peerless Blood Hunter Huo Yuhao

Chapter 1 The boy who returns from Yanan

Star Forest.

There is darkness in the forest, and not much sunlight falls to the bottom through the gaps between the layers of forest leaves.

Huo Yuhao walked among the woods.

He was wearing a black windbreaker and a black hunter's hat, with dim feathers like a withered bouquet pinned to the side of the hat.

In his right hand he held a metal cane.

Of course Huo Yuhao doesn't need a cane to help him walk. This cane is his weapon.

The tip of the staff is as sharp as the tip of a spear. The body of the staff is not cylindrical, but a relatively flat prism, and the edge protruding outward is as sharp as a sword.

“Isn’t this considered the outskirts?”

Huo Yuhao straightened his hat with his left hand.

He was not originally dressed like this.

After cultivating to the tenth level, he went to the Star Dou Forest alone in order to further become a soul master.

It is quite dangerous for a tenth-level soul master to obtain a soul ring alone. Even a tenth-level soul beast is extremely threatening to a reserve soul master of this level.

But there was nothing he could do. Although he was born in a Duke's palace, his status was not even as good as that of a servant.

As the Duke's son, the Duke didn't know he existed. At the same time, he and his mother were ostracized by the duchess and were driven to the servants' area. The actual place they lived in was actually inferior to servants.

Before his soul power reached level ten, his mother died of a serious illness. Before she died, she held Huo Yuhao's hand and told Huo Yuhao to live well.

"Duke's Mansion, it's been three years. If it were the original me, I might be buried in this forest of spirit beasts."

Huo Yuhao was eleven years old when he left the Duke's Mansion.

Now, his actual age was fourteen in a sense, but his body was still eleven.

Of course, it would not take three years to go from the Duke's Mansion to the Star Dou Forest.

But something unexpected happened to Huo Yuhao on his way to the Star Dou Forest.

Something happened to him while he was sleeping last night.

When he woke up, he found that he had arrived in a "hospitable" town called Yanan. The town is filled with tall spire houses, which causes some streets to remain as dark as night during the day.

Huo Yuhao originally thought he was miserable enough, but then reality slapped him hard.

There is a saying circulating in Yanan, "God closes the door for you, but at the same time he will open a window for you."

God is a god worshiped and worshiped in places other than Yanan. Yanan does not believe this, but due to its widespread spread, Yanan also has this sentence.

These words are often used to comfort those who are in trouble.

People often follow this sentence by saying, Oh, don't be so desperate, God will save you, there is always hope in life.

So Huo Yuhao slept on the streets on the first day he came there. When he woke up in the middle of the night, he saw a hairy monster staring straight at him, drooling all over the floor.

He was chased all over the street, and not a single one of the residents on the street even opened a window, not to mention opening the door.

In the end, the monster was hacked to death by a heavily clothed hunter holding a meat saw, and its intestines and internal organs were spilled all over the floor.

Huo Yuhao, who was saved from a desperate situation, cried with joy after almost vomiting his stomach juice.

The hunter wanted to take Huo Yuhao to the local healing church, but he was robbed halfway by a group of researchers with incredible combat power.

The scene at that time was outrageous. Each one of them claimed that he was a civil servant, but ended up beating the hunter to pieces. He kidnapped Huo Yuhao in three blows and took him to Bayer Watkins, a local academic center, for an interview. Master William, leader of the academy.

When the master saw Huo Yuhao, he praised the boy for his talent and his sharp eyes, and said that he would accept him as his disciple.

Huo Yuhao was surrounded by a group of people and had no choice but to agree due to the situation.

The next day he would have thought that Master William was going to give him a lesson. But he was taken to a laboratory where various utensils and surgical tools were placed.

The kind-faced Master William and a group of people in white coats stared at Huo Yuhao with ardent eyes. To be more precise, they stared at Huo Yuhao's eyes.

That look was like that of an old pervert who had been bachelor for decades staring at a coolly dressed beauty, wanting to quickly go up and take off her clothes.

It can be said that he has just emerged from the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den.

Just as Huo Yuhao was about to escape, the person who brought him here knocked him unconscious with a stick.

When he woke up, his eyes were wrapped with gauze and there was severe pain.

