Leziren’s happy life in Marvel

Chapter 16 The Birth of Iron Man (Part )

After sending Sherlock away, both Pepper and Tony felt that the whole villa suddenly became empty and quiet. There was no longer the lively feeling when Sherlock was there. It was obviously just that Just one person missing.

Under boredom, even Tony's excitement of successfully creating the most advanced weapon in the world disappeared without a trace.

Tony and Pepper's lives are gradually getting back on track. Perhaps the only change is that Tony no longer pursues the Playboy cover girl.

This incident even made the front page of the newspaper for a time, and Sherlock curled his lips in disdain when he saw the headline about the Prodigal Son Returning.

In fact, Tony can indeed be called the prodigal son who has returned. At least after spending so many days together, Sherlock can be sure of this, but it is still far from the level of becoming Iron Man.

What really changed Tony was when a reporter handed Tony some photos during a cocktail party shortly afterwards.

The photo of the group of terrorists who kidnapped Tony carrying boxes of weapons with the Stark logo made Tony fall into deep thought.

Even the whole person became a little depressed. Tony couldn't arouse the slightest interest until he returned home. His mind was full of the scene in the cave and Ethan's figure.

Tony, who felt his mind was in a mess, couldn't find any good solutions after much thought. He couldn't help but think of Sherlock mindlessly watching TV in the living room.

Following Sherlock's example, Tony quietly stretched out on the sofa for the first time and turned on the audio-visual entertainment system that he had never used before.

But what Tony never expected was that, just like the entanglement of fate, the moment he turned on the TV, the images of terrorists in Afghanistan were played. He watched the terrorists on the TV holding guns and shooting unarmed people. civilian.

For the first time, Tony felt a fire begin to burn in his heart, as if he had experienced so many things here and felt his mission.

The wailing of the civilians on the TV made Tony make up his mind and turned back to his garage. After ordering Jarvis to spray-paint the suit with his favorite color.

Tony had never felt so determined to accomplish something.

Along with a burst of mechanical assembly, the golden and red Iron Man appeared in this world for the first time and began to fulfill his destiny.

On the other side, Sherlock was lying behind the cashier of his shop, looking at the magic book in his hand and listening to the news reports on the TV.

After seeing the scene of the terrorists in the Middle East, Sherlock seemed to have a feeling. A smile appeared on his lips and he looked towards the Middle East from a distance.

Sherlock knew that since this battle, Iron Man had officially entered the world stage, and the originally peaceful life of the Marvel Universe would begin to go berserk.

Turning off the TV, Sherlock briefly greeted the uncles in his shop before returning to his room upstairs.

After taking out the helmet that Tony gave him and putting it on, and knowing Tony's whereabouts through Jarvis, Sherlock took out his wand without any hesitation.

With the blessing of magic, a pure black cloak covered Sherlock's body, plus a pair of gloves. Sherlock repeatedly made sure that no skin was exposed in front of the mirror.

Then he put the hanging ring that Gu Yi gave him on his hand. As Sherlock's arm kept drawing circles, a sparking portal appeared in front of Sherlock.

On the other side of the door is Tony's destination and Ethan's hometown in the Middle East.

After stepping out of the door, Sherlock went from the bustling New York to the sandy Middle East almost in an instant, looking at the small town in the distance with the sound of gunfire.

Sherlock just waved the wand inside, and he disappeared into the yellow sand flying in the sky.

After looking for a high sand dune, Sherlock did not reveal his figure. He still maintained the illusion spell and stood there, as if waiting for something.

In just a short while, Sherlock waited for the protagonist of this story, Iron Man Tony Stark!

When Tony fell from the sky wearing his iconic armor, even though Sherlock had seen it countless times in movies, it was still so shocking to see it in person.

After seeing Tony being like the devil from ancient times, picking off the terrorists one by one like chickens, for some reason, Sherlock actually felt like he was involved in the birth of Iron Man.

"The birth of a hero is often accompanied by suffering and a tragic past, isn't it?"

A pleasant female voice suddenly sounded in Sherlock's ears. Sherlock was so frightened that he subconsciously pointed the wand in the direction of the sound.

But the next second, Sherlock put down the wand in his hand and respectfully greeted the owner of the voice.

"Master Gu Yi? Why are you here?"

After hearing what Sherlock said, Gu Yi glanced at Sherlock with a smile, who was standing there in embarrassment. Instead of answering Sherlock's question, he made a joke.

“Very nice outfit!”

It was better that Gu Yi didn't say it. When he said it, Sherlock felt like he was suffering from a middle school disease and was being seen. For a moment, Sherlock even felt that he shouldn't be there. this place.

Fortunately, as the Supreme Mage, Gu Yiye didn't worry about Sherlock's outfit for too long. Instead, he turned to look at Tony, who was still fighting the terrorists, and continued.

"Every hero has his own experiences and difficulties, but what about you? Magical little guy, how will you choose your path now that you have mastered the power?"

To be honest, Sherlock was a little confused about Gu Yi's confusing question, and he even didn't know how to answer Gu Yi's question.

After holding his head and thinking for a long time, he still couldn't figure out what Gu Yi, the old Riddler, wanted to express. He even subconsciously began to think about what kind of magic to use to escape.

After all, he couldn't beat him again and again, and he couldn't use his brain to defeat this old guy who had lived for hundreds of years. Sherlock could only think about how to run away.

Fortunately, Gu Yi seemed to have noticed Sherlock's embarrassment and did not dwell too much on this issue. Instead, he turned around and looked at Sherlock who was standing to the side without even knowing where to put his hands.

“Would you be interested in coming to Karma Taj for a cup of tea?”

As Gu Yi finished speaking, a portal slowly appeared behind Gu Yi.

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