Pokémon: My Time Travel is Unusual

Chapter 91 There are many famous people and right and wrong

This kind of gossip news usually appears in newspapers very quickly. Early the next morning, newspapers are flying all over the sky.

"Kaoping, don't stop me!"

Bai Yi was about to go out with Cammy Turtle, and the day's newspapers were scattered on the table.

"What are these unscrupulous reporters writing there? What is the emotional crisis of the Carlos champion? What is the dark horse of the glamor contest, the little girl, messing with women? I must let him know why the flowers are so red today!"

Kami (see if Mr. Turtle doesn’t slap his bearish face!)

"No, Teacher Xiao Yi! Calm down! You must calm down!"

Kaoping hugged Bai Yi tightly, and the hippopotamus king behind them hugged Cammy Turtle tightly.

"Teacher Xiao Yi, if you make a big deal now, you will really be convinced of what the other party wrote. When the time comes, they will say that you have two things in common and you will get angry and retaliate against the reporter."

"Choose another word for me!"

"Then... eat the pot and watch the pot?"

"Fuck off!"

Bai Yi broke away from Kaoping's comfort and told Kaoping that he was not going for revenge, but to buy a bottle of Coke to calm down.

Kaoping shook his head and hugged Bai Yi tightly again.

"I don't believe it. You said you were lying to Fat Man!"

"Can I leave the Pokémon to you for safekeeping?"

Bai Yi took off the Pokmon Ball and handed it to Kaoping, then turned around and left the Pokmon Center.

Not far away, Xiaozhi and his party also ran over quickly. They also rushed over as soon as they saw the news.

Looking at Bai Yi's back, Xiaoguang couldn't help asking worriedly.

"Xiao Yi, is he okay?"

"Don't worry, Xiaoyi will be fine, right Pikachu?"

Ash rubbed his nose and turned to look at Pikachu over his shoulder.


Pikachu spread his hands helplessly, just say so.

Xiaogang squatted aside, biting his handkerchief while crying.

"Wow, oh, oh, Xiao Yi is so enviable."

Bai Yi was about to go find the Rocket trio when his satellite phone rang.


"Xiao Yi, you don't sound very good."

On the other side of the phone, Karuna was eating breakfast and watching the news on the live broadcaster with a smile.

For this kind of unscrupulous news, Karunai has never experienced it for maybe 800 years, so she is quite indifferent.

But thinking that Bai Yi must have experienced this kind of thing for the first time, Kalunai called him during breakfast time.

"Didn't you say that you have to rely on your own efforts to reach the top and become a boy who is suitable for me? If you do this, you will definitely receive a lot of attention, right? Unscrupulous news is a common thing in the future, and it is not okay to mess up the situation casually. "

"Karuna, listen to me, Sayaka and I..."

Bai Yi quickly recounted what he had experienced with Sayaka.

Bai Yi, who had never had any contact with girls before traveling through time, did not expect that Wang Zha would be like this when he experienced a crisis for the first time.

Karunai always kept smiling and listened quietly on the phone. She held the coffee spoon with her slender fingers and gently rubbed the rim of the cup.

Gardevoir had been listening by the side, and finally couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Kalunai glanced at Gardevoir proudly, then reminded Bai Yi with a smile.

"Xiao Yi, girls are all thin-skinned. They will be embarrassed by this kind of thing. Since we are good friends who have gone through trials together, don't make it difficult for Sayaka."

"Uh...Okay, I understand."

Bai Yi was stunned on the phone. Things seemed not as complicated as he thought.

Are all girls in this world so generous?

In this case, Bai Yi let go. It felt good not to backstab someone close to him.

"Okay, I will, but we can't just let this matter go."

Bai Yi smiled confidently.

"I don't just use it to spread rumors to others without fighting back. What's more, they also involved you."

"Just do it if you want to. I'm going to the company, bye."

Karuna smiled and hung up the phone, turned around and looked at Gardevoir.

"Gardevoir, let Xiao Yi handle this matter."

Gardevoir (You are a man, why are you asking me?)

Bai Yi then found the Rocket Three Fools, and it was time for them to give them a new mission.

"Please investigate this newspaper and this unscrupulous reporter for me. Do you understand what I mean?"

"cadres, please don't worry, leave it to us, meow!"

"Don't worry, we will do it smoothly."

"This person dares to spread rumors to cadres! I will never let him go! I must use my popularity as the best actress to resolve this matter!"

The three Rockets fools then went into the room to change their clothes. Five seconds later, three reporters dressed professionally appeared.

Bai Yi nodded, turned and left.

Anyway, apart from catching Pikachu, the Rocket Three idiots can do everything to be the best in the industry.

The doubles competition will continue. Bai Yi sent out Riolu today, and Kaoping continued to send out King Hippo in order to supplement the attacking surface.

Ash and Shinji followed the original plot and encountered a combination of Mongoose Slash and Metagross.

To put it bluntly, Shinji did indeed go too far today.

The little flame monkey is originally afraid of the mongoose. As a trainer, even if the training method is different, the obligation to help his elf overcome the fear in his heart remains unchanged.

Shinji just wanted to repeat the scene where the little flame monkey was forced to burst into flames by the mongoose.

The play style is quite chaotic.

In the end, just like the original plot, Shinji gave up the little flame monkey.

Facing the little Flame Monkey who walked into the woods alone, Xiaozhi extended a helping hand in time, and the powerful senior brother joined the team in the later stage.

Because the Rockets were sent out by Bai Yi to collect intelligence, they did not come out to assist this time.

However, Xiaozhi's sincerity still moved the little flame monkey.

On the other side of the Pokémon Center, Bai Yi met Shinji.

"Shinji, please wait a moment."

"Is there a problem?"

Shinji has always been polite to Bai Yi.

After all, I can't beat him.

"Actually, you are also looking forward to what results Little Flame Monkey and Xiaozhi will achieve together, right?"

"That's not the case, just two useless guys."

Shinji snorted and turned to leave.

After Shinji left, the three idiots of Team Rocket emerged from the woods.


"Thank you for your hard work, how's it going?"

Kojiro smiled slightly and handed the thick stack of paper to Bai Yi.

Bai Yi received the information from Rocket Three Fools' investigation and found that although the newspaper was not a small one, the things they did behind the scenes were not so upright.

He is good at all kinds of gossip and tidbits, so he has some popularity in the market.

After all, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. The geographical location and urban positioning of Yuanzhi City are destined to allow this kind of unscrupulous society to have room to survive.

However, due to the lack of sufficient credibility, once there is a problem in sending out news, what awaits this kind of newspaper will be disaster and crazy revenge that no one cares about.

"Ojiro, Miaomiao, you two come on."

Bai Yi called over Kojiro and Miaomiao, and chatted with the two guys.

Musashi curled his lips, really, the cadre is too much.

"A cadre, even if he has a low IQ, he won't hold a battle meeting without calling me, right?"

"Musashi, you misunderstood, you are the heroine this time!"

Bai Yi smiled slightly.

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