Afterwards, William actually worked as a teacher for a while, teaching Huo Yuhao some occult knowledge.

He is already a fish on Master William's chopping block and cannot jump back into the river.

Therefore, Master William, the sanctimonious academic leader of Yanan Town, did not mind telling Huo Yuhao some secrets.

This madman always believes that human vision is too limited and cannot see the truth of the world. He wanted to find the eyes that could see the truth, the eyes inside the head.

To do this, he and one of his apprentices, Lawrence, massacred a small fishing village.

When William said this, his tone was full of regret, not because he felt sorry for the villagers, but because he didn't find the Eye of Thinking.

"However, I seem to have found the eye in my brain, or in other words, I have found its prototype. It turns out that it is not necessarily in my brain. Huo Yuhao, your eyes are simply art and a miracle in this world."

At that time, William's expression looked...very abnormal when he said this.

Huo Yuhao learned that his eyes had been manipulated.

William and his men modified Huo Yuhao's eyes and injected them with the life blood of what they called a superior being. At the same time, they embedded an extraterrestrial meteorite called blue quartz without damaging Huo Yuhao's vision.

They wanted Huo Yuhao to become the seedbed of the so-called Eye in the Brain.

Even the monster Huo Yuhao met on the first night had a lot to do with them. The monster was transformed from a human being.

During a turmoil, Huo Yuhao escaped.

He also joined the Healing Church and became a hunter. It is worth mentioning that the Archbishop of the Healing Church is named Lawrence, a disciple of Master William.

Although Lawrence and William parted ways, this does not mean that Lawrence is a good product. It's a pity that Huo Yuhao was completely unaware of this at the time. He didn't know who the Archbishop of the Healing Church was at that time.

All he knows is that the hunter saved him that night when he encountered the monster. He is a lost dog, so he should be grateful if he has a place to take him.

He thought he had escaped from hell, but then Huo Yuhao became sad again. On the night he became a hunter, he was pulled into the nightmare along with all the hunters.

It's just that he is a little special and was dragged to work by someone in a higher position.

This superior person also thoughtfully arranged a teacher and a caring doll sister for Huo Yuhao.

These two people are responsible for Huo Yuhao's training and upgrading.

The teacher's name is Gehrman, the number one hunter in Yanan. Huo Yuhao knew his name on the first day he became a hunter.

To be honest, after experiencing Master William's inhumane research, Huo Yuhao was very sensitive to the word "teacher" and felt a lot of shadow in his heart.

However, Gehrman was indeed different from William. At least he really regarded Huo Yuhao as his apprentice. Although Huo Yuhao later learned through some traces that this old hunter who could only sit in a wheelchair was not hunting purely for the safety of the residents.

Under Gehrman's guidance, Huo Yuhao quickly became a legendary hunter.

From the church to the forest, from the forest to the academy, anyone who turned into a crazy monster, even a passing dog, would be chopped twice by Huo Yuhao.

In the later stage, in the nightmare, more than one ancient god died at the hands of Huo Yuhao.

When the nightmare ended, Huo Yuhao ended Gehrman.

It's not that he is ungrateful, but that this old hunter has become the puppet of Huo Yuhao's boss.

Hermann has also been longing for relief.

After taking out Gehrman, Huo Yuhao went down and killed the superior boss, the ancient god known as the Blood Princess of the Moon.

He is responsible for the emergence of the nightmare. If he is not killed, the nightmare will not end. Huo Yuhao will become his tool. Like Gehrman, he will guard the nightmare until the next person defeats him.

God blocked the doors and windows, and Huo Yuhao smashed a hole in the roof.

We had already seen the sun outside, but at this time it started to hail.

Huo Yuhao's body was taken over by Moon Blood Princess and used as a container for rebirth.

If someone tells Huo Yuhao that God will open windows for people in trouble, then Huo Yuhao will definitely give this person two slaps.

Along the way, Huo Yuhao hunted enough monsters to form a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. In order to complete the hunting journey, he almost became a killing machine.

Having lost all hope, he decisively committed suicide.

Finally, when he woke up in the morning, everything in the past seemed like a big dream.

Everything was as usual. If he hadn't seen his eyes transformed by Master William with the help of the stream, he would have thought everything was his imagination.

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