Chapter 60

There was a roar as the door closed, and Huo Yuhao fell into a dark world.

The huge suction force made him hang in mid-air, and the power in his body seemed to be drained. He turned into a puppet that could be controlled by others, unable to even release the force.

When he was thinking of a solution, the suction force that was so huge that he couldn't resist disappeared without a trace. "Gravity" pulled Huo Yuhao down from mid-air. Before his strength could be restored, he directly came into contact with the hard stone. Close contact.

There was the sound of heavy objects hitting hard objects in the darkness, followed by the sound of human bodies rolling down the stairs.

After a while, there was the sound of clothes rubbing together. Huo Yuhao sat up and rubbed his back, where he felt a burning pain.

The pain is quite bearable, after all, I have become numb to a lot of pain after being tortured too much. But it was uncomfortable to be manipulated like a doll. When he met someone he couldn't beat, he could spit and say a few cordial greetings, but when he was first sucked in, he could only passively accept it.

There was a sudden sound in the darkness, similar to the sound of a light being turned on, one after another, getting denser and denser.

The light from above illuminated Huo Yuhao, and the light golden light enhanced his church uniform.

At the end of the line of sight, a ten-meter-high stone gate stands on the platform, giving a sense of heaviness and age. A strong wind blew in front of him, filling Huo Yuhao's robes, causing his black hair to stick to his scalp.

Huo Yuhao saw the long staircase lighting up like a lamp from top to bottom, getting faster and faster, like an extended light path, quickly passing through Huo Yuhao's feet. The dense sound was like raindrops hitting the window on a rainy day.

The stairs emitting light golden light extended into the endless darkness.

Huo Yuhao had already seen everything before him, the strange long steps, the standing stone gate, and the eyes that watched everything.

As the stairs continued to light up, Huo Yuhao felt the shackles loosen, and his body suddenly became light, as if he was feathering. The light blue eyes lit up again, but this time the light was more intense, like an eternal blue flame burning blazingly. It seemed that it would break through the boundaries of crystal clearness at any time and ignite the whole world.

Extraordinary power returns. There is a faint burning feeling in the soul, much weaker than when on the Miracle Road, and it is getting weaker, but it is still there.

Huo Yuhao stretched out his arms. Dressed in white, he looked like a cross standing on the stone steps, emitting light blue fluorescence. The scene was dreamy. On the pale golden stairs, he seemed to be surrounded by fireflies.

He felt an unprecedented sense of relief, like a burdened person suddenly having his weight lifted off, or like a free bird flying out of its cage. His mind was sharp and rich emotions spewed out from the bottom of his heart.

Then Huo Yuhao suppressed his inner emotions, murderous aura came out of his body, and fireflies dispersed.

This murderous aura is still so terrifying, but it is a little less evil and a little more pure. It is reminiscent of the ice storm in the far north. There are no distracting thoughts, it is just running over and has nothing to do with anything else.

Huo Yuhao closed his arms, the light in his eyes dissipated, the flames gradually extinguished, and the burning feeling in his soul disappeared.

"The flames there can actually purify things that have been polluted and cursed," Huo Yuhao smiled. Although the feeling of burning the soul is uncomfortable, it is much better than being corroded by the spirit. Moreover, the former is a spiritual refinement, which is helpful for cultivation. , the latter’s only purpose is to torture him, “but this purification is not complete.”

A weird, strange aura resurfaced in the depths of his soul, like seeds sprouting underground, and the buds opening up the soil.

Yanan's distortion towards him did not completely disappear just because he entered the path of miracles. It was as stubborn as tarsal maggots. Only one "treatment" could not completely remove them. The "vitality" was quite tenacious.

However, the smile on Huo Yuhao's face still did not diminish much. It was completely different from when he first came back to Douluo after his big dream. "I heard from the old man that the environment on the Miracle Road is worse, and the degree of soul burning will be more intense. Maybe I can go there."

Stepping up the stairs and coming to the stone door, he put his hands on the thick stone slab and exerted force.

The stone door suddenly trembled, and Huo Yuhao felt like he was about to push the stone door open. But no matter how hard he tried, the stone door would only tremble in response. The tall stone door looked like it would collapse at any time, but it would not open the door.

Giving up on pushing the door, Huo Yuhao looked at the stone door carefully, and then discovered an abnormality. The stone door seemed to become darker. Like the stairs, the stone gate also emits a pale golden light, but now the light of the stone gate appears dimmer compared to the steps, as if it has exhausted its energy and is in a recharging state.

"Opening the door consumes energy, and when I went to the Miracle Road, the door consumed some energy. It cannot be opened again within a short period of time." Huo Yuhao made a judgment.

The tall stone gate in front of you should be what the old man calls the Gate of Taiyi. It is said that you can see the portal when you reach the end of the Miracle Road. If you open it, you can leave the Miracle Road.

However, Huo Yuhao had some doubts.

Why did he see the Gate of Taiyi when he entered the dream? Why couldn't he fully open the Gate of Oneness and enter the path of miracles last time? The only way to use the Song of the Past is to go back to the "past". Everything should be an illusion, but why would it consume the Gate of Taiyi?

There are still many problems, and the one that concerns Huo Yuhao the most is that, according to the old man, he has reached the end of the road to miracles. Under normal circumstances, he should have returned directly to Douluo Continent, but the truth is cruel. He somehow ran away to Yharnam and was exploited by the ancient gods.

"The old man is very strong, but for him the Gate of Taiyi is also a legend, and it is impossible to determine whether it exists. In other words, he did not reach the end of the Miracle Road, and in the memory I lost, I passed I entered the Gate of Taiyi. But why was I still so weak when I first arrived in Yanan?"

Huo Yuhao had a big question mark on his face. Although the name of Miracle Road sounds quite lofty, there is no doubt that it is another good place for suffering. To be able to get out of there, Huo Yuhao should be able to protect himself even if he is not going to kill everyone.

As a result, when he first arrived in Yanan, he was chased all over the street.

"Why do you only retain your language skills?" Huo Yuhao felt an inexplicable resentment in his heart.

If his guess was correct, he should have penetrated the Miracle Road and successfully left there. He must have suffered a lot of torture along the way. But he bizarrely lost his memory and became a noob again.

Emotional torture is in vain!

The hemp rope is cut at the delicate point, and bad luck finds the poor.

"No matter how bad your luck is, it won't be like this, right?" Huo Yuhao always felt as if someone was targeting him. Miracle Road and Yanan, which of these two places should a normal person stay?

Look at your waist and touch your back. Well, even the weapons are gone.


The palace of the mermaid clan.

It was just tea time after Huo Yuhao fell into a deep sleep.

Tianmeng sat on the ground bored, with dozens of playing cards transformed from mental power spread out in front of him. The playing cards were covered with a faint light.

The cultivation level has reached the top and can no longer move forward. So in the past few days, Huo Yuhao took out the playing cards he saw in Yanan and "sparred" with Tian Meng, a newbie. Tian Meng never won, and often beat good cards to pieces.

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